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Forum Post: No Cure for Cancer- and That's the Way They Want It.

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 3, 2012, 11:46 p.m. EST by LetThemEatCake (43) from New York, NY
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Here's what's real- the last disease to be cured was Polio in 1955. Since then nothing, yet our technology has improved light years ahead since then and we're supposed to believe that "they" can't find any cures?

Bullshit. The Med/Pharm industry will sooner see to it that there is never a cure so they can keep raking in trillions of dollars in false treatments.

Sucks that our society runs like this, but it's true.



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[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

Australia attempts to enact scientific dictatorship at universities by banishing alternative medicine courses.

Self-proclaimed advocates of "science-based" medicine are hard at work trying to eliminate government funding for any form of medical education or treatment that is not conventional in nature. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that a new lobbying group of 400 "doctors, medical researchers, and scientists," collectively known as "Friends of Science in Medicine" (FSM), is trying to stop all public colleges and universities in Australia from teaching any courses in alternative or complementary medicine.

Obviously disturbed by exploding global interest in alternative therapies and medical ideologies, these arrogant apologists of drugs and surgery want to force their antiquated dogma on the masses through intimidation and government tyranny. Rather than allow students freedom of choice in choosing their own coursework, these "Friends of the Pharmaceutical Industry" would rather forcibly indoctrinate all medical students with their own personal medical opinions.

Because of overwhelming popularity and interest among students, many universities now offer not only courses, but also degrees, in subjects like naturopathy and homeopathy, both of which are viable, proven methods of medical treatment. But if FSM has its way, coursework and degrees in these and other subjects will no longer be available, and students will only be able to learn about the latest drug-based therapies.

Not surprisingly, one of the members of FSM is Sir Gustav Nossal, who is credited with inventing the cervical cancer vaccine. Today, that vaccine is peddled in the form of Merck & Co.'s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix, which have together injured tens of thousands of young children, and killed more than 100 others (http://sanevax.org/).

And FSM co-founder John Dwyer, a government advisor on "consumer health fraud," believes not only that government funding for alternative medicine courses in subjects like Chinese herbal medicine and chiropractic should cease, but also that Australia's government health insurance should stop reimbursing for alternative treatments altogether.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034857_Australia_scientific_dictatorship_alternative_medicine.html#ixzz1lO9OW0UK

[-] 1 points by 1169 (204) 13 years ago

look around all their building is pharmacies and banks

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Author Harriet Washington talks about how "Over the past decade, the top pharmaceutical companies have made over $690 billion dollars – not from life saving medical discoveries but from corporate mergers."

She explains why BigPharma produces so many drugs for erectile dysfunction and women's skin creams and not enough drugs for diseases. Really interesting:


[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake (43) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I just get so angry every time I hear the phrase, "Race for the cure" or anything related toward needing more money to find the cure- there isn't going to be a cure folks. The only "cure" is to not get cancer in the first place. But I'm sure Monzanto has plans to fix that idea with their genetically altered foods. We'll all have cancer for sure soon enough.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Me too. BigPharma and Monsanto. Evil lurking.