Forum Post: New Constitution peeps?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:56 a.m. EST by listeningsoul
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What do y'all think about the people at Occupy Wall St. (I'm sure you've seen them) who are trying to work towards creating a new constitution? If you haven't seen it, the (open-source) website is at:
I guess, from the context, it was written by someone named Drew Dielman. It looks pretty interesting, but I'm not sure if I understand it.
I like the one we have, we just need to actually start abiding by it!
The nation that can amend their constitution can enforce their constitution. We need an Article V convention, it is our first constitutional right. It can include all other issues and satisfy all other demands by majority rule in amendment by states ratifications. Congress will have nothing to do with it IF the states are ratifying.
By creating a new constitution, this will no longer be "America". This is exactly what our founding fathers feared.
The destruction of America.... I fear it is coming.
The United States of America predates the Constitution, It is Article I of the Articles of Confederation that designates us that.
We do not need a new constitution we need those damn politicians to follow the constitution.
No one is changing the constitution. Wont happen. More propaganda. It isnt even a realistic possibility.
As long as the Bill of Rights stand (and they ALWAYS should), America will as well.
I'm not sure why nobody remembers Gouvernor Morris anymore... he's the guy who wrote "We the People, in order to form a more perfect union..." etc etc
Thomas Jefferson did write a lot of the Declaration of Independence, though....
The Constitution we have is all we need, i.e., the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments). Look at the ninth and tenth amendments in particular. The framers gave YOU rights that aren't even listed! YOU ARE the 800 pound gorilla in the room and there is a solution. FORM YOUR OWN LOBBY! Use YOUR VOTE. not bags of money. Keep political parties out of it. ALL OF THEM! This is the only way you will finally have a voice in your own government and it's relatively simple. Crowd source a virtual congress of the Internet, take back some of YOUR airwaves and form your own TV network, hold open democratic debates, take a vote and send (or hire) your OWN lobbyists to the U.S. Congress to lobby on behalf of the American people. Then use the power of the vote the Founding Fathers gave you and send those who "don't get it" back to wherever they came from. We are just not using the powers we already have.
Actually Thomas Jefferson had no part in writing the original constitution... he was in Paris at the time. The Constitution was largely written by James Madison, James Wilson, and Gouvernor Morris, with lots of parts of it decided as parts of deals and compromises at the constitutional convention.... In particular, Roger Sherman brokered the "Great Compromise"...
How stupid it is to consider adopting an new constitution. We have one already. If you don't like it, amend it, if you can get enough people to agree
Hmm, lets see ..... Drew Dielman or Thomas Jefferson?