Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 3:13 p.m. EST by LightNerd
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is time for a Brand New Deal"
We can achieve the best outcome if we follow a multi-front approach.
Combine our leaderless efforts in a number of directions simultaneously.
Non-Violent, Peaceful and Respectful Protests, underway now and growing.
Petition Government and Business, Examples to startt with below below:
- Economic Action: We need a website that list the ill deeds of corporations, the most current failures to serve the needs of the public and nature, or worse the current abuses of power that negatively effect both. Then this website would poll members to determine which corporation or entity will be boycotted for a designated period, such as one full month or longer as the group decides
Example: during the BP Spill, we should have boycotted them for the duration plus one month!
- A new people based grue grass roots political action group: "99% Free Party"
A non-partisan organization made up of people inclined towards the Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Green Party, Peace and Freedom.
A diverse group of broad minded, thinking people who recognize that no one persuasion has all the answers or is right much of the time. People who are tired of open assaults on anyone with a different opinion or with a brand new idea, that are into open and honest fair minded discussion and solution making.
- Political Action: Vote for individuals who support an intelligent, fact based discussion and appropriate solutions, perhaps running under a banner of an organization similar to the one suggested above. This approach may pave the way for more effective and fair governance that does not reflect the interest of "Wall Street" alone.
The Wall St. firms that everybody hates would be gone if Obama and his cronies didn't bail them out with taxpayer money that does not even exist yet! google "obama wall street connection" - very eye opening!
Lets occupy Washington.