Forum Post: No job? Join the Army.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 1:25 p.m. EST by Coreupt
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
536 people make federal laws. Reason dictates that if they wanted something, like lower unemployment, greater equality, cheaper oil... it would be done. The unemployment rate is maintained so that citizens will opt for military service instead of standing in the unemployment line. They need people to fight their wars and with no jobs the military starts to look like a good choice.
Good point. Why bother instituting a formal draft when poverty creates the conditions for a de-facto draft?
Spot on!!! I don't know how many times young people have told me they joined the military because there were no other options.
Great post! Although I disagree ... it is definitely an angle that I have not thought of :)
I don't know if this would be a good idea or not, and whether it would benefit our cause, but I was thinking of trying to reach the soldiers in other countries, as well as ours that are out there, to refuse to be a part of the military and to come home?
Idk if that's stupid or not..Constructive criticism?
Couldn't agree more. Boycott the military!
Yes! I'm very sure that soldiers are privy to social media at certain times, wherever they may be. Hopefully we cna reach them or already have.
The armed forces are actually the most socialist thing in our government.
Please explain.
Well, technically it IS a social service. And I'm not taking sides here, just stating facts. The conservatives are in favor of a smaller gov't, yet they demand more and more money for the worlds largest armed forces. The armed forces are funded by the government, from our taxes.
I fail to see how the military is a social service considering other social services such as public schools, the DOT or USPS which provide theoretically equal services for the population. The agenda of the military is to further the agenda of it's masters. The only correlation that I see is that it is funded with tax payer money but so are banks now-a-days. And I agree, there is blatant hypocrisy in the conservative issues you describe.
Right, I'm not saying it's the Red Army, but it's still a service, albeit a far reaching one, of the government just like the DOT. They're all departments of the gov't (Department of Transportation, Department of Defense). The military just happens to be the largest gov't service. And btw, the USPS is actually an independent agent of the US Government. It's just outlined in the constitution that we need a postal service. It's run like any other company and has no specific department.
Join the Army for 7.00 an hour? And to get shot at for some politicians get rich scheme?
Um... I think you misinterpreted the post. Read again with a cynical eye.
I would rather contribute to society by selling drugs... good thing those are kept illegal
You'll pay no taxes of your profits so at least you wont be contributing financially to the war machine.
I am to old to join the military, you need to be under 32 in most cases, I am 44, so out of luck!
Um... I think you misinterpreted the post. Read again with a cynical eye.
This is why veterans are needed in this movement to insure real change. Want to send a powerful message get thousands of former soldiers trained in the art of war behind you. No I don't advocate violence at all but it adds some muscle that is currently lacking here. I am sure that this cause would be well received by veterans that even though they were lied to about what they are fighting for believe that personally they fought for freedom and not corporate profits. Besides show me a politician that would try and stop veterans from protesting. That would put them at odds with trying to get people to join up.
You may have seen this video of a US Marine yelling at the NYPD about police brutality, and that he didn't fight in Iraq so they could hit peaceful protesters.
Good video.
Yeah, that made me all full of piss and vinegar. The vets coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan can't find jobs. They have every right to be angry. I saw some down at the protest.
How can we get this done?
lol - yeah a bunch of old, fat, americans who cant even do a pushup joining the army - very daunting to our enemies.
I think your missing the intended cynicism.
Great point but....they now hire foreign nationals to work for the private profits of the Military Industrial complex!
But you'd think they would loosen the restrictions on getting in, Ive wanted to join all my life and keep getting rejected for petty things.
Thank your lucky stars. Why did you want to join?
Family Tradition... :/ just raised with the values of discipline. Was convinced I could accel there more than in any other field.....and at the time I was naive and thought it was patriotic and was for a good cause.
Glad you to stopped the tradition.
When the rich wage war, it's the poor that die.
Only problem is the military is getting more strict about who they're letting in now. They've even begun kicking people out of the National Guard and Reserves because most units are over strength in their personnel numbers.
We don't need a strong national guard when our wars are fought overseas. Those turned away from the NG will likely enlist in another branch of the military.
We need a strong National Guard for natural disasters on our home turf. We are supposed to be dedicated to helping and protecting the people. Can't do that when they've got us fighting a meaningless war. As far as going active duty,well, the service can only have so many people before they go over budget. They have to have housing, food, supplies and still get paid. Servicemen and women only make up 10% of our country's population. Imagine if that number jumped to 50% especially since each soldier costs about $10,000 just for basic training alone.
We need a strong National Guard for natural disasters on our home turf. We are supposed to be dedicated to helping and protecting the people. ---I agree.
Can't do that when they've got us fighting a meaningless war.--- Meaningless for whom? For some war has purpose.
As far as going active duty,well, the service can only have so many people before they go over budget.---Who is "the service". The "budget" is self determining.
They have to have housing, food, supplies and still get paid. Servicemen and women only make up 10% of our country's population.--- Only 10%! that's 40million people.
Who is "the service" - The service is an easier way of saying Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corp. Guess I could have said the military. My mistake.
The "budget" is self determining. - It's self determining to a point. Active duty gets a federal budget that can be raised or lowered depending on whether or not the country is at war or not. It also depends on the political agenda of the government at the time. As far as the money being spent, well, equipment is bought from the manufacturer who has the smaller amount of zeroes on their bill. Same thing with food and buildings on military posts. When we first got into the "war on terrorism" we had soldiers getting in trouble for welding pieces of metal on the doors and other areas of their humvees because the armor was too inferior to withstand enemy fire. Those men faced courts martial because they were "tampering with government property" when in actuality they were trying to keep their fellow soldiers from getting killed. As far as government budget for National Guard, it is based on the state's budget for which they serve. Our budget got cut drastically and my current unit can hardly afford to order new equipment and parts for the vehicles we repair. Soldiers are part of the 99% too, its just that most don't realize it unless they've gotten the shaft from the military or Department of Veteran's Affairs.
Only 10%! That's 40 million people - My apologies, the amount of the American population that are in the military is actually less than 1%.
The agenda of the military is to serve those who sustain it. While tragic beyond words casualties are planned for because it provides justification to continue the war.
This is very true. We train to try and keep as many of our soldiers alive as possible while deployed but in the bigger scheme of things everyone in the military, unless they have a Master's Degree or higher, is expendable and the government could care less.
Actually, they couldn't care less.
And those nasty bloody wars will get other corrupted leaders of men throwing business back at US rich shareholders.
Do you propose a solution to the madness?
Isn’t fighting someone else’s war for benefits and profits considered being mercenary? What if you get hurt?
Poverty is achieved through premeditated inflation by the fed, the actually amount of currency allow to be in circulation. Example: High interest rates less currency flow and Lower interest rates higher currency flow. Capitalism is ultimate control.
Rabble Rabble!!! Look at the tag on your shirt. Where was it made? Think about the conditions underwhich the person who made your shirt likely works. The truth is that that person is your slave and you are someonelse's slave. Money blinds us from this reality. Until we fight for the rights of all of humanity we will continue to be a part of problems that OWS is protesting. By endorsing capitalism we enable slavery. The solution is the dissolution of capitalism.
makes scene, war is good for business.
Soldier is not a job, it's a vocation-calling and not everyone can afford and consenting it...
Call it what you will. Keeping unemployment high increases enlistings.
So you haven't the choice ? Work or die, it's a choice, but I hope that you will have never to do this choice...
We all have a choice. But the cohoice should not be work for the military or die. I think that you misunderstand the post. The unemployment rate is being intentionally maintained at 10% so that more people will enlist in the military so that the government can continue their war.
Exactly, an military internet formation of our investment and purchasing power, Exactly, which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Remember that any candidate, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet; it's the STRATEGY that the people organize themselves behind, in military internet formation, that's important. Read and think critically about the 1st link and join the 2nd link and you'll see exactly what I mean.
Check this out. It might open some eyes.
The global financial system is A LIE. They enforce it under violent threat. The engineered collapse is a pretext to WWIII.
This rotten system can never be reformed. It is based on violent domination. The evilest, sickest, most heartless dictate what and what doesn't have value. They do not care about money. They make the rules. They intend to re-organize the slave camps (countries) and eliminate a large portion of the population through a world war.
WWIII is the goal. The financial system is rigged and participation is enforced through violent domination. They are collapsing the system by design as a pretext for WWIII.
WAKE UP AND DEMAND PEACE NOW! Peace IS Prosperity! World wide peace movement now.
Technology is the impetus for the dawning of the new era. For the first time all of humanity can instantaneously communicate on a global scale. We can control our birth rate with the use of safe effective birth control. We have the resources to feed and house the world’s population. Most all human suffering is manmade or worsened by greed and lack of empathy. Technology has also given us the ability choose our destiny. We can continue the current trajectory: depletion of resources, growing inequalities and war. Or, we can choose a new way.
The path to enlightenment, equality, and sustenance is attainable with a united movement. Part of that movement is time bank. Time bank is a network of humanity. Organized on line. Completely transparent. All inclusive. Hour in. Hour out. That’s it. No person’s hour is more or less valuable than another.
A worldwide time bank can be started now. With enough participation it can catalyze the transition from the current corrupt monetary system to a society where money is irrelevant and each person is valued. Fear and greed will paralyze this movement. Hope and imagination can propel it.
Time is the Substance from which I am made. – Jorge Luis Borges
In a true economy NO ONE can enforce participation. PEACE is PROSPERITY. Technological application and advancement is controlled by MONEY which in turn is controlled by Violent Domination. You cannot trick our Masters into freedom. You must confront them and reveal them by demanding PEACE through non-compliance and non-support or participation in war or any kind of violence. This is the ONLY threat to their system of control. There should be NO confusion about who controls technological advancement or money. Those with the biggest guns who enforce the dollar's value through violence and murder.
Peace is Prosperity. In an economic model which emerges from PEACE you will see technological advancement beyond anything we have seen or imagined. There will be no limits as the need to accumulate paper will not exist, pure creativity will bring about amazing technology without the hindrance of profit or profit loss.
But how do we do that. When we pay taxes, which is enforced by law, our money goes to the military. The only solution is to stop working for money.
Or start working for Peace!
Have the military join in on the Peace movement... the only way they can do that is by feeling safe and feeling empowered by the bravery of others Demanding Peace. Our political leaders and people in our military are slaves just like us. They have no freedom. They are dominated by violence and forced to chase dollars in search of freedom.
But hey not saying you are wrong. If everyone gets over the fear now and opts out.. You are right.. so long as the time and energy is directed back into the true economy of Peace everything will work out. And all that means is opt out because you believe in Peace and a real future, not because we hate the system.
No Job, join the occupation and do something about it
I have 2 jobs. I volunteer a lot. That's my contribution. Technology is the impetus for the dawning of the new era. For the first time all of humanity can instantaneously communicate on a global scale. We can control our birth rate with the use of safe effective birth control. We have the resources to feed and house the world’s population. Most all human suffering is manmade or worsened by greed and lack of empathy. Technology has also given us the ability choose our destiny. We can continue the current trajectory: depletion of resources, growing inequalities and war. Or, we can choose a new way.
The path to enlightenment, equality, and sustenance is attainable with a united movement. Part of that movement is time bank. Time bank is a network of humanity. Organized on line. Completely transparent. All inclusive. Hour in. Hour out. That’s it. No person’s hour is more or less valuable than another.
A worldwide time bank can be started now. With enough participation it can catalyze the transition from the current corrupt monetary system to a society where money is irrelevant and each person is valued. Fear and greed will paralyze this movement. Hope and imagination can propel it.
Time is the Substance from which I am made. – Jorge Luis Borges
Any alternate system you attempt to create will be destroyed by the violent Masters who enforce their own system. THEY must be called out directly. Once they are revealed their system will collapse under the weight of non-compliance. No one will participate in it with full realization of how it works. Everyone IS afraid. Everyone sees what they do in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and it keeps them inline.. begging for reform scraps. We need to unite and DEMAND PEACE NOW. Those opposed to peace will out themselves in an attempt to destroy it. This will wake up the rest of the Good people in this world and a new era of Peace will follow. A new economy will emerge naturally and organically without resistance.
Is there an url where I can learn more?
I only watched about 3 minutes of the Democrats being blamed and Demonized
Figured it was just an elaborate propaganda piece designed to influence people to vote against their own best interest once again using fear
If I kept watching would I have seen Republican villians also
I watched more is the message somethng like this
A governmental system led by a shadow board of wealthy corporatists, who have almost complete power through the façade of Democracy and the controlling of the message through ownership of all major media. They subtly suppress opposition and criticism; control all industry, commerce, etc. They emphasize an aggressive nationalism, while demonstrating a lack of patriotism through the systematic transference of jobs into the global domain. They protect their interests through the court systems up to the Supreme Court that bases its decisions on what’s best for the board
So what are we to do?
In my opinion, what needs to be done is a “process” not a thing. I believe the answers will come (and will be glaring) as long as we continue the “journey” to end corporate corruption and collusion with the government.
As soon as we get over focused on the “Destination” we lose the forward momentum, creativity and insight to reach it.
The Journey is where you “find” the unknown path that leads to your unknown “destination”
Right now OWS is the vehicle
Another solution: Technology is the impetus for the dawning of the new era. For the first time all of humanity can instantaneously communicate on a global scale. We can control our birth rate with the use of safe effective birth control. We have the resources to feed and house the world’s population. Most all human suffering is manmade or worsened by greed and lack of empathy. Technology has also given us the ability choose our destiny. We can continue the current trajectory: depletion of resources, growing inequalities and war. Or, we can choose a new way.
The path to enlightenment, equality, and sustenance is attainable with a united movement. Part of that movement is time bank. Time bank is a network of humanity. Organized on line. Completely transparent. All inclusive. Hour in. Hour out. That’s it. No person’s hour is more or less valuable than another.
A worldwide time bank can be started now. With enough participation it can catalyze the transition from the current corrupt monetary system to a society where money is irrelevant and each person is valued. Fear and greed will paralyze this movement. Hope and imagination can propel it.
Time is the Substance from which I am made. – Jorge Luis Borges
Maybe if you reply rather than keep posting the same thing you could generate a dialogue. You know an exchange of ideas, that sort of thing.
Something like that yea.
There are several time banks in existence. There is also a Wikipedia site. I am in the process of getting a developer to make a website that everyone can use but servers are expensive. Got any ideas?
It may not be as expensive as you think. I started building and hosting websites 20 years ago, but I am still an amature
Buy expression web 4.0 and buy the book that has the CD. Learn how to build you own site, Site developers can be crazy expensive and there will be constant tweaking with something like you are talking about
Get a domain name and host your proto type with somebodly like Go Daddy. This very cheap $50-$60 a year and a good way to wade in.
After you get it going you can then make adjustments for your growth
I am sure there are others that may have a better way but that's what I do
"Reason dictates..." They are not in office to do what they want, but to represent the will of the people they represent. If what you say is true, that those in power are deliberately keeping unemployment high so that we are inclined to join the military, why should we play into their hands and "fight their wars?" Why sign up for slavery to their system instead of resisting that system; anyone who is dissatisfied with the current status quo should be against joining their military at any cost.
I couldn't agree more. The truth is they are all absolutely corrupt beyond repair. Money=power=corruption absolutely.
I think it would be helpful to make your position more clear in the initial post-- for example, some readers might misread what you're saying as encouragement to actually join the military, rather than a satirical dismissal of the same. I for one was not sure which you intended (and I think alwayzabull actually thinks you are on the side of joining the military).
Yeah he kind of missed the point. I didn't.
They will also begin expanding the police force because those in power want to maintain the status quo.
A police state is just around the corner
Do you propose a solution?
Get rid of money in politics first. Get rid of corporatism.
Then people can begin hearing and applying real solutions to real problems in the world without corporate media manipulation.
A lack of jobs isn't the problem. The problem is we are forced to obtain jobs in order to obtain money. And money is required in order to survive in the current system. This is due to the fact that money is the current accepted form of distributing necessary goods/services.
Yet we have technologies such as automation and cybernation now which are performing the same jobs people used to occupy much more efficiently. These machines are creating abundance but also taking away many peoples jobs because they are more 'profitable' in this system.
If these technologies were applied specifically to provide sustainable abundance directly to all people, we wouldn't need to force people into jobs. Over 70% of the necessary jobs right now could be replaced by machines. All the remaining occupations required would be purely voluntary.
Another solution: Technology is the impetus for the dawning of the new era. For the first time all of humanity can instantaneously communicate on a global scale. We can control our birth rate with the use of safe effective birth control. We have the resources to feed and house the world’s population. Most all human suffering is manmade or worsened by greed and lack of empathy. Technology has also given us the ability choose our destiny. We can continue the current trajectory: depletion of resources, growing inequalities and war. Or, we can choose a new way.
The path to enlightenment, equality, and sustenance is attainable with a united movement. Part of that movement is time bank. Time bank is a network of humanity. Organized on line. Completely transparent. All inclusive. Hour in. Hour out. That’s it. No person’s hour is more or less valuable than another.
A worldwide time bank can be started now. With enough participation it can catalyze the transition from the current corrupt monetary system to a society where money is irrelevant and each person is valued. Fear and greed will paralyze this movement. Hope and imagination can propel it.
Time is the Substance from which I am made. – Jorge Luis Borges
Technological advancement is controlled by our Violent masters the same as the financial system is. You cannot have an alternate system because if it garners any attention it will be shutdown, the participants will be imprisoned or killed.
You must address the problem directly. We are enslaved and forced into a system of violence under threat of death or imprisonment. Our violent masters have engineered the collapse of their rigged system as a pretext to WWIII. WWIII serves the express purpose of re-organization of the global slave camps (countries) and a mass kill off. Our Masters are not concerned with Money. They are separate from it. It is merely a tool of oppression they've created for us. It is like cigarettes in a prison. With the cigarettes you can get a magazine, drugs, sex. What you can never get is freedom. Because the prison guards supply the prisoners with the cigarettes.
Demands will never be enough. Action is the key. Reality is that the fed is to too powerful to bring down. Even if each person in the 99% put forth half their income we couldn't match the feds political buying power. Trying to elect a leader with a grass roots effort is futile because we are a nation intentionally divided. The system in irreversibly and absolutely corrupt. The fed is designed to be indestructible. Money=power=corruption The only solution is to remove money from the system thus equalizing all. The truth is that society is afraid of true equality.
Demanding Peace is action. It is that easy. It has NEVER failed when it has been implemented properly.
It's not about buying power. It's about murdering power. It is about VIOLENT DOMINATION. That is what is behind the value of a dollar. It is not coincidence that the US dollar is the world's reserve currency, and the US has the largest most violent and ruthless military in the world, having killed over a million people in the last 8 years.
Money is for slaves. Our violent masters created it as a credit system to buy comfort to make up for total lack of TRUE freedom. When you live under threat of violence, you are not free at the most fundamental level. The rigged system is enforce under threat of violence or imprisonment. Because of this, attempting to reform it is a red herring. attempting to opt out violently is exactly what they want. They INTEND for war. They MAKE war. It is what they do. It's like cows trying to produce to much milk to destroy the system and get freedom. Makes no sense.
You cannot remove money. But you can demand Peace and declare non-participation of all war and violence. If people fall into violence they enslave themselves into violence..
They have engineered the collapse as a pretext for WWIII. Any violence or uprising is part of the engineered plan.
Yeah, but even still, I have a friend who was rejected from the army for no real reason. And I was rejected from ROTC. But there is a legit reason for that... diabetes.
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence at all. Statistics matter. Diabetes is expensive to treat and if the military took people with chronic illness they'd have to pay for their treatment. Its not just cause they don't want to deal with DKA in the field.
"There are three types of lies; lies, damed lies, and statistics." - Mark Twain.
I know, that's why I said diabetes was a legit reason.
I would agree there is merit to this, except there are many individuals far to old to join that are effected by this.
They are collateral damage. They only need a fraction of would be unemployed to man the military.
There is some merit to this idea.
Thanks. Spread it.
It requires work, how dare you suggest that!
Oh how funny..I get you now. You actually think that I am advocating joining the military. Ha Ha. The posting is meant to be satirical but satire doesn't transfer well when written.
What requires work? The military? Uh yeah I know. Why is this such a preposterous notion to you?
Army is no good. We don't generate enough casualties with all our wars to thin the herd. We have too much of a technical edge, so we do more with much much less.
We need to bring back the days of Vietnam where we just throw bodies at problems.
"Kinky Sex Makes The World Go 'Round"
Greetings:This is the Secretary of War at the State Department of the United States We have a problem. The companies want something done about this sluggish world economic situation
Profits have been running a little thin lately and we need to stimulate some growth Now we know there's an alarmingly high number of young people roaming around in your country with nothing to do but stir up trouble for the police and damage private property. It doesn't look like they'll ever get a job It's about time we did something constructive with these people We've got thousands of 'em here too. They're crawling all over
The companies think it's time we all sit down, have a serious get-together- And start another war The President? He loves the idea! All those missiles streaming overhead to and fro Napalm People running down the road, skin on fire
The Soviets seem up for it: The Kremlin's been itching for the real thing for years. Hell, Afghanistan's no fun
So whadya say? We don't even have to win this war. We just want to cut down on some of this excess population
Now look. Just start up a draft; draft as many of those people as you can. We'll call up every last youngster we can get our hands on, hand 'em some speed, give 'em an hour or two to learn how to use an automatic rifle and send 'em on their way
Libya? El Salvador? How 'bout Northern Ireland? Or a "moderately repressive regime" in South America? We'll just cook up a good Soviet threat story
in the Middle East-we need that oil We had Libya all ready to go and Colonel Khadafy's hit squad didn't even show up. I tell ya That man is unreliable.
The Kremlin had their fingers on the button just like we did for that one Now just think for a minute-We can make this war so big-so BIG The more people we kill in this war, the more the economy will prosper
We can get rid of practically everybody on your dole queue if we plan this right. Take every loafer on welfare right off our computer rolls Now don't worry about demonstrations-just pump up your drug supply. So many people have hooked themselves on heroin and amphetamines since we took over, it's just like Vietnam. We had everybody so busy with LSD they never got too strong. Kept the war functioning just fine It's easy.
We've got our college kids so interested in beer they don't even care if we start manufacturing germ bombs again. Put a nuclear stockpile in their back yard, they wouldn't even know what it looked like
So how 'bout it? Look-War is money. The arms manufacturers tell me unless we get our bomb factories up to full production the whole economy is going to collapse The Soviets are in the same boat. We all agree the time has come for the big one, so whadya say?!?
That's excellent. We knew you'd agree The companies will be very pleased.
Dead Kennedys
Its called Punk - not cynical.
I heart punk!
Except that the military is not in need of 25 million people at the moment. Andbutplus the Congress can't make more oil, so there's that.
Collateral damage.
Hilariously cynical. Wars do stimulate the economy like nothing else, it's true.
Except the most recent one...
You must not work in cruise missiles. Or autonomous robots. Or satellite communications systems. Or combat information systems. Or heavily armored troop transport vehicles. Or aerial drones. People who make aerial drones have been pretty busy lately.
They profited from that, but the economy didn't. My point is that war is not necessarily good for the economy anymore.
Except when they wreck it, sure.
Wars put people to work. And without them, we wouldn't have nuclear weapons. Or Twinkies.
If you loose the war, you end up having to pay the bill.....
Nobody can spot sarcasm? "Twinkies"? Really?
You're a moron. If the economy is measured in terms of value, how does taking value to build bombs, then blowing the bombs up somewhere else stimulate the economy? This is the kind of nonsense bullshit they tell you in school. It defies logic.
War DOES put people to work, and you know why? Because government spending goes up. If government spending goes up, where do they get the money from? Either by running a deficit or taking from the populace. At best, At the very fucking best, war is a zero sum game, and this is accounting for no lost resources. All the money, which is exchanged value, built into a bomb and blown up is LITERALLY blown up.
War is good for the economy like a wrecking ball is good for your house.
You're kind of missing the point of the humor in this whole post by taking it so seriously. Which, in itself, is pretty funny.
Missed your tone of voice in the typing.
To add further, we're in how many wars and our economy is shit? So we need more wars to pull us out?
Ok, how did the Iraq war help our economy again? How did Genghis Khan's war against the Bulgarians improve their society? YOu know what, it doesn't matter. I'm finished with this subthread, no offensive, it's academic at worst. You're 100% right. Have a nice day.
G.W.B is quoted as advising the president of a South American country to go to war to stimulate his economy. Also during the height of the Irac war military stocks drove the DOW to its highest rating in history 1400+. Oh, and Genghis Khans empire was tremendously enriched by going to war. Actually getting riches was the point of going to war in the old days. You gained peoples stuff their food supply, their land, their women and lots of slaves too. Peace is a luxury byproduct of wealth
For the conquerors. Not for everyone. And in Iraq, we were hardly conquerers. Halliburton, perhaps, but that didn't exactly stimulate the US economy, for if it had, we would not have the biggest economic failing this country has seen in 60 years, right?
The economic failing was due to lacks/ negligent regulation going up at least as high as the the FED. In Iraq we did cease all the oil fields and auctioned them off to private American companies. We also wrote a Zero corporate tax policy into the new constitution we wrote for them. A constitution that did not even have to be written because they had a pretty good one on the shelf from before Saddam's reign.
Every time the US military blows something up with a bomb, an angel in a munitions factory gets its wings. Companies that make digital satellite radios and fighter jets and aircraft carriers pay their employees, who feed their babies.
Then why are so many people not at all basking in the post-war bonanza that you were trying to convince me of? I fear you mistake a warprofiteer's profit for a good economy.
War only works in that manner when it's big enough that the entire society must pitch in. World War II helped pull us out of the Depression because it required a degree of productive capacity behind it that we would not have without full employment. It pulled the traditional backbone of the workforce (able-bodied males 18-45) out to the front lines while at the same time demanding tons of guns, bombs, airplanes, tanks, etc. that required full factories to produce.
This was decidedly NOT the case in Iraq and Afghanistan; both wars are small enough in scale that our peacetime standing army could fight them and our peacetime standing defense industry could supply them. Thus, there was no significant drain on the workforce to create a labor shortage, and there was no need for extra factories (which, by the way, are very expensive to set up) to employ additional people.
Because the defense industry had gotten easy money for few tangible results for quite a while (Star Wars, anyone?), and could handle these wars on its own with existing capacity, they went about it in quite a sloppy manner, both in terms of DoD contracts (Lockheed Martin's new fighter jet) and on the ground (Blackwater). That in turn produces the disconnect between the defense industry and the economy you see here.
I fail to see a disconnect between the DOD and the economy. The US has a war economy.
I was answering Bootsy's question about why Afghanistan and Iraq didn't benefit the economy or the country. For a war to actually help the economy three conditions must be fulfilled:
1) It has to be big enough that a large number of troops are pulled from the workforce rather than the existing standing army
2)It also has to be big enough that munitions and supplies are produced at a rate requiring near full employment
3)Little to none of the actual fighting occurs on our soil so that there is little to no real damage to our infrastructure,
World War II met all three conditions, whereas Afghanistan and Iraq fail at (1) and (2) and therefore did us no good.
Still, very good for defense contractors.
Right, and do the bidding of the NWO while being subjected to vaccinations and various other forms of experimentation(depleted uranium) etc. The should join their state guards instead.
Does this smack of imperialism? Our government uses our military and/or police force to usurp human rights in other nations, take people's lands and resources, kill leaders of the resistance, and fund government leaders who put their people under tyranny so the 1% can feed their insatiable greed? Our industrial war machine needs to supply nations around the world to sustain their profits. We supply nations like Iraq with bombs, guns and mines, only to send our own citizens to be killed by the guns we supplied. Taxpayers fund the likes of Black Water. We claim our militarism is just because we want to democratize and bring justice to other nations. Really? We don't even afford this to our own citizens. Do Americans really believe that imperialists care about justice? Do we really believe the military arm of imperialism isn't going to happen to us? If so, we are the blind being led to slavery and slaughter. Justice anyone?
Spot on. Thanks for being awake. Financial reform is pointless. The entire apparent world is dominated and controlled by money (US dollar specifically) and the global financial system, which in turn is enforced by violent domination. Our Masters are not concerned with money. It's just a tool they use in our enslavement. Prison credits to get things done inside the prison camp. They own and operate the rigged financial system.. So when it appears to be collapsing you know it is engineered. But why? WWIII. They are collapsing the global financial system as a pretext to WWIII. WWIII will be used to re-organize the global slave system and kill off a few billion. WE CHASE MONEY. They enforce it's false value with brutal violence.
Demand PEACE NOW. PEACE is Prosperity.
Hear! Hear! I am a pacifist, and over the past decade, an economic justice activist as I see a direct relationship between war and economics. History evidences that the two highest correlates of war are resources and religion. In most instances of war imperialism and religion are strange bed fellows, but they want the same thing. Domination of humanity. If we have 100 units of resources and we direct 22% of those resources to war efforts, what does that leave to take care of the needs of humanity? As world population grows the 78% left over will not be enough to support populations around the world. What are the potential implications? It doesn't bode well for humankind.
"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."
"Action expresses priorities. " Gandhi
Peace for posterity.
Yes yes indeed! Our understanding of resources has been so perverted by the imposed world view of accumulation and kill or be killed that we fail to see that each of us is an INFINITE resource. We have no idea how absolutely effective and useful we will be under a natural environment of Peace. We live in fear of death and violence, we struggle to survive in a world where TRUE freedom seems impossible. We chase dollars hoping to buy freedom but knowing it's a lie. The earth would light up under Peace. Lack of resources is a lie imposed on us. Peace for prosperity.. And peace IS prosperity! Peace to you!
Let us be the small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission to alter the course of history.
Where shall we start. I am working on building a time bank website that the world can use. Can you start a time bank in your area?
I promise to check it out @coreupt. I just can't imagine having the ability to focus on another economic model while i am demanding Peace under the threat of death and violence to me and my family. Please take no offense.. but we are in a critical time. Nothing can be nurtured while freedom does not exist. Another system cannot compete with one whose participation is enforced under threat of violence, death or imprisonment. Once world wide peace has been established then sure. Could be good.