Forum Post: News Article:Occupy Vancouver death dooms protest camp
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1 a.m. EST by VoterMarch
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The death of a woman taking part in the Occupy Vancouver protest at the city's art gallery has led the city's mayor to announce the protest movement's tent city will be cleared.
Police said the cause of death has not been determined and would not confirm reports the woman died of a drug overdose.
Drug overdose at age 20. The death comes after a protester overdosed. Addictions
are not covered in the health. If you OD or need to come off the alcohol you are covered for free.Vancouver is a warm climate city and has become a Mecca for the homeless from around the world, yes including USA.
Much of the Heroin and other illegal drugs is funneled in through the US`s War on Drugs Program. Military is not only Occupying Afghanistan to protect the oil pipeline.
Banks profit through the money launderying that takes place. Sadly many people are addicted to many forms of drugs and food. The population is dropping off like flies, so why should someone be alarmed. Oh ya it
s shocking because nobody talks about addiction, so the media want
s to slam a group, what a great opportunity.Almost everyone or will experience a close relation of a person or themselves in this terrible disease in their lifetime. I think many here are more mature to read through that shit. It`s another reason for OWS.