Forum Post: NEWS ARTICLE: Obama starts civil war on drugs
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:28 a.m. EST by mgiddin1
from Linthicum, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Obama starts crackdown on medical dispensaries in California despite earlier indications he would not aggressively enforce federal ban on marijuana.
17% real unemployment, state and federal budgets are bankrupt, and Obama has the cash to sue states for enforcing their own borders and bust legal pot growers from growing their product.
At least he has tax evading GE CEO Jeff Immelt to advise him on how to replace one or two of the hundreds of thousands of jobs GE sent overseas.
I think it's all about screwing joe little guy while all of our brave leaders get away with rape, pillage, and murder. Oh, and it's good for the prison industry.
Yes, and they have also wasted a disgusting amount of resources on cracking down on evil raw milk producers (not kidding). Over $1million in elaborate surveillance/sting operation against private buying club: And so pathetic - they waste a year trying to take down an amish farmer
I say - legalize it!!! jIf the individual states want to regulate and tax it, then so be it.
The Constitution was written on hemp paper.
Hemp is an incredible crop that could pull the country out of economic ruin even if we never grew the marijuana high-content THC variety.
It is far superior in fiber strength to paper pulp and more renewable with no pollution compared to timber processing.
DOJ makes over $1 billion a year through forfeiture of assets and property related to CA's medical dispensaries.
Yea, President OilBomber reneges on yet another promise. Boo.
He is unbelievable. At least he is finally being exposed for the fraud that he is.