Forum Post: New weapon planned for occupy protestors ?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 23, 2011, 1:40 a.m. EST by TheTrollSlayer
from Kingsport, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Better look at this. It's non lethal but we'll see if that is the case. Non lethal always has to hurt or they wouldnt use it.
If and when that gets deployed, someone with a breathing problem is going to die, they'll be a lawsuit, and we'll once again see what so-called rights we still have in this great country of ours.
Then I think it is your duty to inform all with breathing problems of this impending threat. If anyone dies I now hold you personally responsible for not getting to them in time.
I will accept this as my personal crusade, MASTERd. Hell, I wasn't doing anything anyway. ;-)
Glad I could set you on the path. GL!
I do have to admit, things are getting out of hand on both sides of the table...This shows that the opposing side is afraid...Who ever thought the "darth vader" technology would come to pass... It is oppression at its finest, in disguise as a non lethal weapon. However, OWS is forcing their hand....They are trying to use the "order to chaos" approach. OWS is approaching chaos. The movement is tarnished, and because of this - it will get violent, and they will have the excuse to deploy the weapons. I recall some nut jobs flipping over and torching cars in Boston, around the time of the world series. The police used bean bags, rubber bullets and some people died. I felt bad, but what business did they have trashing peoples vehicles and getting out of hand? Both can be viewed as right and wrong, we simply need check and balance. We do need repairs to the system, and that is what I stand for. I choose to no longer protest, as I know what may be in store. I choose not to get hurt in the name of some nut job throwing rocks or molitov cocktails at the police. Retreat, regroup , and take a different approach. The longer this drags on , the worse it will get.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, fraudpatriot. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
"fraudpatriot" So you feel its ok to torch cars, and destroy others property??? I am for many aspects of this movement, and if the police trample on my rights I will do what must be done... However this does not change the fact that the movement is damaged by "foot soldier trolls" that will draw violence. I thought the movement was supposed to be nonviolent? Why are you so angry? It is not my fault that the problems exist, you must admit - it is about to get bad, does that mean I must jump in front of a microwave throat choking beam to prove a point? Who made you the judge?
Nobody's torched any cars and nobody is going to. Alcohol poisoned Bostoners who yell "Yankees suck" after their football team wins and burn cars in celebration aren't indicative of anything else besides their own sad selves.
Oooh, microwave throat choking beam machines! Aaaah! Run for your lives, run for your lives! Go ahead scared rabbit, run.
(By the way, tell your bosses that this fear mongering isn't working and that they should fire you.)
Hey , I was talking about the Fenway park incidents as example, nothing more. FOX has already demonized the movement in many ways, and focused on a group in Oakland that were throwing rocks @ police. I fear nothing, I play the chess game, and know when to make my move amongst others....I have protested in Boston as I had time and experienced first hand the deliberate contamination of the movement. The homeless that are always panhandling, etc, were paid to defecate, urinate in the parks, and other people were sent in to sell weed, etc to get it on the news nothing more. I am not a scared rabbit, but I will not stand in front of one of these devices to prove my point. I will find a way to shield against it and share this knowledge... I am not against you nomdeguerre; I pick and choose my battles wisely and await their next move...What I was suggesting is that we fall back, regroup, plan, and attack again based on that - nothing different than what a general does in command of an army. I am not fraud, I am planning my next move based on theirs....I am on the team, just trying to do my part esp. in the field where most people think the movement is a bunch of hippies, homeless, etc. I help put the message back for others that are blinded by the media fail to see. I do my part wherever and whenever I can...
they do not have any right what so ever to go around damaging other people,s private property and every time they do it real activist and protestor,s like me have to pay the price , i have been at many protest as far back as the free trade agreement and have never really been hassled by the cops or riot police once , in fact when i am there i try to create some sort of communication with them so the occupiers will know where to be not to get arrested maced or brutalized be the riot cops , because that,s what they are trained for , to dismantle the protest by any means necessary ,
I like the use of tasers better on the OWS crew and wish there was more youtube videos of it.