Forum Post: Nice website lots of economic data.
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 25, 2012, 10:02 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don’t know this guy just came across his website doing some browsing.
AND.. Hard core Facts Site with a Message board for those worried about their Bottom lines.. and wondering how it got so bad For America!.. Taking Names and Kicking Buttella!
( i am one Proud Editor!)
i wanna see how this turns out
His model still relies on taxing our way out of it. This plays on the vengeful attitudes of disenfranchised people but does nothing to actually fix the problem. The government having more money will not increase demand, no matter how many words they throw at it.
WCutting taxes is what got us here so it does make sense that we would have to raise them. Any system needs adjustments in both directions from time to time.
If more people were buying products and paying bills, there would be more tax revenue and no need to raise taxes. Lower taxes did not get us here, fraud in the markets, 2 wars, and a simultaneously collapsing real estate bubble got us here.
Top rate has fallen from 90% to 15%, as this occurred the wealth accumulated and the people who hold it use it to influence our government. Those who say this is a spending problem are only interested in protecting the interest of the 1%.
It is a spending problem. Are you saying we need overpaid military contractors? Private agencies that perform law enforcement duties for a profit on top of overhead? Don't try to back your argument by implying I'm for something that I am clearly not so that you can get me to agree or back off, thats just weak.
You don't acknowledge at all that top rates have been driven down by the distortion of the political system, if you don't see the problem you can't really help with the solution. Yes government spends a lot of money on things I don't support, nether do you, but I think the government doesn't spend nearly enough in other areas, not sure if you are with me on that. I do think that anybody who wants to seriously address the problems we have know that taxes on the wealthy have gotten too low over the past five decades.
A place I worked at had to close it's doors due to taxes while as you point out, many pay as little as 0%. It isn't a matter of increasing taxes and amplifying the problem I pointed out. I do understand the tax codes need to be fixed so that GE has no more 0% tax rate years, but I also understand many businesses already pay the full rate with no deductions. This is what is meant when people say that government needs to stop picking winners and losers. At any rate, taxes didn't cause the recession we are in.
People pay taxes on profits it is impossibloe to be forced to close your doors because of income tax, maybe property tax but that's another story. I'm all for increasing personal income taxes on the wealthy and closing loopholes on corporations.
I'm for workers making enough to pay taxes. Taxing the rich is only an excuse to keep the rolls of welfare up and disenfranchising the working class. When you can stop focusing on bringing down others as a solution, maybe you could focus on lifting up the poor instead. If we want equality, then everyone needs to be part of society, not just what feels good but full participation, including paying taxes. It's not enough to just fix citizens united and bitch about rich people, there needs to be a solution to every person that works a full week to becoming a full participant in society.
I agree with what you are saying. The reason I keep coming back to taxes, is that as a math guy I have been watching this trend for many years. It is clear that a correction to the rates is needed, we did a small one in 1993 and it worked out really well. I believe we have tipped the balance too far in one direction and the current level of income inequality is a symptom of the disease brought on by the idea that we owe a debt of gratitude to the wealthy for the hard work of being rich, rather than they should feel lucky to be Americas. The special treatment enjoyed by capital gains/dividends is an example of this. If we are to bring true fairness to the tax system it will mean a large tax increase on the wealthy, those unwilling to take on that battle should be identified so that we can focus our efforts elsewhere.
Keep in mind, to control inflation we need to stop pumping money into the system, that means less reliance on credit, even for big companies and corporations. Secondly that means only so much money should be in the system at any given time and the more money going to the government is that much less in the economy and in the pockets of the 99%.
I see understanding in your comment, may I add. We hear a lot about entitlements and the sense of entitlement and how these things are harming our country. When people use these words though they are not talking about the “sense of entitlement” that those with money have. If you turn on the TV to almost any channel you will see tons of adds for investment firms, the idea that if you have money, your money should make money for you is the most universally felt and reinforced sense of entitlement. We have accepted this to the point that when someone makes 20 million in a year without any involvement, the only thing we ask is, Was his tax rate fair? I think we could ask even more questions if we thought about it a bit. Well I don’t want to ramble, chat later.
They are full participants in society. They pay plenty of sales & property taxes and contribute consumer $ that give companies business. It is just the Republican agenda to demonize the poor by claiming that they are not doing any good for society, when in reality the 1% NEED the poor or else all of their sales would disappear.
Don't buy into the HATE!
The working poor do not pay property taxes and they count on EIC come tax time to pay off the utilities they accrued during the year and maybe some reinstatement of service fees and clothing. You saying that isn't disenfranchised?
I'm saying that they are contributing already. Asking for another 5% of their income will mean that many more children will be without food or forced to take on more EBT (negating the tax revenue). That also means more people that will have to take Medicaid or Welfare or use unscrupulous means to obtain income. You think that its "fair" to tax those who don't have anything more, but you don't see the ripple effects that an extra tax would have on society.
Instead, lets raise taxes on those who own 5 homes and multiple luxury cars. Those who are eating well every night, dressing in the best clothes available, and have any luxury that they desire. It is common sense to make these people give up a slice of their luxury than to take a meal away from a starving child, or force another woman to sell her body on the streets, or add to the drug trafficking problem, or create a new thief.
Thieves, prostitutes, and drug dealers affect ALL OF US negatively. Some rich dude having to make due with ONLY 4 Jaguars (boo fucking hoo) doesn't affect the community at all.
The point is to get wages to a point that social programs for working families are not necessary. You have to look at what society expects from each of us then ask how we get to a point where a 40 hour work week makes that happen. That is equality.
Yes, I agree. I'd rather have a living minimum wage ($10 in most areas, as high as $26 in areas like NYC) that scales with the lost of living. If we had that then there would much less need for EBT and Welfare programs.
The tax burden and economic growth would also have a larger spread, stabilizing not only the economy but the government as well.