Forum Post: Next President...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 12:18 a.m. EST by gibsone76m
from Washington, NJ
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Who should win the next election?
OWS'ers, will it be Barack again? Different type of change this time?
GOP(me included)...wich power broker should we go with?
(i'm liberal)
Not voting for obama unless he makes a huge turnaround.
Probably Ron Paul.
Yeah a little late for a turnaround...Ron Paul not bad though. He can be a bit radical on some of his points but at this point he looks like the only choice.
its funny are there no good choices. you shouldn't have to SETTLE for a ruler of the free world
Maybe Ron Paul, if he goes independent. The rest are all bad choices, warmongers, psychos, liars and shills.
If people in OWS put there vote behind their message they would vote Ron Paul.
He is the only candidate not owned by Wall St.
Anyone that votes Obama back in is not credible and a hypocrite.
Obama received more donations from Wall St than any other candidate.
Got that right
hard block. ows is not for obama, obama is a problem and the problem. we need a third party 99 percent party. not obama. obama is part of the problem. please do not post this bs, we do not want to hear any more about obama.
obama is an oligarch. obama is 50 new nuclear plants. obama is a health care law built for the corporations and against the people. obama is denial of kyoto protocol. obama is two new wars. obama is Bush continuation. obama is corrupt. obama is ignorant. obama is the enemy of the people.
what does the president do besides veto a bill or two ?
The rule of thumb is to vote out the incumbent if you are not satisfied with his performance. The problem, of course, is that his replacement may not be any better. Unfortunately, since we have a duopoly in this country, we have a choice of one of the two candidates nominated by the two parties. So it usually comes down to selecting the lesser of two evils. You can also vote for an third party presidential candidate but one has never been elected. Most people stick with the rule of thumb assuming they are independent.
Oh, yeah, cognition, i forgets bout dat. Let me know if Paul ever becomes POTUS and put me on mailing list as I want to be ambassador to Mars
Obama...........and other Dem's for matter what anyone says a third party won't happen in this election for sure. Its a pipe dram if you think that will happen. As for taking money from Wall Street, its a fact of life (right now hopefully future will be different) if he (Obama) don't take their money then the GOP will out do him in money and he will surely lose. Facts are Facts, the GOP has done nothing but obstruct growth in this country and keep giving the Rich more money (Case and Point the Job's bill to protect Teachers, Fire Fighter and First responders) just because they don't want Obama to succeed. You can vote the way you want its America everyone has a free choice, but if we vote for another Broken Goverment like we did in 2010 then nothing will happen for anyone.
We shouldn't re-elect George Bush III that's for DAMN sure. I don't think OWS should endorse any candidates(at that point it becomes just a special interest group.) With that said, Ron Paul is the only chance from the repub's for ending the wars. It will be interesting to see if Nader runs again in 2012. I voted for him in 2008 and I would again.
Any candidate we vote for is not going to have a an effect on what policies need to be enforced for us to live a better life. When Theodore Roosevelt came into power he had something no other president ever had the popularity of both parties. He was a Progressive Republican and his Progressive platform helped shaped what we have now. The problem is we need that Progressive stand now. Ron Paul is not Progressive he is Republican and has no true passion for liberating our 99%. We need a 3rd Party someone who is what I would call Progressive Democrat. Obama's major problem is no one cares to listen to him he's not tough enough. We need someone with guts and bite to get in that White House. I know I'm going to get alot of yelling at this comment but I had hopes on Mayor Blumberg being a Progressive person. And please realize that man is not part of the 1% he gives his soul to everyone I've personally met him. I'm not endorsing him here I'm just saying our fight is not with him.
Obamas problem is and always has been that he is the "cool" president and he really really cares allot about protecting that image.
Doesn´t really matter who you vote as long as the system doesn´t change. I really believe Obama had good intentions, but just couldn´t do anything that was different from the plans of some misterious power. I think Ron Paul will incounter the same forces. Just ask JFK.
Obama: why? Because voting for anyone else is voting for an 'unknown' disease . I know what to expect with the Obama disease. The choices are all rotten and every one of them will use the 99 % as pawns on a chess board.
there is actually some sense to that
We need to form a new third party.
and take every last office thats up this election season.
it is out of the question to elect any dem or any republican. both parties are evil, stupid, ignorant, fascistic, and bought.
So Nader then?
no. nader and all the others are just matrixed fake exits. i said NEW third party. we need to form a NEW THIRD PARTY. i don't understand how you can manage to miss the meaning there.
Nader is an ego tripping ideologue. We need science centered and fact centered political platform, not a political ideology
Nader has been working his whole career to protect the public from the predatory practices of big business. Seems like his agenda would reflect or encompass the feelings of many in the OWS movement, too bad he's been stigmatized and won't appeal to the majority of voters. Check out An Unreasonable Man. It is a great documentary that covers his work. A lot of things we take for granted ( seatbelts, for example) are a result of Nader's work.
the issue here is that nader won't listen to anyone.
IF he was open minded and open eared, it might be a bit different.
we need real direct democracy, not the next totalitarian leader- it does not matter how closely his ideas align with ours if the relationship can only be one way. I like Ralph, i like his ideas and service to humanity. But he shut his ears to the rest of the world a long time ago, and now hes a cranky old man.
tom morello '12
yeah in all seriousness though thats the way it is heading, i think people are finally getting sick of celeb politicians...i think Chris Christie would have been great. He is at least straight forward...more concerned with doing his job than being popular
face palm. what did i just say? whats so hard to understand? i think chris christie is a corporate shill lobbyist and an evil man period.
lets just take a look at this wikipedia quote." Lobbyist
In 1998 Christie registered as a lobbyist for the firm of Dughi, Hewit & Palatucci, alongside fellow partner and later, gubernatorial campaign fundraiser Bill Palatucci. Between 1999 and 2001, Christie and Palatucci lobbied on behalf of, among others, GPU Energy for deregulation of New Jersey's electric and gas industry; the Securities Industry Association to block the inclusion of securities fraud under the state's Consumer Fraud Act; Hackensack University Medical Center for state grants, and the University of Phoenix for a New Jersey higher education license.[13] "
At least the man does what he says unlike every other politician in this campaign. He has actually done very well in NJ because of that trait alone whether you think he is a corporate shill or not.
no doubt, ron paul has some shining good traits.
Anyone not being supported by the 1%. Oh wait, I guess that would be Ron Paul.
Three things to recommend Obama to the OWS community. We know he's vulnerable to political pressure, look at how the Repubs owned him in every confrontation. He's competent in matters of governance. He's mildly, very mildly, predisposed to some of the OWS goals. Kinda late for a primary challenge, I think he's the best of a bad lot for this presidential election cycle. Wish I could be more positive about the prez, but he broke my basic rule in life: "If you talk the talk, you should walk the walk."
I voted for Obama, he better focus on jobs with a vengeance for the next six months.
Go with Palin. She is entertaining as hell, cute and dumb as shit. And, given the fact that most Americans are total ignoramuses, she just might win. But, probably not. Otherwise, it looks like Mitt and the Mormons versus Obama and the dysfunctional Dems. Sort of boring but hell, does voting really make that much difference?
Yes especially now we are voting to save our republic. Ron Paul or we are more fucked than ever. Anyone especially ows'ers here that supports barrack is a joke and if you don't know why your asleep.
It ain't a Republic. It's a Plutocracy. First, you have to understand the opposition to know how to fight. Electing Ron Paul (which if a pure fantasy) won't happen but if it did, he would find himself stymied as did Obama by the Real Powers That Be: The Plutocracy.
Havent seen anyone use ain't, bravo dude. Listen, if you were able to see past the television you would also see that Ron Paul has a clear strategy, once he has the momentum from his supporters/voters to be elected POTUS they will then be educated beyond using big words like "ain't" in attempting to educate others as you did, and will also begin taking over congress.
So in short, listen more, and learn the mechanics of cognition then practice them
As a conservative repub I will go out on a limb and say i would vote for obama before Palin, just because she makes me feel unsafe.
No at this point for this election i don't think voting matters
Oooooh man this doesn't look good.