Forum Post: Newt Gingrich Will Single Handedly Destroy the Tea Party
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 10:28 p.m. EST by Puzzlin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"He is the epitome of the Inside the Beltway insider, and not only because of his long stint in Congress. After retiring, he profited lavishly off connections he made on the taxpayer dime, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars influence-pedaling. Most famously, he got $1.6 million from Freddie Mac, the very entity that many conservatives regard as most culpable for the financial crisis. And then he had the temerity to insist that he was paid as "a historian," an explanation so transparently farcical that it can justifiably be seen as an insult to the intelligence of GOP primary voters."
"As if supporting such a man weren't incoherent enough already, a movement that valorizes Joe the Plumber, family values and hockey moms is now rallying behind a long-winded former academic turned career politician with an affinity for private planes, chauffeurs, and buying Tiffany and Co. jewelry for his third wife. It's as if Kanye West wrote a politician into his last album."
This flies in the face of the core values of the Tea Party. They have sold their ticket to this man and it will surely drive this train into a brick wall after it is all over and trolls still hanging will be shell shocked their super hero has obliterated their chance to have any relevancy (as if they have had any)
Here's a link to this complete article:
The Koch brothers LOVE Gingrich, he represents all their ideals. Rank and file tea-partiers rival lemmings in intelligence.
The Gingrich Plan:
Privatize social security.
Privatize Medicare.
Eliminate capital gains tax.
15% flat tax.
Eliminate the EPA.
Defund Planned Parenthood
Read it yourself on his website.
You got it. That's the plan. He gets elected & the rich can jump for JOY!!!
Newt is a socialist in a Rep suit. I do agree with eliminating the useless EPA though
My favorite use of the insult "socialist" was when it was used against women campaigning to get the vote and the right to own property like men. That was 1850. It doesn't make any more sense now.
Yes, property itself is a social construct.
While that's true, it was being used as an insult against those unreasonable females who thought that they should own things, like their clothes.
I just find history trivia fun sometimes.
I understand. The Bible is still used to prevent women from inheriting property.
" a patriarchal culture in which women function primarily as daughters, wives, and mothers of particular men, women have virtually no property rights. Unmarried women inherit from their fathers only if they have no brothers; and, in such cases, they must subsequently marry within their father's clan to prevent the dispersal of tribal property among outsiders (Numbers 36:2‑12). [This was the case with the daughters of Zelophehad, who successfully petitioned Moses and God for their father's inheritance.]
Queen Esther Widows do not inherit from their husbands at all, but are dependent on their sons or the generosity of other heirs. According to the practice of levirate marriage, childless widows are the legal responsibility of their husband's oldest brother (Deuteronomy 25:5‑10)."
Just want to say here....
I am from Australia.... Lots of my friends know the 'brand' occupy, whether or not they know what it is.....NOBODY knows who the Tea Party are, and definitely know nothing of the reference to a strictly American political piece of history. The only reason I know, are the people from occupy themselves....Just think....Occupy = Global, and current......Tea Party = Long forgotten piece of American history........
I'm from Canada, but I have heard of the (American) Tea party. In a nutshell, they are the extreme right-wing version of Occupy. They want to keep their right to own and carry weapons, and are opposed to big government and 'socialism'.
They get their name 'Tea Party' from an event called the 'Boston Tea Party', which happened as part of the American Revolution in 1776. England was taxing their U.S. colonies, sometimes on goods they made themselves. Some of the colonists dressed up like native Americans (Indians), stormed a ship full of tea, and threw all the tea into the harbour as a protest against 'Taxation without representation'.
I think the modern day Tea Party clung to the idea of 'Taxation without representation' when they chose that name for their movement.
Oh, I know now! Thanks for the info anyhoo! But I only found out because of occupy.....and I think I would be in good company, when I say, that this is no longer an American problem, this is a global issue, and, occupy is no longer American, it's global also....
Yes, you are absolutely right. This is a global movement, and a global problem. Partly because -international corporations- are at the heart of the problem, such as Monsanto (recently KICKED out of Hungary). These corporations ship their labour/ jobs over to countries like China for slave labour, then hide behind the military muscle of the U.S.
the Tea party has been called an 'astroturf' movement, meaning a false grass-roots (i.e. populist) movement created by a right-wing media spin machine in the USA. (i.e. Fox news). It was an attempt to spearhead any sort of popular resistance movement (i.e. Occupy Wall street), and divert it to their means (i.e. eliminate government, let corporations take over).
The stumbling block for the U.S. right-wing media spin machine is that they can't get their propaganda to sell in other countries. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox news, etc. are BANNED in Canada, because we have a law that makes it illegal to broadcast false information as news.
So the Tea Party in the U.S. remains a local movement, while Occupy is international.
holy crap. I did not know that.. ie: fox news in canada. I think fox news really screwed up a lot of people in this country. Our republicans used to be not so whacked in the head.
And which has more influence? Here.... a gift.....
Very good point. We are seeing a definite change and the Tea Party is no longer part of it.
We are living the proof that the system is broken. The smoke and mirrors they used from the past to make the lies palatable as pseudo truths no longer work. We have learned not trust republicans what so ever and we need to keep the dems honest especially those blue dogs.
Parody video: You’re a mean one, Newt Gingrich:
...........................LoL LoL LoL LoL LoL
He's definitely a 1%er......through....&.......through
Although when Newt was young he smoked the reefers, in 1996 he proposed a bill (H. R. 4170) that would put anyone bringing a handful of pot into the country in prison for life. If it was their second offense they would have been given a death sentence.
This is the kind of stuff they are saying about him on theblaze. I don't think all tea party types will fall in line. My mother sure did though. I'm thinking about voting for Obama just to cancel out her vote.
Newt definitely has a record we can easily discern and is very telling of his character. My biggest problem is his adulterous affairs. His past wives couldn't trust him. How in the hell could we trust him to run the country?
The entire Republican PARTY never represented you.
What the fuck is the Tea people waiting for? Get the fuck out on your own!! Grow up, Peter Pan!
Although I claim New Jersey as my primary residence, I have a small cabin on the shore of a beautiful lake in Georgia. It was in Georgia that I learned all I need to know about the former Speaker, since he served 20 years or so as a congressman from Georgia, although he came from Pennsylvania. Even the private life of a future president or would-be president is of interest to those who woiuld consider voting for him. He has been married 3 times, currently with Callista.. How long she will last is unknown and one can only judge the odds by past behavior. My father was married 3 times and, if I judge the Speaker's moral caliber by my father 's behavior, I would say to the voters: Beware!
Gingrich is a genius at taking power......that boy is slicker than cum on a gold tooth.
But, he's a lousy administrator.
If he can keep his mouth shut long enough....and stick only to the debates.....the Republicons will fall in behind him like a bunch of Lemmings.
Hell, these people would nominate Gary Sandusky if they thought he could beat Obama.
They are conceding early, Obama easily retakes the WH. : )
Nice metaphor (slicker than ...).
Newt reminds me of the fat nerd in high school who got the shit kicked out of himself every day and grew up to be a snitch.
He is repugnant!!!
Dude, why the name? What did I do to deserve this?
Maybe that will help us. Maybe some Tea Partiers will finally recognize that the kinds of things they were supporting only strengthened the 1%.
Newt would be a joke if it wasn't so possible he could become President. That should be a real concern for all Americans.
He can never make it. Snowball's chance in hell.
Following human nature here and past experience of how this plays out is this: The heavily narrative indoctrinated Tea Partiers, which most are since the tend to the extreme, are more likely to grow apathetic and not vote. Turning them around 180 degrees is highly unlikely. But their enthusiasm will wane. And then, they'll curse and rail against everyone, all politics is evil, but they won't want to debate having lost their motivation to fight for the ideals of the movement.
It's already begun really. We witness some of this meltdown here from the clear fact they little real evident defense of their positions. They instead disparately use put downs, and belittlement to somehow believe they are making a difference. But they get, instead, unintended consequences, we grow stronger, good ideas are always worth defending. Personally it's my pleasure to stand up for what is right!
Being a screwball ultimately is an embarrassment to all of us. If we really saw these people in person, right in those eyes, they would suddenly realize there's a reason everyone in society has to follow some basic rules of decency. It's called civility. If they really believe this is just a game then they have surely lost. We are here, and we are winning everywhere. After 2012 they will be in shock and their anger will only intensify as they realize that right here they helped us win.
T h i s is the ultimate duality. Careful what you wish for!
Thanks for your post!
You don't remember your history or maybe weren't there cuz of age.
Back about 15-20 years GINGRICH brought the USA government to its knee's and quit paying the bills.
This is exactly what the tea-party wants, ergo there is NOBODY better in ameriKKKa to fill the boots for the tea-baggers ultimate candidate.
I remember well and it is a very good point you make OWSLeader. Once the moderates realize the the new Republicans have more in common with the extremist Tea Party then the old Republican party of Teddy Roosevelt, who fought for the average joe, they are not only done in 2012, their brand will be damaged many years to come. It may lead to the party disintegrating completely.
Thanks for mentioning TDR a real man. Unlike the cowards and sheep that occupy all today. TDR would have NEVER sold the USA government out to A I P A C, men like TDR would never allow our US Congress to be ran by A I P A C as if it were a money tree for Israel.
But sadly men like TDR no longer exist, sadly we only have demagogues like Gingrich and OREO-FASCIST-BROWN-NOSING Liars like our Magic-Negro President Oreo-Obama. But most sad of all is the US electorate who vote for these MOFU's.
Tea Baggers will flourish, unless Fox News goes away and I don't think so, they're now broadcasting their bile worldwide 24/7.
The 'moderates' will never realize anything, the USA is toast, nothing can come back. Too far down the black-hole. At this point its loot and run. A I P A C has put us into $200Trillion USD of debt, its impossible to be the interest let alone the debt even with we budgeted 100% of the GDP. It's game-over.
Israel is finished, because now there are no money tree's left on the planet to rob.
The USA was always nothing more than a proxy for robbery, and now the prison-colony will starve. Smart folks will drift away, eventually even Fox News will cease to exist as its advertisers have no customers.
Rupert Murdoch's empire is crumbling as we learn the truth about the reason Faux news even came into being. It's was born out of the greed of money. This is exactly What is ruining this country now. Thank God for Teddy Roosevelt, he beat off the robber barons of his day that wanted nothing more than to enslave all Americans except the very rich. Their greed was nauseating and it reached it's pinnacle in the 1929 crash and subsequent depression. I often wonder if Teddy hadn't been there what might happened to this country. In his time IT WAS SLAVE LABOR, he called it the worse period since the CIVIL WAR itself!
He fought hard to try and end the bullshit but the rich eventually got their way. But we did make some gains thankfully. Sound familiar?
Let's remember that TDR came from a rich elite family, and later FDR the same-same family.
That TDR was involved in the CUBA wars, and was largely a war-monger, ... so while I agree he was a great man,... I wouldn't go so far to suggest that he was any different than today's CHENEY.
Hearst engineered the war's by consent with the ameriKKKan people and FDR led the troops to battle in Cuba. Fact. Today Murdoch shapes the minds of the US public for AIPAC/ZIONISM and Obama sends them to battle. Nothing has changed. Then and now the PRESS was controlled by right-wing pro-war nut-cases. Why? Because WAR makes money.
Jeff Cooper wrote many good books about the great things that TDR did, and enjoy, but on the other hand TDR thought that killing cuban's was just like going on a turkey hunt or a fox hunt with his elite family.
Don't get me wrong. I agree totally he was a war monger. Very true! Bully! Bully! Speak softly carry a big stick. But on some of these other issues he was right on. He was his own man. Very principled. Another great thing he did was he started setting aside the national park lands at a unprecedented rate. He was a lover of nature. I share that believe myself.
That's true. They refused to pass a budget and consequently the government shut down. In the end it was good for Clinton who won reelection. But there has always been a faction that though the real reason it didn't work to the Republican's favor was because they eventually made some concessions to end the stalemate. If Gingrich gets elected with a Tea Party congress there's no telling what will happen.
He'll shut the government down, did it before will do it again :)
No Doubt!!!
Enjoy this early X-mas Gift....................
Parody video: You’re a mean one, Newt Gingrich: