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Forum Post: New: Targeted Assassination File Delivered to Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 24, 2012, 8:06 p.m. EST by Johnson2012 (0)
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New: Targeted Assassination File Delivered to Congress

Did the White House target an American professor/activist for assassination in Mexico?

Copies of a 6-page document have just been delivered to key members of Congress.

The targeted man, initials AB (libertarian/populist), eluded an attack in Oaxaca, travelled to Mexico City, and found refuge in the Venezuelan Embassy on December 16, 2009.

The case is based on 6 facts.

FACT 1: AB’s father, a former US Ambassador, can attest to 2 things: 1) AB repeatedly complained via telephone and email about stalking and threats in November and December of 2009.

2) AB described the woman tracking him in Oaxaca as “European or Israeli,” as these events were transpiring in December of 2009.

FACT 2: AB left a detailed letter with the Consul of Venezuela in Mexico City, on December 16, 2009, describing the chronology of the incidents reaching back over a month earlier.

FACT 3: This December 2009 letter also describes the “European or Israeli woman” that would match the person of GAIL FOLLIARD (Mossad) within one month.

This letter was written and dated in Mexico City BEFORE GAIL FOLLIARD appeared for the first time in the international news in early 2010.

GAIL FOLLIARD (alias, false Irish passport) was linked in by Dubai and other governments to the Mossad assassination of MAHMOUD AL-MABHOUH.

FACT 4: This December 2009 letter identifies two White House officials involved in the chain of events, and their motivation.

FACT 5: AB’s mother-in-law is a witness two men staking out her residence while the target, AB, was in Mexico City. (The government of Mexico was not involved).

FACT 6: Supporting details are on file with the Justice Department of Mexico (the Procuderia General de la Justicia): Acta Circunstanciada de Hechos Numero 4772/D.O.L./2011, Oaxaca Mexico.

Copies of a 6-page document have just been delivered to key members of Congress, including Senator Rand Paul. Johnson2012



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[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

It would have been better if the 6 page document could have been made public, on line, so that people could see just how evil and sinister our government truly is.