Forum Post: Need Help Documenting the PEOPLE's Uprisings
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 8:26 p.m. EST by RoseGardenerWI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement WE are the Democracy is beta testing a PEOPLE's Documentation project.
We are living in historic times. 2011 began with the American Spring uprisings in WI, IN, OH, MI, FL and many other states. It is ending with the 99% and Occupy Movements.
WE are the was built as a "place of our own" for the PEOPLE's movement. Because we are living in historic times, WE are the Democracy has decided to start a PEOPLE's Documentation project.
Anyone can participate in this project from their computer. All that is needed is to adopt an uprising, research it, find news stories, videos, photos, first hand accounts and build a documentation thread from the research. Different PEOPLE's Documentation forums include:
American Spring - State Uprisings Occupy Documentation
Labor Documentation
Social Justice Documentation
Rising up for Our Environment Documentation
American Uprising Historical Documentation