Forum Post: NESARA could change the world. Please spread far & wide. Thank
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 9:02 a.m. EST by charlottepascoe
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- NESARA Forgives all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt
- NESARA Abolishes income tax and income tax collection
- NESARA Creates 14% flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax
- NESARA Returns Common laws to all courts
- NESARA Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities
- NESARA Creates new US Treasury currency, backed by gold, silver &platinum precious metals, ending the US bankruptcy initiated in 1933
- NESARA Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
- NESARA Retrains all judges and barristers in Common Laws
- NESARA Establishes Peace, and ceases all aggressive military action worldwide
- NESARA Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
- NESARA Enables the release of over 6000 patents of suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, antigravity and sonic healing machines.
The history of NESARA.
Also here is a link for the petition that has to be signed by October 28th.
Lastly a short video explaining what NESARA is.
Some more info I've managed to find.
I stumbled across this info by sheer accident & just thought OWS may be interested in it. I know many people like myself have never heard of this before & I have put links up so people can research NESARA & make an informed choice. This post is not supported by OWS......just little old me from the UK wanting a better non corrupt world for myself & my children. It's time the 'Self chosen' were held responsible for the crimes they have committed against humanity. I WASN'T BORN TO BE A SLAVE. I want my freedom back. Lots of love & peace to you
If this what you believe should be that is cool. I dont honestly know much about it so I'm not putting my opinion about that here. But I believe you should put something in your post that says this isn't a supported view of OWS. Many people from OWS might love this idea but a lot of conservative trolls think that this OWS doctrine when it isn't. Thanks
Here's an ireport on CNN about NESARA: It's user submitted of course, but I'm amazed it hasn't been taken down.