Forum Post: Next Superbowl we should all boycott because its a corporate pyramid scheme where some ball players get paid in one year what we make in a lifetime.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 12, 2012, 1:49 p.m. EST by freewriterguy
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Dont buy those tickets to see them, Dont order it on pay per view, your just feeding into the 1%. If you must see it just go downtown to a sports bar earlly and get a good seat. Some of them dont even charge you.
Bwahahahah LOL ROFLMAO
Boycott the Super Bowl.... You have a better chance getting the Pope to declare that God does not exist.
Well the pope did endorse evolution so he is part way there in a sense.
There are other performers that get paid a lot of money. Should we also boycott multi-millionaire folks like?:
They all claim to support OWS.
Yes, boycott everyone of those fake phony fraud creeps. Few have any talent anyway. Cultural cancer. Alec Susan and Tim are decent actors, but the rest aren't worth a used rubber.
How do we boycott Roseanne? Does she sell beer and soda pop?
You can:
Boycott her show:
Boycott stations that re-run her old shows.
Shout her down when she shows up for OWS rallies.
Come on. Show some imagination.
I was joking. You are silly.
The OWS has seen the 1 % enemy and it is us:
Kanye West Russell Simmons Yoko Ono Roseanne Barr Deepak Chopra Alec Baldwin Susan Sarandon Michael Moore Tim Robbins Nancy Pelosi
To name but a few of really rich folks that could give all of their money back to the people (save a few $ mil for expenses), and do somehow manage to find the time to show up at the OWS rally, but can't fit into their busy schedule the 30 seconds that it would take to write that big check!
why not?
First - The Super Bowl is always on a network station (CBS, NBC or Fox), so it is free to watch at home.
A very small percentage can afford to attend due to seating and ticket prices. I will be attending the 2014 one (already saving - since I live in NJ there is no travel fee).
Finally, why don't you try to make a team? I can not do what those players can. Whining and complaining did not get them there (remember TO?). Hard work, drive and dedication did. The average NFL career is only a few years and can be cut short by injury.
I do not begrudge others their success.
Good luck with a boycott, I am sure that it will not be noticed.
There was a pathetic attempt made to occupy the Superbowl 2 weeks ago. There were literally about a dozen people involved.
Boycott SUPERBOWL?...You're right!!
We condone these outrageous salaries by not speaking out about them. We SHOULD boycott. Not just ball-players though; anybody making mind-boggling salaries should be sought out, pointed out and then PUT OUT!
That is ridiculous.
If 30,000 people are willing to pay $20 or $40 dollars a ticket and advertisers are willing to spend $30,000,000 for a 30 second spot, why shouldn't the players make mind boggling salaries.
I agee with you on that Joe.
Well, you're kinda right! That's why prices for almost ALL things should come down.
You SURE about those Superbowl ticket prices?...(idunnooooo)
Why shouldn't they charge whatever people are willing to pay? Superbowl tickets are more like $2000 each, but if people are going to pay it, then why not? We aren't talking about food here, it is purely entertainment - let people charge/pay whatever they want.
And it would be ok if the grocery stores did the same right? How about $20 a gallon for gas. We could charge $100 for a library card. $200 for a commuter pass.
Where would it end? God's probably blessing something, but I doubt it's the U.S.
Like I said above, it is not like we are talking about food or other necessities. If you can't afford to go to the Super Bowl then no big deal. If they can sell all 100,000 for $2000 each, with people happily paying it, then good for them.
The question then becomes, how do we boycott WallStreet?
After all, they can't act or even play ball.
They just steal money from us every chance they get.
well we could specifically stop buying products that are corporate made.
your thinking never goes beyond the boogeyman at the top.
Good luck with that.
It's not possible for me to live in such a bubble, as I live in the real World.
its actually not that hard, alot of the detergents, toothpastes, and crackers, cookies, mayonaise, are made by teh same few companies with a little research. like for example we dont ahve to buy pepsi, we can buy generic cokes.
And who makes generic products, ma and pa kettle?
Ows is a disaster
That's still not effective.
WallStreet is involved with the basic ingredients, the machinery, shipping, even the real estate involved.
They drive up the costs of all these things and more.
lol TRUE.
We're working on that matter now.
Perhaps we could get them to sing and dance on their way to the subway.......................:)
That would be harder then chewing gum and walking at the same time...I don't know....
Boycott WallStreet by pulling out of 401K investment programs and put them in a not for profit 401k in a Credit Union, do the same for any savings or checking account.
If everyone who is sick of the current banking practice as well as the rampaging wallstreet did this. That would truly take the wind out of their sails.
It would also benefit the local area community in which the Credit Union resides. Your community.
Except for a small Fidelity account, I've already done that.
Yet WallStreet still makes a dime off of practically everything you purchase. From gas to toothpaste.
the boycotting of something as big as WS is not well thought out. pick the company you dislike most and buy from their competitor.
Both are traded on WallStreet.
there are no companies on WS that you find to be beneficial to our economy? trust me, you really haven't thought through your statements. emotional not rationale.
Just what do they manufacture?
What tangible product have they invented?
In fact, if it's to their profit, they will happily hinder both!!!!!
Corruption and Greed is a multifaceted problem. It is a huge monster that has been fed and grown over time. It will take a HUGE EFFORT and a LOT of TIME and Dedication to clean-up.
Glad you are here for the fight.
As hard as the detractors have tried to pull us away, the proper place for focus is still on WallStreet, and correctly so.
They are all about ROI, with NO added value.
Like the corruption in government they are the very visible tip of the ice-berg.
It's WallStreet and private "investment" firms like Koch, Cerberus and Carlyle, that have kidnapped our government.
Indeed, they run the propaganda mills that make many believe they have nothing to do with it.
This is just their exposed actions and relations. It is a cancer that has metastasized through-out our country, and is why this will be a very hard fought war. The ice-berg is very large and mainly unseen.
Or perhaps more like a tree. A tree may be very large, but it's root system is generally twice the size - offshoots tendrils filaments.
Have you read "Deadly Spin" yet?
It offers you some facts about how they do it in the health care(sic) industry, and shows how it's done elsewhere.
No I have not, not yet. But I am familiar with the concept and practice of spin.
Spin is just a more palatable term for multi-pronged marketing/PR.
That's an actual term, that I didn't know existed, until I read the book.
Public Relations
Public Affairs
All spin users
If not defending the constitution with the $, then yes, slam them.
Jesus you have your priorities messed up
Who are you to tell Jesus anything?
Can't tell Jesus much of anything if I don't believe in his existence can I?
Well...let's see.
When you make room for something in your becomes. It EXISTS. Even if it's only in your mind.
I suppose you could argue that you don't subscribe to the "stories" surrounding this thing you referred to as "Jesus", but surely you can see how you actually DO believe in this thing we're STILL talking about.
Santa Clause, Easter Bunny,Tooth Fairy. Oh shit, now that Iv'e typed those names, now I have to believe in them.
FIrst off I just want to say your point makes no sense. People talk about the flying spaghetti monster but that does not make it real. As far as I can tell all I use it because it pisses people. I don't believe in the stories but I do believe the man existed. Good enough for you princess?
...ok, let's start from the beginning.
Until one fully understands the complexities involved with defining individual words as single-entities, one will find total comprehension of conversation nearly impossible to achieve.
Outrageous salaries? Will you boycott hollywood?
Why not? Could it be so horrible to make a few less million a year and perhaps feed hundreds of thousands of hungry little kids in this country, forced to eat at soup kitchens?
read my reply to b76rt ( above) what holly wood did to my brother in law's movie when he tried to release his movie The Flyboys (an original story written by him. Hollywood stepped on him and came out with flyboys, another dumb war movie.
Chris Dodd( former dem senator from mass.) is now the head of the MPAA. How well do you think million dollar salary cuts will go over in hollywood? Movies receipts are down, a mix I think of the price of tickets , the current economy and people refusing to give money to people who are ultra liberal.
You know...the idea that one day there would be no more slaves in America didn't go over too well either in it's time, but some might argue that it was a topic worthy of discussion.
Maybe its because all of the new movies suck.
You want me to pay $10 to see Zookeeper? REALLY?
Well why don't you feed a few yourself before expecting celebs to feed their thousands? Charity begins at home
That's EXACTLY what I do, but again, they shouldn't have to come to a soup kitchen to eat! They are Americans! They should be sitting at their own dining room tables like many of the rest of us in this "god"-fearing country.
Those that claim to believe in god while living with such greed and contempt for the poor...probably SHOULD fear god.
I dont believe in god so I guess I have nothing to fear. But the last time I read the constitution, it did not say anything about all American being given the right to having a dinner at their dining rooms irrespective of what they do or if they do not do anything at all.
Yeah,'re right. In a country that boasts god as much as it does one might think that it would recognize its human inhabitants as things that...uh...hell, I don't know...EAT?!
Maybe you're right though and I've got it all mixed-up. Maybe I should jump on the "fuck-em-it aint me" bandwagon. I'd probably have more time for me, more glory for me and more money for me too. I'll keep an open-mind for now.
LMAO!!! Language is questionable...but TRUE!
you're not all mized up but rather just a bit. we should strive for a country where all are fed, you are free to help in that goal as much as you desire but not demanding or requiring that of others.
Ok, so I'm "free" to help as long as I don't use that freedom to suggest to those farting dollars that they should help-out their country after their employees were willing to work like slaves to help them prosper?
Does anybody think it's patriotic, or christian, or fair for a person to achieve astronomical financial gains using the help of hard working Americans and then reward them by continuing to pay them minimum wage?
My kids got a minimum allowance when they were 5 or so, but as they continued to do well while helping the household I made a decision to give them more praise and...believe it or not....MORE MONEY. The theory was, as I do better I actually WANTED them to do me crazy.
you're free to talk about it all you want. the vast majority of those hardworking Americans are not making minimum wage - it's rhetoric from the far left for the gullible.
It's not a 'fuck-em' philosophy. I don't like the fact that we have poor people either. I would prefer them to live well. We simply disagree as to how that welfare is to be achieved and the extent of that welfare. We probably also disagree on who that welfare recipient should be. There are plenty of people who do not take up jobs and sit idle because it doesnt pay what they think they ought to be paid. I don't want to support them. Similarly I don't find a lot of sympathy for under 18 moms who simply were too stupid to get pregnant and then not get an abortion. I do sympathize with their kids though. I also don't find sympathy for households that maxed out on their credit cards to maintain a life style that was well beyond their means. For these people, I don't care if they can't have a turkey for thanksgiving. The thing about adult life is that you have to earn a living. People need to grow up.
You're right, for the most part.
Growth is education and not necessarily just the education WE were privy to, but it also includes lots of stuff we may not want to learn, (for whatever reason).
I wonder if "growing up" includes...WAKING up?
Yeah, but that's not representative of everyone on Welfare or EBT. That's a stereotype that simply does not hold true for the vast majority of people who have fallen on hard times and need government assistance.
This is about the families that had paid their mortgage on time every time, and now are being foreclosed because they were laid off by an employer that shipped their job overseas. People in their 50s who had been great employees who are now jobless and can't afford to go back to school when tuition keeps rising all across the country. The kid who graduated from a good school, but is $60,000+ in debt and can't land a job anywhere because there are no entry-level jobs and with 1 in 10 of us unemployed, who's going to hire the kid with no experience anyway? This is about people who grew up in the ghettos and got a crummy second-rate public education because their parents were poor, and the school boards keep losing funding to Bible Park and more spending on prisons.
According to conservatives, these are "bad people" because they're not as smart or as lucky as they were. These people don't "deserve" any help, because obviously everything that has happened in their life is directly their fault, so fuck em.
If the poor really are this worthless, then why aren't you advocating going to the ghettos with a shotgun and blowing their brains out? They're clearly the "inferior species" so just force them to wear stars on their clothes so that its easier to round them up and send them to the camps later, right?
Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who sees the similarities of nazi Germany.
I've never seen or heard anyone call these masses bad people or undeserving of help. Maybe you have links?
Conservatives have made it crystal clear that they want to get rid of what they call "entitlement programs" i.e. anything that helps the poor. If we end up with a Conservative controlled Congress and a Conservative President, expect Welfare, EBT, Medicare, and numerous other government programs that help the least fortunate to go away.
you said this - According to conservatives, these are "bad people" because they're not as smart or as lucky as they were. These people don't "deserve" any help, because obviously everything that has happened in their life is directly their fault, so fuck em.
I asked for didn't.
You want verification? Look at every post that smartcapitalist makes, or Libertarianliving, or any right-wing blog. Any speech that Romney has made. He calls Welfare "entitlement." The Heritage Foundation's "dependency index."
Conservatives hate poor people. They may not directly say "bad people" but their actions clearly point out that they don't want to help these people.
You've bought into the far left rhetoric. Do you personally know any conservatives?
Yes I do, but they're more moderate and actually care about less fortunate people.
You accuse me of stereotyping and the exactly the same.
And I am neither a conservative nor do I think their brains should be blown out. But neither do I think that it is our responsibility to give them a 4 start life. Those are extremes and I support neither.
Being able to eat and having a bed to sleep in isn't a "4 star life." This isn't Ethiopia.
Now THAT was good..... Bravo.
let me tell you what hollywood did to my brother in law, he went into debt mortgaging several of his friends and families homes to finance a movie called "The Flyboys" he had worked on it for 5 years and hired such well known actors as steven baldwin from 'the flintstones" and it was scheduled to release in the fall of like 2008 or 2009 I cant remember now its been a few years, but the movie was an original story about two boys that stowed away in a small airplane that was used to smuggle drugs and they the drug smugglers didnt know they were in it.
But COINCIDENTLY, HBO, and other big wig holly wood producers got wind the name FLYBOYS, when he was trying to find an investor to release it to the big screen, his first blockbuster movie, as his other movies were released to DVD only, crushing his small business venture when they came out with their own movie called "FLYBOYS" a totally different story about war (great just what we needed was another war story) AND RELEASED IT THE VERY SAME MONTH, THE VERY SAME YEAR. This is the kind of shit ive been talking about how society crushes small business ventures. He never recovered from his loss, his friends and family are alienated from him, he even got divorced. Fortunately there is one who judges, who shall recompense.
did he understand the risks of mortgaging friends and families homes? was he guaranteed success? you have a lot of stories about failed business ventures I've noticed.
yes cause i dont support gay movies, or rated r movies, i mean come on, a movie can be just as good without cussing or raping, or murdering, or about vampires. Hollywood writers heads are getting fried with all the drugs they are using.
take a look at the movies of 1939.
A ball player works very hard for his money, risking injury every time he's out on the field. He's also being paid for his level of talent. I don't think it is the goal of OWS to demand that everybody get paid the same, and you can't expect to change the priorities of a majority of Americans. As long as Americans love sports and entertainment, athletes and actors will enjoy large compensation.
Not to mention the potential for a very short career. But ows people can't be bothered to think that far into something. It's all about "someone has more than me, waaaahhhh!!!!"
Football is gross and it sucks. Hockey is a much better sport.
Football is for losers that can't skate. Hockey is more civilized and respectful. Plus, hockey players are hot. And boycott hockey - don't even think about going there.
This last Superbowl, I spent the day playing hockey. But I do ask, does worrying about what a football player makes, change what you do with your life personally? Their millions have not taken a dime from me. If anything, they spend their money into the economy more freely than most politicians, CEO or hedge fund investors. Maybe, someday, a scout will see my amazing saves and bring me up to the NHL. Or not.
When teachers and firefighters are under fiscal attack, how can anyone believe that someone who does nothing to improve humanity or save lives deserves to earn millions?
Those sports figures chose to pusue a job that puts their bodies at risk, so there is no validity to the argument that they should earn so much because of the risk of injury that could suddenly end their careers. By that argument, in fact, it should mean that every teacher in a dangerous school district, every cop, and every firefighter, and every soldier shoud be earning multimillion dollar salaries as well.
I'm with you. I dropped out a long time ago. I canceled cable and the like. But many are brain washed and can't stop themselves.
i absolutley agree.. those stadiums are paid for by the taxes from the people.. while the players are making millions.. just more welfare millionaires.
the put "world peace" in lights during half time
You people are the most envious people on the planet...... Why does the fame and fortune of others bother you. I think it is crazy what they make, but if suddenly they weren't paid so outrageously, I would be no better off, neither would you, and I would take no pleasure in their misfortune.
Hi freewriter, Good post. Best Regards, Nevada
Uh, lets end corporate sports distracting the masses. Congrats on a common sense thread.
I'm serious. Corporate sports are actually contributing to the destruction of everything we need. We don't need sports of any kind.
Sports originated as training for hunting and warfare. Team sports are the warfare sports. Olympic type competition, single athlete competition is closer to honing survival skills.
Sports invoke instincts that are then misplaced and used by corporations as well as fascist regimes to distract populations from working on meeting their own needs and distract from serious political problems, or unifying to end them.
ANYONE who follows corporate sports is a part of the problem. Ir doesn't matter if its just one, or one event. As soon as you participate you are showing approval of neglect, distraction and corporate consumerism.
Letting children watch you enjoy corporate sports disables them from developing proper priorities.
That thrilling olympic sport,synchronized swimming is all you need to get through life.
Personal excellence, not military type sports with teams are what we need. Personally, I like trade skills competition. Any and everything we do to meet our needs can be turned into a competition that teaches our children HOW to be independent and meet their own needs instead of being dependent on corporations.
You POV is very much appreciated! The NWO can't fool you:)!
Busby Berkeley, the father of synchronized swimming .
You got a problem with professional tennis players?
All needless competition, detracts from an awareness of needs. Yes, I have a problem with any activity that doesn not focus on needs. PARTICULARLY while corporations are hijacking our political system.
Tennis is largely a sport of elite society and such things damage childrens perceptions of what is important in our world.
Tennis is definitely not an elitist sport. It started out that way but my mutt of a father who's 62 years old plays tennis quite well. I don't know where you get your information but tennis is probably one of the hardest sports to actually do well and children now and days would do well to get a little more exercise.
I think you are thinking about sports way too much. It is a form of entertainment, that is it. It is obviously very profitable but that is because so many people enjoy it and are willing to pay to see it, either live or on TV. Why take that away from people? So people can just sit around all day pondering the political problems of the world?
Seems you prefer the NWO agenda of distracting citizens from what is most important. I prefer protecting their lives and their childrens lives. with the US constitution, specifically article V. If you don't know about that, well, your position speaks for itself relating to knowledge of what controls our world.
You can do all of those things and still enjoy the football games on Sunday.
You have to remember that as bad as things are for some, there are millions upon millions of Americans who are perfectly comfortable. Some may be ignorant of the plights of others but others are also well aware. Either way, I don't think you can villainize these people for not wanting to give up things they love just because some people are getting rich off of it.
I employ about 12 people and have employed a couple dozen more in my career and people that played sports, especially in college or high end high school levels, undoubtedly make better employees. As a whole, they tend to be harder working, more motivated, and more competitive.
People should always put any past athletic experiences, regardless of the sport, on their resumes, it cannot hurt you and will often help.
Distractions can lead to our complete loss of freedoms and natural lives.
Mooks--- "You can do all of those things and still enjoy the football games on Sunday."
Perhaps I could, but it appears no one else can, because they are not getting done. They serve as distractions for those that do not know better.
I am 100% confident that I will spend the rest of my life both enjoying sports and living as a free man.
Okay, so defense and preservation of the constitution don't have a place then?
No, they do, but so does entertainment.
Which comes first?
I guess it depends how comfortable one's life is.
More likely whether or not one needs to see their constitutional rights respected to have a life or whether those around them know we share our rights and will stand for them no matter whose rights they are.
I like that the NHL is a non-profit that pays no taxes and has taxpayers building all their stadiums.
Chartered in the 40's and neither the NFL or the IRS can find the paperwork.
That's just swell AND peachy.
I think it clearly demonstrates how stupid most Americans are.
If we want to start boycotting corporations, we should make a list of the worst of them. Then start one at a time until they agree to whatever demands we come up with. Second on our list would know that they are next.
Yeah, sure, I'm sure that these corporations would be shaking in their boots that a small band of unemployed hippies aren't going to be buying their products. You go ahead and put that list out and I will make sure that I only buy from these businesses.
If you search Reddit Politics for "NDAA" or "National Defense Authorization Act", why doesn't this show up?
Why did you have to wait for the next "superbowl" and why didn't you boycott the one we just had.
Little slow on the thinking I would say - I mean did this though just come to you mind?
ya i didnt even know when it was, i didnt watch it, never have. soooo boring, id rather play football on my kinnect sensor with my kids. hahahha
How about focusing on "government change" instead of boycotting. It's a lot easier to do that.
Maybe you ought to get off the couch and go practice and lift some weights.
Boycott anyone that who is more successful than us or makes more money. I know.