Forum Post: NO MORE helping troll post get hits! Only click posts that have actual message
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:26 a.m. EST by jameswestonmusic
from Los Angeles, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am sick of seeing Hate posts having 290 comments. Don't post on them. If they are immediately recognizable, let them go with 0 comments. Thank you
A true open debate contains all opinions, my friend. That would be a true democracy, wouldn't it? If you are confident in your POV then you shouldn't worry.
would it be considered a "debate" if i said, "hey, ondskap! your nothing but a waste of space, dirty hippie, and you need to leave America to the grown ups" (little did that person know, I am nether dirty, nor a hippie.)
agreed, except I think it is irrational to reply to a racist, hatred, sarcastic, and mindless post. It does zero good for people to waste their time on an online slappy fight with no one. And, it keeps their headline on top, which doesn't end up looking to intelligent. Keep in mind, I am only talking about a small percentage of nonsense posts. Not an actual debate. example - (get out of the city) post. not constructional.
The problem, in my opinion, is society denying intelligence. I remember reading a story about people in middle america praising the fact that Bush was, "a guy I could drink a beer with" Not necessarily the brightest bulb, but cool to hang out with. That was the president. The world saw it. I think this movement is speaking to a worldwide audience because it is intelligent at its foundation.
Take no ones word for it. Find the truth with the greatest resource for knowledge in history, the INTERNET. no more lies, right. sorry, went on a bit
I remind myself that those posts are few. I see many with ideas. Some I agree with, and some I don't. Yet I don't discredit their opinion unless it is entirely unfounded. Usually, I can tell by the post if it is worthy.
It is like that magazine at the store that says, "Abraham Lincoln was a robot" Come on people, we all know Abe wasn't a robot.
Yes, this forum should be for discussing the topics at hand. They keep posting on topics that aren't related at all and they are trying to link OWS with racism.
I agree completely. I'm learning a lot and seeing a lot of creative ideas for change. I recognize the posts by the trolls and skip right over them. Being angry is nothing but a useless waste of time.
Isn't it obvious, and don't you feel better enlightening yourself
Listen, I am NOT a Barack Obama fan anymore. He was a FAIL. And so will any other Dem or Rep that is hoping to get elected. They are part of the same corruption.
Socialism is a nice thought, but I believe in capitalism. Let me point out that capitalism is on life support right now. Might not exist at all any more. Look at 1933. FDR. I know you learned about that in school. Major moment in USA history. I want to focus on: Private Money in DC (that means not only Capitol Hill, but also Wall Street.) Corporate taxes and loopholes Term Limits and the Electoral Process Environmental Reform
Just arrow down... CLick click goose
is that like Duck Duck Goose.. that game is awesome!
ondskap, they arent intereste din debates posts lik "you are too lazy to get a job" and "illunminati lizards will destroy you" are just to disrupt things here.
everyone, dont respond to trolls anymore
exactly, let those posts fall into the abyss
If everyone clicked -1 point on those comments they sink to the bottom, right? People shouldn't have to be convinced to ignore stupid comments.