Forum Post: No Endorsements for the Failed American Political System
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 8:18 p.m. EST by tympan55
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American politicians are too comfortable with the status quo to make any meaningful changes. They are relentless in their attacks upon each other because that is their bread and butter. Given the opportunity to make real change they would become stupefied because they are unable to recognize that they themselves are the problem. Each party is as bad as the other. They are bottom feeders feeding off each others' bottoms.
American politicians have taken the world’s greatest economy to the brink of failure. They have handed over our magnificent manufacturing colossus that took two centuries to create to our enemy. They have allowed the hard working Americans’ tax dollars to be turned into a piggy bank for their cronies.
American politicians are interested in only one thing- their careers. If they are not thinking about getting re-elected, they are thinking about that lucrative job in the private sector. They will write legislation and regulations favorable to an industry in order to curry favor with that industry. In this respect perhaps the most successful American politician of all time is a former Vice President who will remain nameless.
American politicians are leaving an indelible liability on our nation. As the fabric of American society implodes, America is left vulnerable in the increasingly competitive environment of the global economy. Given time, American will take on the putrescence of its leaders, to be lanced like a boil.
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