Forum Post: If anyone personally knows JewsRPsychopaths please report him yo the police I Think he is a danger to society.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by leavethecities
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Also silverspider, who is almost certainly the same poster ensconced in another username.
just picking up on some clues in his tone, probably 21, has been bullied alot, deep anger, he needs help
Maybe a slight tendency to overuse alcohol?
If I had to guess he is more wired than under the influence of alcohol, drugs maybe presciption, somewhat disorganized and not currently employed
What did he SAY?
a good citizen, look what happened in elsewhere
Please get help JewsRPychopaths, seriosly dont think you are well
enough said
check him out
Inform on him? Like a good little nazi? Or a good little commie?
Oh relax. Isn't he just practicing free speech?
even free speech has its limitations. For example: it is against the law to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire. Anything that is incriminating or indicative of a violent crime against another human being would fall neatly into that category. Paying attention to people like this probably could have prevented a lot of the well publicized school violence in recent history.
He won't get noticed until he puts a tent up in a park