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Forum Post: NEED a Vokle interview!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 2:36 a.m. EST by Jager (2)
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It's very clear that major media outlets are skewing the OW movement and trying to shape public opinion--- ie making the protests look like hippie communes when they are not(We are the 99%)

While polls indicate support for OWS is large, it is hard for many in other parts of the country to fully appreciate what is happening right now in New York. We know that the major media outlets aren't telling an honest story, unless of course you think this is honest and accurate:

"Occupy Wall Street isn't a movement. It's a series of events populated by a weird cast of disaffected characters, ranging from anarchists and anti-Semites to socialists and LaRouchies. What they have in common is an amorphous anger aimed at banks, investors, rich people and bourgeois values... Occupy Wall Street started by occupying a New York City park and then blocked the Brooklyn Bridge, sparking the arrest of hundreds. (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/10/13/democrats-woo-occupy-wall-street-protesters-but-could-it-backfire/#ixzz1avIlDo8R)

In order to help people beyond just NYC understand what the protest is about, It be wise to stage an online live-streaming interview with people currently participating in the protest. I interned at Vokle for a while, and that's why it's the first thing that came to mind as an ideal platform for what I'm talking about, and that company is run by people with similar ideological missions as those in Wall street right now

What do you guys think?



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