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Forum Post: New and better world

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 8:52 a.m. EST by Tooch (0)
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I know this movement is not supossed to have any specific aims but I think a total rehaul of world governments is the only thing that would work. If these people are allowed to stay in power they will just make a few promises and changes to keep us happy for a while then continue down the same path as before. Obviosly I'm aware that something as huge as I'm sugessting is difficult and could degenerate in to violence but remember this started out as a peaceful protest and despite violence administered from th authorities it has stayed that way. There is no shortage of good people capable running governments.



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[-] 1 points by AnObserver (9) 13 years ago

Is it so hard to extrapolate the trends of today? Where will we be 500 years from now? How about 10,000 years? We the people, have plundered this planet so much in the last century alone. Ecosystems and wild life have suffered and are going extinct every year. Resources are being depleted faster than consumerism can consume and landfills are becoming landmarks. While there are laws which fight to protect these very systems, all laws are for sale in the open market regardless of regulations. As Jacque would say, we've been given this beautiful gift, and we're lousing it up! I find that to be an understatement. While many innovations and achievements have come from this economic model, it has served its purpose and is now doing more harm than good. If we choose to continue this path, needless to say, I do not foresee the human race nor any other species surviving the next thousand years. A term coined "The death of birth". Technology is the vehicle which has accelerated so much destruction through its application via economic policy. Now is the time to utilize our knowledge and technology to realize a new way of life, a new standard of living. Not for the privileged, but for We The People. I have fully studied the resource based economy amongst dated social practices and theories of the past. I am part of this human race and I support this direction. All arguments I've seen against it have been driven by lack of awareness and traditional assumptions, and while some may dispute valid technical points, there's nothing which cannot eventually be agreed upon and worked out when understanding the values and principles. Thank you for reading and remember to consider the gravity of the situation.

[-] 1 points by ttoombs (2) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Yes. This movement is about recreation. We must walk away from this stale system of perpetual corruption and rebuild our world. This is the beginning of the end, and as you said, "there is no shortage of good people" to erect the new pyramids.

[-] 1 points by ThatAutisticGirl (150) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

I feel the same way. I also feel that if there is violence it will be the 1% who throw the first stone when they realize they are loosing control. They are already trying to incite violence but have so far been unsuccessful!