Forum Post: New Posters?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:14 p.m. EST by Leynna1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Uh.....whats with and Chinese army style posters? Not to mention the Swastika reminiscent colors? I don't like to knock anyone's artwork...truly I don't. I'me quite creative myself, and no-one likes to hear that, but, this is a blast from the past. Military industrial complex is well on its way in America, but something a little more forward thinking is called for here I think. Just saying.
Your fellow human being
Folks, it is a reference to Tiananmen square - one of the major historical symbols of the oppressed rising up against the machine.
Well...ok I get it....but, that was their revolution. The shear proportion of this global uprising as never seen before towards the global oligarchs feels very different and demands a unique visual. Don't mind me...I shouldn't be least they're doing something...I'm just sitting at a keyboard! Power to ya!!
It's right up there with the creepy talking in unison thing. What the hell is up with that?
Thanks you!
Yeah, there are certainly some violent undertones that seem to come out from "official" sources.
i agree, thats the point of propaganda and art. think dada. im not so sure if the colors and tanks were the best to use, but hey its definitely turning some heads and creating a ruckus
My first impression as well. Kind of has a "North Korea" feel to it for lack of any better way to explain it.