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Forum Post: "NEW WAY TO OCCUPY" with tents ***watch***

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 11:44 a.m. EST by Fiction (14)
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FROM OCCUPY MELBOURNE: A New Way To Occupy laughs Spread this Message http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxieBuvAT2A



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[-] 2 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Funny. Maybe this is the kind of creative stuff the Occupy Wall Street movement should be shifting to. Find humorous way to ridicule our ineffective politicians and Wall Street moguls with images made of them, skits about them, songs that lampoon them, things like wearing tents (as done in this video). "NO, officer. I'm not camping. I'm just WEARING a tent."

--Knave Dave http://thegreatrecession.info/blog/2011/11/occupy-wall-street-now-unoccupied-but-stronger/

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Unfortunately OWS will be severely limited in their response because the average American is limited in what they know and understand. No OWS as a movement should not be shifting, although moments of humor and lightheartedness are needed.

If Americans were functioning normally, and of right mind;there would be an uprising with the National Security Authorization Act of 2012; which entirely eliminates the constitution; posse comitatus, and habeas corpus; by indefinitely detaining, citizens and non-citizens "suspected" of terrorism,WITHOUT due process.

There is little response to this coup d'etat from the bankers and their hired hands in congress, which shows nearly 300 million Americans aren't functioning sanely and reasonably; begging the question if even their survival instincts are intact after heaving dosing of psyops, chem trils, GMO, and fluoridated water.

[-] 1 points by itsme2 (45) 13 years ago

She should have worn a sleeping bag under that tent.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Okay this was totally adorable, utterly sweet, and I bet the police got a chuckle...of course they're not American police who have taken an oath to Satan, and would send drones in fitted with hellfire missles to teach these mobile tented terrorists a lesson.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Sad attitude toward our own police.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Respect is earned. If police and military refuse to keep their sacred oaths, as many are doing, far worse will arise in the populace, than just an attitude. The National Security Authorization Act of 2012; which destroys the constitution; eliminates posse comitatus; turns the duties of the DOJ over to the Pentagon allowing the military anywhere on the planet, including home soil; to indefinitely detain, citizens and non-citizens; "suspected" of any terrorism WITHOUT due process is a defining moment for police and military; who will be asked to enforce it. Either to uphold their oaths, to protect the constitution and the people, or to betray that oath in supportting and upholding the coup d'etat and tyrants seeking full spectrum dominance on the planet and here at home.

So far, we have seen displays of tyrannical power and brutality which would have the founding fathers, turning in shame, and anger, in their graves. It is time for the police and military to CONSCIOUSLY choose which side they will be on.


[-] 1 points by doctorlove (-10) 13 years ago

Let's call a spade a spade; you all are bunch of pole smoking assholes. How is your OWS project going? What a bunch of fucking assholes. Next up, Occupy My Ass; a cult function for queers, trannies and liberal fudgepackers. What a disgusting disgrace

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

doctorofhate it seems you're comfortable with hatefulness, abuse, and intolerance. You're well positioned for the National Defence Authorization Act of 201, which suspends habeas corpus, the constitution, and posse comitatus, allowing for the military's indefinite detainment of suspected citizens and non-citizens, with no due process. The introduction of the military police state on home soil.

No doubt you'll be one of the sadistical staffers, abusing , torturing and raping your fellow Americans in the secret prisons and fema camps, througly enjoying yourself as one of the satanic minions.

I don't smoke anything, am a employed professional, and sucessful in multiple areas, as are many OWS. Clearly you are pathological and require an arena in which to spread your psycopathy. It is you sir, who is the abhorrent uneducated brutish degenerate, looking for someone or something to abuse and victimize. Take your sick, low life, and return to the pond scum in which you originated.

Even brute humanoids such as yourself, have the right to express their ignorance, and this you have fulfilled, no doubt many times, in the course of a lifetime, which will end all but shortly and be forgotten; of no particular significance to those who knew you, or humanity as a whole. Garbage in, garbage out...and dust to dust, is your legacy.

[-] 1 points by doctorlove (-10) 13 years ago


Excuse me Ms. smarty pants. I want you to know that you and ows are complete morons. You haven't got the faintest idea of what you are protesting. If you really gave a shit about the 99%, you would pack your tent and shit, clean up after yourselves and allow the local businesses (99%) to start having customers come back into their shops/ businesses. You disgusting hippies have ruined public parks all over the U.S.A. (my great country) and because of that, you all should be arrested and deported to Canada/Mexico. If you don't like what we have to offer in my great country, then get the fuck out of here you losers. The Doctor!

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Speaking on behalf of my indigenous ancestral roots why don't you and your ilk, those sharing your specific consciousness; get the hell out of my great country.

[-] 0 points by doctorlove (-10) 13 years ago

how about a big old fuck you, you hippie prick

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Why are you so hateful...really why ? What's the point ? Personally I like hippies; though I doubt I qualify as one. Really what's to hate ? I and my ancestors and family have been in America long before you arrived. As an individual I'm law abiding , an employed middle class professional, who has a track record of accomplishments...and I support OWS. Sorry you're so totally into hate...hopefully you'll evolve before you return to your creator. Try to heal yourself. Bye.

[-] 1 points by doctorlove (-10) 13 years ago

Excuse me Ms. smarty pants. I want you to know that you and ows are complete morons. You haven't got the faintest idea of what you are protesting. If you really gave a shit about the 99%, you would pack your tent and shit, clean up after yourselves and allow the local businesses (99%) to start having customers come back into their shops/ businesses. You disgusting hippies have ruined public parks all over the U.S.A. (my great country) and because of that, you all should be arrested and deported to Canada/Mexico. If you don't like what we have to offer in my great country, then get the fuck out of here you losers. The Doctor!

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

This is really good....Jesse Ventura....He was a navy seal, and governor, so he can be trusted not to be a loser and hippie !

Indefinite Detention FRAUD by SB 1867 (NDAA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBd3mvT1nzg

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

You won't hear us, so here are some Americans perhaps more like yourself.

ps 1867 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZVYoRsv5xA

Rand Paul responds to John McCain S. 1867 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QktGAtHLt2Q&feature=related

US Senate:Bill Allows The Military To Arrest Americans On American Soil And Hold Them Indefinitely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC3oED1kJ4w&feature=related

AMERICA IS GONE!! Listen to this... It is over! WAKE UP PLEASE!!!. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeCpLcjxOq4&feature=related

Indefinite Detention FRAUD by SB 1867 (NDAA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBd3mvT1nzg

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

What is your response to the Patriot Act, TSA, Supreme Court ruling against the fourth amendment, and SB 1867 ? If OWS goes home; what is the plan for the coup d'etat that has occured ? Plan B ?

[-] 1 points by doctorlove (-10) 13 years ago

Deport all OWS and then we have no need for TSA because all the hippies and terrorists would be deported. You are all a bunch of fucking losers

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Is Jesse Ventura, ex Navy seal also a hippie and loser ? He's done all he can to warn you. Seriously, you know you have mental issues, as an anti-social personality...so we'll end this here.

Indefinite Detention FRAUD by SB 1867 (NDAA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBd3mvT1nzg

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Good news, from what I've learned about law at least. The recently passed S.B. 1867 (national Defense Authorization Act) includes this statement:

"AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States."

This statement is in the section where it allows the United States to detain citizens without trial. Since this is illegal according to other U.S. law, for now, things are safe.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

This may be the Udall Amendment THAT WAS REJECTED by the senators. The senators wanted US citizens to be fully incorporated into this bill, and held by the military indefinitely, without due process. They rejected the Udall amendment and passed the bill.

We are not safe, we are in extreme danger ! This is a coup d'etat....as I understand it.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Nope, I double-checked, this is the version that was passed by the senate.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Harry, there is still cause for the greatest concern, as revealed in the links provided. The very fact that is open to diverse legal interpretations is a clear and present danger.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

It is open to legal interpretations, that is true. But one of those interpretations is that it doesn't apply to U.S. Citizens, and also that it can't over-ride any previous legislation, or anything written in the Constitution. I suggest printing and carrying a copy of sections 1031-1033 on you anyway, just to be certain. It is scary, but I don't think there is need to make people worried, just make them aware of the fact that it is ambiguous.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Well pardon my lack of positivity but I've noticed a systematic encroachment upon our liberties and rights to the extent that the term police state can be justifiably applied. It's been a historical observation that police states take laws, broadly defined, and open to legal interpretation to advance greater policing measures.

According to several reports, the Udall amendment, was rejected, because senators wanted, and stated they wanted it to apply to citizens. This requires more research; and people should be worried and all over this. I can't begin to fathom why anyone but the government would encourage people to go back to sleep on this.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

I just don't think its useful to scare people either. It does need more research. "I affirm under the laws of the United States of America that it is still illegal to detain a U.S. Citizen indefinitely and without trial." That's all I was trying to say. Not to get worried or scared about this, because even with this document, it is still illegal. That doesn't mean that the U.S. wont' still do this, it just means we still have a right to prosecute anyone who would detain a U.S. citizen illegally without trial. Ambiguity works for both sides of the argument. I think along with the education of the public about this law should be a commentary on the ambiguity of the law and that it can be read in favor of U.S. Citizens as well as against.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

I don't think you or I are in a position to affirm anything truthfully given the fact and reality that the constitution and the people's rights and liberties are being extinguished hourly despite the illegality of such actions. There are no affirmations in a police state.

Why are you so invested in sedating the people ?

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

I am not, I am invested in giving the people hope. I want the people to know that this is an illegal document that has no authority. I don't want us to give up hope on our legal system just yet, we can still use it to our advantage. I want people to know about this document, and I want people to know it is illegal and holds no authority.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Well the Supreme court in two separate cases ruled AGAINST the fourth amendment of the constitution; and the police and government are now abiding by those illegal rulings that have no authority.

The entire post 911 legal infrastructure is illegal and holds no authority; except for the authority that is being rammed down the throats of the people. Yes, tyranny is illegal and holds no authority, but it can kill you.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

The ultimate power of OWS will be the willingness for self-sacrifice.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

After further research, I found that it also holds no authority due to not including certain parameters necessitated by the War Powers Resolution which is still in existence today. It is an illegal document which, if used against the American people, is one more reason we have to join a movement for equality and justice. I want Americans to know about this act, but I don't want them to fear their gov't b/c of it. I want Americans to read this act and say, Ha! you have no power here, this act is illegal and holds no power over me. I also want people to be ready with lawyers if someone is arrested under this act.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Please provide the link. We must assure there are no mistakes in understanding or disinformation ...thanks so much. A link is essential because reports are contrary to what you are offering us. No doubt there is some innocent confusin, so a link is essential.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

The section I referred to starts on page 426

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

There were two versions. This version passed.


If you can locate the page or section please send me the link....I've been unable to locate it. I try to save important links for just this reason.

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

Starts on page 426

[-] 1 points by Marquee (192) 13 years ago

I'm a Special Operation veteran with a degree in Criminal Justice. No hippies here. No assholes here. Concerned and informed citizens? Lots of them here. We struggle on your behalf as well, doctorlove. Ignorance is only blissful for a short time. When you do wake up to what is truly going on in America and your protective cloak of ignorance is gone, how will you sound then?

[-] 1 points by doctorlove (-10) 13 years ago

Not like an asshole like you marquee. anyone who has to describe themselves is a fudgepacker so fuck you asshole