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Forum Post: Abolish Chains and Franchises!!!...No more mass produced jobs...Abolish Chains!!!

Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 4, 2014, 8:22 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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No more mass produced jobs...Abolish Chains!!! *Service sector jobs are not jobs of the future ...they are the jobs of a corporate oligarchy. Abolish chains and franchises...period. These are monopolies. We need laws that will open the markets to every citizen. Butcher, baker, candlestick, hat maker. Currently, one family can own 74 stores making 10 million dollars per day for 9 family members to split and at the swipe of a merger lay off 25000 people. For that matter, one family decides the lives of 25000 people/ employees and far more than that in consumers . ( i will use Market Basket of New England as my example -for now i wont even discuss WalMart or the national chains) Why do we allow this? This not only limits consumer choice it limits competition and not only price sets products, it price sets jobs. Imagine instead a country with every family owning their own store, employing their own employees...if they treat them bad or raise prices too high ...we all get a choice to go elsewhere. Chains steal choice and cause a system of control...they are tying the hands of the citizenry by changing our government to benefit themselves and they are destroying the balance of our democracy.

They then accumulate enough wealth to buy and horde all our resources and sell them to us for ransom or to keep regular people from being able to step foot in the market...their conglomerated wealth forces rental rates through the roof and they have the ability to pay the local red tape tariffs which have also risen beyond the capability of a regular person to afford.. We cant get into the market and then we must essentially pay tolls to live because of the lack of choice we are forced to buy through them. Essentially corporations are succeeding our tax system and our government. Even worse they have infiltrated it by getting their own officials into office or on "regulation boards" and their lobbyists are changing our laws. Currently we have a supreme court that has been stacked to make and change laws to allow a seamless takeover. They are using our very system of democracy to take it over. Perhaps we need to bring them down to person size. One business for every man or woman. Direct responsibility, direct consequence. No subsidiaries or franchises. No mergers or buyouts. At a certain point the type of wealth they have accumulated is nothing but dangerous. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.



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[-] 4 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

I know how to create GOOD paying jobs...people who work for themselves do far better than people working for someone else. Would you rather fight for your wages...or set them? If conglomerates and chains were not hording the entire market...you could easily work for yourself. Or you could have a choice to work for a miser...or someone who is not. Service sector jobs suck because they are all owned by faceless shareholders who don't care if your child is sick and you can't afford the medicine...who don't care if your family can't see you on Holidays...they will never see your face or worry, they will never have to look into your eyes...they are a machine designed to take as much out of you for as little as they can...and your government is creating and endorsing this problem. They act proud to create more low paying slave wage jobs...when the truly good thing to do would be to step on the throat of chains and allow every American the chance to become an entrepreneur ...Service sector jobs are not jobs of the future ...they are the jobs of a corporate oligarchy.

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

I would rather regular pay so that I may pursue my work without worrying whether I will be able to pay rent

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

Rent would come down ...chains are pricing us out because they can afford so much...and we need to come down on landlord franchises/ realty trust corporations by permits and limiting/ regulating ...they are part of the problem....We need individual land ownership as well!

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

The fallout is we are left begging for better wages...and the government turns a blind eye while the go running for the money produced from hording the market...more laws...more power...more control...chains are a giant wrecking ball to our democracy which trample on all of our rights and we are supposed to thank them for our cheap labor. This is forced reliance instead of self reliance.

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

thank them for our cheap labor. This is forced reliance instead of self reliance.

"what america wants is job" old campaign one liner the 1936 german NAZI party used it

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

Yes jobs has become the great godhead for which we should be willing to sacrifice our children, our morals, and our democracy...corporations operate with fascism they are in absolute conflict with democracy.

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 10 years ago

Good post. Would like to see a million small businesses, rather than one corporation. Corporations have Curses Earth.