Forum Post: No trick, but Treat with a bonus!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 7:40 p.m. EST by mistere778
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ok. Now for a specific suggestion of action. As you all know Halloween is Monday and millions of middle class Americans witll be taking their kids out for trick or treat. What you should do is make a simple 81/2 x 11 flyer. It should say something like :
Of corporations outsourcing jobs while rewarding themselves with massive bonuses? Cuts in basic services such as police and fire protection and road maintenance while elected officials take another vacation? The Endless cycle of cynical election and re-election while nothing gets done? Of being out of work? Of losing your home? It's Time to Take America Back We Are the 99% - Join Us!
Now, make copies, fold it up, and on each piece of candy you give out Monday for Halloween use a rubber band and attach the note to the candy. Imagine how many will get the message then. This movement will only succeed when the middle class joins in mass. And on Halloween the best opportunity to appeal to the middle will ring your doorbell and shout "Trick or Treat" Give 'em one that wont make cavities, but will give them something to chew on. :)