Forum Post: never a demand..only a statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:36 a.m. EST by youmeiyou
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are amending the hitherto antiquated "rights of man(kind)" with the infallible truth that life and the sustenance of life is now and forever a commercial free-zone. Currency, commerce and markets, which by definition are intangible matters of opinion (individual and/or collective) and therefore only a product of imagination, are reserved solely for those who perceive "value" in the exchange of non-essential goods and services as long as said transactions do not impede upon any non-participating life-form. Those (human and non-) that do not share a similar imaginative perception of value should not and will not have their fundamental right to life and to the optimum access of that which sustains life usurped. We are life. We are liberty. We are the 99%.
did this late last night...sorry for grammatical errors