Forum Post: Never understood how OWS plans to please everyone
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:51 p.m. EST by teaoccupyunited
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If the occupiers keep thinking and communicating with one another for long enough we will eventually reach a consensus on the right focus or reason to champion one and only one cause...or is there...I believe there is one cause worth focusing on right now that will eventually solve all the others...Instant Runoff Voting...Please consider making this your number one issue that you believe in as well. I challenge everyone who reads this comment to learn about IRV and champion it in your local state and federal election systems.
OWS doesn't have to please everyone because it isn't necessary to do so. "We are our demands" means no one should complain. Everyone is his or her own personal rant. If you want to know if that will accomplish anything, then that's another question.
That's where government coercion comes in. Guns can be pretty scary, especially when they are pointed at your head.