Forum Post: NO-VOTE-Ultimate protest of big business in our nations capitol?
Posted 13 years ago on March 8, 2012, 5:02 p.m. EST by painethomasj
from Las Vegas, NV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What if we rally together everyone who: believes that big business in our nations capitol should be an extinct practice, that in this present age left or right wing doesn't matter anymore due to the puppeteering of corrupt politicians for personal corporate gain and oppression of the public by controlling our resources, our jobs, our credit, and our media; by petioning a non-vote admission to the ballot. The goal would be simple, a majority non-vote win would force the candidates to forfeit the presidential election race. With this being a strong public protest, electoral votes would not count and force Congress to take action into a complete reformation of our system back into one that our fathers envisioned. Any corporation funding the canditates campaigns through super-pacs and any corporation lobbying Congress would be held with extreme scrutiny by the Supreme Court until we as the people can truly decide who we deem fit to lead our nation, our people, and our future with fair and just cause for the benefit of mankind and all its people of the world through calculated technological and academic advances; not monetary and power advances - the sole purpose of why we fought for our freedom 236 years ago and why we as a nation should rise again to free ourselves from present and future, money and power oppression.
You must be working for the right wing, the very people who created this mess.
They want people to not vote, too, or at least render their votes meaningless.
Yeah, doing further harm is really helping. Jeez.
Your votes are "meaningless".You do not live in a democracy.Your leaders are preselected and given a script.And you will obey !
You may not live in a Democracy, but I do. And, since I would like to keep it that way and not take the chance of a more right wing Supreme court being appointed, I will exercise my hard won right to vote.
I will ALSO be an activist, since I have the ability to do both, like walk and chew gum at the same time.
Dream on shit for brains.
Go back under your stinky bridge, troll.
Go back to abusing children.
I would only abuse yours, but since we all know you can't reproduce, there is no danger.
Feel free to go fuck your sister again, though.
You do not have representation therefore no democracy.You have a false perception.Furthermore my Labradore can also walk and chew at the same time.Also is well fed and does OBEY.
Then your Labrador is smarter than you.
Four reasons to vote:
Four reasons to not vote if you want more of the same and much much worse:
For the independents (mostly pro-corporate) :
Ginsburg is about to retire. Maybe Breyer, too. If you don't think Romney, Santorum or their ilk will will try to pack the court with more right wingers like Alito, Roberts, et al, who will suppress your rights MUCH further by all means abstain. Even tough that would make you dumber that the gum your dog chews.
Dog does not chew gum.I may not be as smart as her.I am smarter than someone who participates in a riged system.I do not care who they select your rights have and will be trampled on.I will not call you names since that is rude and does not help anyone.
."I am smarter than someone who participates in a riged system"
Then you are its willing victim.
The court will participate in your life whether you choose to have a say in its makeup or not. Do you really think Citizens United would have decided as it was by Judges appointed by Gore if he had won? Tell me another one.
You must still belive that santa visits your house.
You must still believe that if you put your head in the sand, the lion won't eat you.
When you cross the street, do all the cars go away because you close your eyes?
I know the system in place and will not participate in a make belive fairy tail.Given two choices that are both the same and bad I abstain.I feel that crap is crap and by participating one enables a bad system to perpetuate itself.I think George Carlin had it correct in regards to this.Best of luck continue to do what you belive in.
You seem to be confusing legislation with the courts and court appointments. If you're talking about the former, I agree with you (mostly).
But if you're talking about court appointents, there are real, singnifant and critcally important differences. If you don't believe me, look at the decisions judges have made and then look at who appointed them. Look especially at the Supreme Court. Citizens United was a 5/4 split. All five of those deciding in favor were appointed by republicans. All four of those deciding against were appointed by Democrats. Look at the Walmart case: Same thing. Look at the death penalty cases: same thing. Look at the Arizona election public funding case: same thing. Look at the decision about Bush v Gore (the election) in 2000, Same thing. And in terms of other federal judges, only those appointed by a democratic president found in favor of the health care law.
All the way down the line, every case recent case that has been about civil rights, gerrymandering, elections, voter suppression, women's rights, corporate power, unions,: you name it, the difference is clear as black and white.
So your claim that both sides are the same is absolutely belied by the facts. You certainly have the right not to vote, based on your refusal to see the reality. But don't mistake that for insuring your best interests. And you have NO right to encourage others to join you in harming the cause.
When Ginsburg retires, if a Republican is in the White House, that court will no longer be 5/4, but 6/3 in favor of the 1%, and 1% only. If Breyer joins Ginsburg, that becomes 7/2, something the country would NEVER recover from. And that's a number that would take a generation to overcome. Such a court would feel free to strip us of our last rights to freedom of assembly, and there goes OWS: Poof!
Look at life time appointments.
Exactly. That's what judgeships are. And they are Very different depending on which president from party appoints them. THAT'S why voting is critical.
I'm a 28 year old cab driver, chef by trade living in Las Vegas, NV. Born in Glenwood Springs, CO. My family's name is signed on the Declaration of Independence while I have members of my family who fought in every single war since then.The only script here is the one written for the sake of our future two and a half centuries ago.
Well, 28 year old cab driver, grow up and get a brain. The declaration of independence was written and signed by people who fought to get you a vote, not to flush it down the toilet.
I'm telling you I am a citizen of America, and this is my voice.. I am not a robot. And in this day, our vote is null-in-void by the pockets of the rich, of which we need to gain control of our true rights as citizens of these states.
Really? Have you ever heard of a little-known institution called the Supreme Court? Have you looked at the voting record of its members? Do you know who appointed those members? Do you think that a Santorum or Romney will replace Ginsburg or Breyer or Kennedy, all of who may retire in the next four years, would appoint the same kinds of people Obama would? Do you think it really doesn't matter?
Yes, we absolutely must regain control of our rights. But handing the White House over to the right wing will accomplish the very opposite of that.
Where is our power as people and citizens of this country? What is our power? To sit back and blame either side continually? Or is it to focus ourselves, regain our rights as citizens and knock big business off it's pedestal of power. You are too quick to blame another side, I am registered Independent. Where is your will to fight on the basis of your rights? Instead of an impeding victory from Goliath?
You are blind if you don't see that the right wing is NOT the left wing. I am at least heartened by the thought that your "plan" can not be put into action this election cycle.
You sir, are blind. You are perplexed in a realm of wings. Break yourself and give your mind freedom to act on no side but your own. If you can only see one side of a paper when clearly there's a back to it then tear it in half, set them both down and take a deep breath because your are in a world that sees a straight line in a large circle.
That's right. Scalia is the same as Breyer. Robert is Ginsburg's twin. Black is white and up is down.
You are referring to people that have not served together and are also no longer in office? (Scalia and Breyer)
They are sitting Supreme Court justices. One voted for Citizens united and the other against it. These are the people who decide on the LAWS. in office 1982-1986 in office 1990-1994 Is this your correct statement?
That's them. They represent two poles on the Court. Do you really not know you serves on the highest, most powerful court in the nation?
But they are no longer in office.
They are serving THIS MINUTE. They are SITTING judges.
Wow, You really don't know who's on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. No WONDER you don't understand why their the right wing is pernicious, and is very different that the left. You don't know enough about who has the power.
Your ancestors must be spinning in their graves.
Who is to say that the ones appointing them are also corrupt? Can we reform our system? Are you saying that we don't have power over this?
Look at the court's voting record. The right wing has absolutely showed itself to be corrupt. The left has absolutely showed itself NOT to be.
I'm not talking about legislators, but the judges. They serve for LIFE, and are not in the same cash trap that the congress is in. And those judges are appointed by the President. Nearly ever judge appointed by a Republican president has ruled for laws in favor of corporations, the death penalty, against individual rights. Every appointment by a Democratic president in my lifetime (which is twice yours, btw) has ruled against the corporations, against the death penalty and in favor of individual rights. Still think there is no difference?
Didn't our fore fathers give us the power as people to overthrow our government if they became too powerful? Why have you seen the corruption unfold in the past and not done anything about it? You are saying that in the 60 years of your existence you sat back and watched Washington become powerful without attempting to intervene on their actions? Are you just sheep waiting to be led, or fed? You are weak. I'm saying I'm only 28 and more than willing to take up arms and fight for our nations capitol to become whole and just once again..
If it's the corporations that rule one party then it's the corporations that will have to stand trial for their actions. If it's the corporations that feed into a system for their personal gain, it is them will stand trial. Do you not see the point here? To occupy wall street with the statement that they have all the money and with it comes power, gives them the right to say they earned it. But the moment they turn that power into government they now control us and no ONE entity in the history or future of America can ever obtain that right.
You make some pretty hefty assumptions. First, that "taking up arms" will accomplish anything other than your death and a overwhelming popular backlash that would set reform back 50 years.
Second, that I haven't bee active. I did what i could, sometimes at the risk of my life. At one point, I needed the protection of the FBI as a result of my pro-labor activities. I have been beaten, threatened, fired, and had a contract put on my life as a result of my involvement with pro-worker issues. And some of it before you were even born. What have you done? Have you worked to get even one of the restaurants you worked in unionized? What risks have you taken?
And most people, frankly didn't realize that their livelihoods and democratic voice was being stripped away from them. They were either victims of the propaganda machines financed by the right wing or they were simply too busy working hard to survive and raise their families. Calling them sheep is an inaccurate and judgmental slur as far as I'm concerned. You yourself, despite your pride in your political ancestry, didn't even know who currently sits on the Supreme Court. Does that make you a Sheep? If others are, you are certainly among them.
The power of the people to overthrow their government was given to us by the founders in the form of voting. It was also given to us in the form of being able to sue the government. We also have the right to assemble peaceably and protest. Those are the three main mechanisms the founders provided.
Good job. As usual. And well said.
Starting to get scripted. Yeah?
Sure seems that way.
And do you really see that happening? I mean you really see that happening?
History is written by those who choose to take action in time of need and despair, by making drastic decisions and not conforming to the trends of the mainstream populous when it does not feel free to express the fullest extent in what we so rightly have. Do you see yourself a part of a revolution? I mean really, do you?
Again, how many people do you see not voting?
I never have, I leave it all to lemmings like you and Jesus.
I win regardless which side has the most votes.
Already, 38.4% of registered voters did NOT vote in 2008. That's only 11.6% behind the majority vote. The public is already disgraced by what goes on in the hill they they've already given up. Put the will back into the people.
There is a lot of will in the public.
It's not a matter of simply not voting, but putting a non-vote on the ballot because you as a voter feel that any of the candidates running is not fit to become our leader. How many people do you think already don't vote?
One giant step for negating implied consent and more
"Since the Second Continental Congress declared America's independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776, the United States government has sought to realize the fundamental principle on which our nation was founded: that ALL people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... ENSURE that no PERSON or GROUP would amass too much POWER, the founders established a government in which the powers to create, implement, and adjudicate laws were separated."
Where is the separation now? Please notice the emphasis' on this statement.
It is simply a matter of not voting. Every time that someone sends down this message of non-voting it is geared from the right. You have already voted simply by way of the electoral college.
Wouldn't a mass populous vote over rule electoral votes? Based on the decision that a non-vote declares the system corrupt?
Not every state goes by the popular vote.
In an event that there is a tie, or a low voter turn out, it goes to the electoral vote. My suggestion is to not just sit at home on election day but to be there, and cast a vote for no party, no candidate. The electoral votes would have to listen to the people when they say, "We don't want these politicians because they got here on dirty money."
I am not wasting a vote and what you are proposing is wasting a vote. And again there are states where you need 2/3 of the voters to override those already elected.
Me, myself and I refuse to work towards handing the reigns anymore than they already are to the uber Right wing.
So if we all cast a ballot, a vote for no party, no candidate - where does that leave us? No elected government. That equals anarchy. I'll pass.
The realistic likely outcome is the Republicans get more power to continue their wrath of destruction.
Your plan, somewhat interesting in theory, would only work by convincing the majority of the electorate to go along with this. And it would require convincing millions of Republicans! lol.
1 - Republicans don't want change. They have been brainwashed to believe the rich are the job creators and raising taxes will kill jobs. Trying to change these minds will take an extraordinary amount of time and effort. Do you have any idea what it will take to reverse 20 years of brainwashing?! This kind of deprogramming will not happen by November.
2 - see number 1.
I agree completely
Unless your strategy (and I'm being kind calling it that) results in a majority, all you do is strengthen the right wing asshole you want to perpetuate the status quo. The chances of that happening are ZERO.
Do you really think that the 1%ers are going to cast a no-vote because you do? Or do you think that maybe you are just making it easier for them to succeed?
Ideas like this hurt the 99% more than anything the right-wing fascist trolls on this forum do.
Isn't the goal to stand up against the 1% as a unified group? To say we've had enough of their greed? To stand up and take back the power to the people? Isn't this a democracy after all? Do we not have strength in numbers?
OWS is still in the MINORITY. That is the simply reality of it. Pushing an action that would only succeed if it wins a MAJORITY of the electorate, while ignoring that reality, hands power over to the right wing 1% on a silver platter. They wouldn't even have to work for it, since we would have simply given it to them.
Ignore reality at your own peril, but don't push to imperil the rest of us.
No stupid fcuk! You obviously suck at math as much as attempting to be human. 99% is a lot more than 1%.
I can show you the actual numbers but they are the bigger ones that you will likely not ever manage to learn.
OWS has the support of 99% of the people? And they will all vote as one unified block? WOO-HOO!
Now go back under your bridge, troll.
Well you ignorant boor, your bich ass alleges to be the 99% despite being told many different ways that no less than the upper 30% couldn't give two shits about you.
It's not so much your message, it's how YOUR present it, like gutter trash.
Classless dolt.
incest-ual pedophile faggot
Well, "faggot" is a word only bigots like you spew, And it is trailer trash like you who are known for fucking their sisters and brothers.
Can you say "Deliverance"? Squeal like a pig.
I understand you very well.
All the words you and your miserable band of inepts use are just fine.
Any words other use are against your delicate sensibilities and wrong, even when others use your words on you.
I'd tell you to grow up, but, there's no chance of that happening.
Right wing-left wing, they are both corrupted by the same businesses. To give power to either side is disaster. To give power to either side is handing it over, by believing ANY candidate in this day is handing over power blindly. Where are your resources coming from? Your food? Your energy? Your money? Businesses and corporations. Which have their greasy hands in the pockets of our capitol. Stop the elections and make them look you in the eye when you stand defiant against them and say, "We are the people, we are America, we are not your servants, we are children of this land. We have united against your polls, against your lobbyed legislative, against your actions to take over. Enough and we are here to stand against you."
Hear, Hear!!!