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Forum Post: New Shows misguidingly report it is OWS against Bankers and Wealthy.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:58 a.m. EST by menelopie (23)
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We need a message to counteract this- this makes us look like whiners complaining about another class. This movement should be about our correupt political system. We need to threaten to vote out every politician if they take lobbyist money.



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[-] 2 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

na, a lot of folks in the movement do blindly blame wealth. it's the lack of ability to understand and articulate. but that doesn't mean they don't understand things are fkd up. they understand it quite well. we need help educating people about basics like inflation v wages, deflation, ect...

[-] 1 points by Rbrain (24) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago

How about, "If corporations are people, we must be a multinational" or "We're not against wealth, we're against who it buys".

[-] 1 points by menelopie (23) 13 years ago

To all-

Wow I should have been clearer-we can't stop the bankers unless we fix our corrupt political system which allows the bankers to do what they do-just being against something doesn't fix it.

With the supreme court Citizen's united- we have to work harder. Deregulation-glass steigal-these were done legislatively and the only way to correct is to elect officials who stand for what we do. This is difficult because of the corrupt political system.

[-] 1 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

You ARE against bankers and the wealthy. At least various people and groups within are. Just look at some of the posts here and some of the groups involved.

I hate to break it to you but the origins and organization underlying this "movement" are decidedly in the anti-capitalism camp. The "kids in the park" largely are props. All of the demands and principles development stuff is busy work to keep people there and involved. The agenda has already been developed. People like you are just along for the ride.

Don't worry. You'll be told what you're supposed to think and do as needed. lol

[-] 1 points by menelopie (23) 13 years ago

Wow I should have been clearer-we can't stop the bankers unless we fix our corrupt political system which allows the bankers to do what they do-just being against something doesn't fix it.

With the supreme court Citizen's united- we have to work harder. Deregulation-glass steigal-these were done legislatively and the only way to correct is to elect officials who stand for what we do. This is difficult because of the corrupt political system.

[-] 1 points by occupyguy (33) 13 years ago

We've already tried all of your suggestions and they haven't worked yet. This is why we started OWS.

[-] 1 points by Fiddler (52) 13 years ago

The establishment will try to conquer and divide creating the illusion of class warfare, or separation. We must not give it to this type of thinking and perceiving. Take a moment to support the occupation movement. Keep posting, and thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reazEr_AIBk

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Does that video have a soundtrack? If so I didn't hear it.

[-] 1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

There has been class warfare going on in this country since the beginning. The problem is only one class knows they are fighting this war... And they are winning.

[-] 1 points by SolveEtCoagula (97) 13 years ago

Well, respectfully, Bankers and the Wealthy ARE part of the problem. The bankers were outright crooks if you study the predatory lending practices and the illegal foreclosures (ie in florida), for instance

[-] 1 points by menelopie (23) 13 years ago

Wow I should have been clearer-we can't stop the bankers unless we fix our corrupt political system which allows the bankers to do what they do-just being against something doesn't fix it.

With the supreme court Citizen's united- we have to work harder. Deregulation-glass steigal-these were done legislatively and the only way to correct is to elect officials who stand for what we do. This is difficult because of the corrupt political system.