Forum Post: New Chief of Staff: Former Hedge Fund Exec. at Citigroup, Made Money Off Mortgage Defaults
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 9:33 a.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
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Change you can believe in
I thought only Republicans were the evil Banker Crony's? What's going on here?
I posted this yesterday. Obama replaces his Chief of Staff (former JP Morgan Exec) with another banking executive. Unbelievable. Obama is a Wall St puppet.
I think that the lack of Justice dept.and the GOP Sureme court need Occupying
My cynicism has been totally reinforced!
Bankster occupied government. That's why Wall St. crimes are never investigated, let alone banksters indicted and tried. That's why frontrunning the markets (with algorithms and superfast computers) are allowed.
Banksters don't deserve a bailout, they deserve a jailout.
how about the pols who allow it? why do they get a pass?
What do you mean? They should all be kicked out.
People need to know that our political leaders aren't really leaders. They're kept whores of the moneyed 1%ers.
yea I know - it just seems they are never mentioned by OWS. The focus is on the 1% who could care less what OWS thinks or does. The Pols are the ones accountable to the people.
We saw that here in NYC. Most of the local pols supported the Zucotti Park encampment. Ultimately votes trump money. A sufficiently motivated electorate can still run over the 1% would be dictators and looters -- and they know it and they fear OWS.
yea exactly. so why are you wasting your time occupying the 1% instead of the pols who are accountable to the people?
We need to motivate the 99% to override the 1% advantage of money. Pointing out the outrageousness and criminality (where it exists) of the 1% will hopefully do it. The exit of the failed pols will follow.
what Pols supported the Zuccotti invasion? Name three.
But they are doing it for 55% of the 99% who have money invested in Wall Street's casinos.
who is "they"? we are talking about one specific individual selected by our hope & change savior.
All of them including this one. They have to extract wealth for all the degenerates who have money invested with the banksters and wall street casinos.
Oh, did this guy steal some money? I thought that's what those kinds of tiggers do. We all know that.
Sure, let me hand them my life savings so I too can at least be in the majority of the 99%'ers.