Forum Post: New Social Networking, Wiki, Art & Media Website for Occupy Movements Worldwide
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 12:35 p.m. EST by LoveMovement
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hello everyone,
We have a resource we would like to share. We are now welcoming people directly or indirectly involved in the Occupy Movement to join our new community called Occupy Love Street. The primary mission of our site, Occupy Love Street, is to facilitate the creation, distribution and networking of all media related to occupy movements all over the world understanding that the priority is to do so working from a place of love and compassion for all people, the earth and all things. So far we have people who joined involved in Occupy movements from Oakland to Vienna, Seattle to Australia. There have been many calls for people to network information and media across different working groups and Occupy Love Street was created to help that networking. We welcome everyone to sign up at the site and contribute blog posts, videos, photos and much more!
Feel to network and/or share media from various work groups that you are interested in here:
If you don't see a work group that you are interested in, you can create one.
Feel free to start a new discussion about anything that is directly or indirectly related to the Occupy movement here:
Learn more about all the benefits of this community and what makes it different than other online networks here:
We offer a wiki, member profiles, space to promote the needs and wishlist of your local Occupy movement on your profile page, space to share your links to share recommended Occupy Movements, a twitter account with over 1,400 followers to help promote news by members, radio and podcasting ability (using only a telephone), transparency statement and a lot more.
We also worked hard to create a site that enables each member to change the theme on their individual profile pages because beauty and art is every bit as important as the information it conveys.
Thanks everyone! Keep up the great work where ever you are at!
Love for you all! Love for the people,
- Occupy Love Street Organizing Collective
Occupy Love Street Radio and Podcast
Nice site. Thanks for posting this. I like the way members posted events and videos for the 11.11.11 events in Australia and as far away as Vienna. I would love to see more Occupy Sites outside the USA have their voices heard in such a way.