Forum Post: New $1.4 Trillion U.S. Economic Stimulus
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:48 a.m. EST by twisted
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New $1.4 Trillion U.S. Economic Stimulus Is in Sight: Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Do you think your protest is being heard?
Tear Down The Wall
what do you think of my stimulus?
Its not about politicians . . .politicians are picked by these guys because they can sell them to us
They buy these guys way back when with campaign contributions and favors
Obama . .this guy was just an experiment that went wrong . . .public opinion on this bad comedy was way back . . .watch a movie called Blazing Saddles
Besides, our stock markets are not even paying attention to us right now. They're concerned about European Markets which is on the brink. If that fails, we go down with it. I'm sure that stimulus money will be going over seas to keep the European Markets floating. Once again, the whole process is so vulnerable. Too bad this country will never be able to stand on its own again.
The Obama admin knows the economy is going down the shitter regardless of what happens with the jobs bill. He is going to be railing against the Republicans for not "passing this bill," the economy will go down the shitter, then he will draw causation between the two saying that since they didn't "pass this bill" the economy went down the shitter.
But the argument still stands then. If the Republicans don't act, it looks really bad on them. It's not a tactic for Obama's re-election, it's the Republican Party not being focused first on the people.
NO this gives the corp tax cheats not to pay taxes that they hid overseas it is a banker stimulus so they can gamble more
Oh they really don't give a shit, they gonna take our money and give it to the banks
I'd rather see Economic replaced with Citizen. First economic stimulus attempt failed. So divide up the money for citizens to pay off mortgages and financial debt. Banks get their money, people have low debt who can now work for these $8 an hour jobs and survive.