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Forum Post: No Matter How Hard We Protest, One Thing Is For Certain...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 7:50 p.m. EST by Chromer (124)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

No matter how hard we protest, one thing is for certain. The jobs are not coming back any time soon. Things are going to get a lot worse, before they get any better, so you better do some hard thinking about what is important and get ready for the long haul. You can't create jobs out of thin air and no matter what laws are implemented you will never get the corporations to start investing in the U.S., as long as their is cheap labor overseas and no moral or ethical compulsion to help the average worker in the U.S. I mentioned in another thread that just in Ohio alone, 38% of their manufacturing base has moved over seas. And that's Just one State. The jobs are gone, gone, gone, and they are not coming back. All the government has been doing for the last ten years is damage control by inflating other industries and starting a couple wars, but their bag of tricks is almost empty.



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[-] 1 points by CitizenJames (6) 13 years ago

Do nothing at all and nothing at all will change!

[-] 1 points by CitizenJames (6) 13 years ago

Do nothing at all and nothing at all will change!

[-] 1 points by Chromer (124) 13 years ago

I'm not saying do nothing. I'm just saying that you can't change overnight what took 30 years to create. It's going to get tough. And their are a lot of powerful people out there with a lot of money. And there are going to be a lot more angry people in the streets. I see them everyday at the gas stations, grocery stores, etc. It's every where and the problems we have are just starting to pick up steam.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

They are the reason manufacturing has gone overseas. The government that is. It's too expensive for it to be done here anymore. It's hard to even blame the government when it seems they just did what the people wanted in protecting the environment to the point that it's just too expensive to make things here anymore. I'm no corporate shill but let's realize where the problem really lies.