Forum Post: non-profit trading firm
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 5:07 a.m. EST by zulutango
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Look guys I don't know if this idea was brought up before but here's what you could do: if you believe that wall street firms make too much profits, gather some capital and create your own not-for-profit trading firm. This way you will eliminate the profits for other players in the market by offering services assets and the rock bottom price, or see if it can be done. So this firm would basically gradually accumulate capital and provide better deals in all asset classes, thus eliminating profits for profit-based traders, or keeping profits to what you think is reasonable. You might have to pay for top talent still though.. Might be hard to hire the equivalent of a top NBA player for cheap, but might get lucky with the whole non-profit motivation. Or in the process you might just realize why it cannot be done and why exactly Wall Street makes as much money as they do.
Or, if indeed there is so much money easily to be made, keep the profits and donate to "good" causes, such as creating jobs or whatever it might be.
bump, needs more visibility
I think this is a great idea! Really...
spread the word, talk to some rational people you know about it. it needs momentum to pick up but i think it can be pulled off.
goodbye, troll.
It's not any different from an idea of any other kind of not-for-profit fund raising or sales. Think a little..
It's absurd on it's face. The trading system IS the problem. You cannot fix it by joining it.
how exactly is it a problem? You are not proposing alternatives.. you want to have no currencies and go back to barter? Or you want everyone to grow food for themselves and have no trade??? wall street making profits simply means market is inefficient. Make it more efficient by taking away their profits.
Have you seen the movie DALLAS ?! Do you want to get rid of cunning people (J.R.)!? Do you think you can buy, with dirty money, a house or a yacht !? If so, vote for the petition: