Forum Post: Need a leader?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 11:34 p.m. EST by RealDemocracy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS, to become more powerful and more of a force for change, needs to have a leader or leaders to be the head and the voice for the movement. Would it even be possible to get a leader/leaders for OWS, and what would the qualifications be for such a position?
No leaders leads to co-opting. Go ask the Tea Party.
At least put some comprehensive demands and takes out there.
It's time that we seize the moment and put out positive and smart messaging. Choose leaders. Organize.
I believe in Occupy Wall Street I believe in economic equality. I believe in restoring the American Dream for all, not just the few. I believe that paying taxes is patriotic. I believe that we should de-link our 401-K and 403-B retirement accounts from the stock market. We should have complete control of our own retirement accounts to invest however we choose - such as local businesses, local bonds, real estate. As long as Americans retirement funds are tied into corporate profits via the stock market, people will be docile. De-link now! I believe that there should be NO CAP on social security taxes. I believe that investment income and capital gains should be taxed at the same rate (or higher) than payroll taxes. I believe that inheritances over $1 million should be taxed at a 75% rate. I believe that the Glass-Steagall Act should be restored. I believe there should be a constitutional amendment to limit personhood to people, not corporations. Occupy. With intelligence, grit and savvy strategies. Spread the word!
We don't have leaders because we are not followers
figures :)
Having "leaders" only gives the media and politicians someone to discredit and attack.
You need strong leaders to be your main voice in every city. Repetitive messages a must. A strong message to encourage support from the masses. Realize that the people that oppose you will do everything in their power to discredit you. The stronger they oppose means they are threatened by the movement. That is good!
Very well said and guess what? We all are leaders, some have a harder time understanding.
im a creating a system based off generating as much money as possible through promoting "green" materials..eventually the cost of living makes the dollar useless..and u will look around and see a world of pure "green" and free energy
How do you propose making this change accepted nation/world wide?
I think it will be accepted because of the lack of negative over positive that comes from doing it.
please explain a world of pure "green" and free energy
oh and not to mention all the negatives that come with the present day system. Stress, violence, crime, suicide will all be reduced. No more interest will be owed. Well, I could go on forever lol.
using magnetic energy, solar energy, wind energy..all free energy alternatives to reduce the cost of living. Network market the idea and one can make income off of it, well a lot, and through connecting with other "people" not corporations. The "People" will generate millions at the same time of reducing cost of living. One day you will look around and see no more capitalism, the fall of the dollar, a "green" efficient earth, and happy people. The end.
Your magnetic energy-The concept of electromagnetic power generating electricity has been around for over one hundred years in the United States! In reality, a man by the name of Wesley Gary invented what is accepted to be the first self powered magnetic motor in 1874. In 1877 Mr. Gary obtained the first U.S. Patent for the magnetic motor. Mr. Gary identified an energy source, but quite frankly, could not explain it , other than the fact that it existed. In 1925 Hans Coler, a German inventor produced a ten watt magnetic motor and in 1937, operating for Hitler’s army Coler produced six kilowatts of electricity with a magnetic motor using a simple battery as the input power. Hitler’s generals were so intrigued by the motor that they provided funding for the project for the remainder of the war. After WWII Coler cooperated with British intelligence showing his blueprints of the magnetic motor. All this information was considered top secret until released by the British government. An inventor by the name of Howard Johnson prepared the stage for U. S. Patents in the 1970’s and 80’s of magnetic motors claimed to go 100,000 miles on two pounds of a mixture of deuterium and gallium, both substances in great quantity throughout the entire world. Greyhound Bus was rumored to install a magnet motor into one of their busses, but this never came about. Rumor has it that Mr. Johnson packed all his equipment and hastily left for California. Years afterward, Greyhound was notified that Mr. Johnson had prematurely died. Well, surprise, surprise!! An acquaintance of Mr. Johnson’s attempted to convince Greyhound to install one of the motors again, but this time they were stopped by red tape in Illinois, with the explanation that too much tax revenue would be lost should this knowledge ever get out!! And, oh, by the way, there was a gag order from guess who…. The United States government to end production of these devices! Your solar enery-The Chinese have this market cornered making solar panels your wind energy- Top 10 wind turbine manufacturers by annual market share (installed capacity) in 2010 by BTM Consult:
Exactly! But who is making money off it all? The corporations and Governments! If the people promoted through network marketing, it would take money and eventually power away from those in power. They will eventually have to join the movement because of no other choice. Going green and network marketing are two booming industries right now, so why not combine them? It creates equality based effort to producing green and making money. Eventually, the cost of living will devalue the dollar and people will have more time to be creative and use their minds together for a better cause without distraction. The ones in power only fear losing money because many have their money in oil and other useless materials. But once they understand none of that matters, they will become apart of the new developed system.
So you market the people with this idea. These technologies already exist, but when the people join the movement, they will have regained the power. This includes soldiers, police,etc. Decrease the 99% and increase the 1%
So you market the people with this idea. These technologies already exist, but when the people join the movement, they will have regained the power. This includes soldiers, police,etc. Decrease the 99% and increase the 1%
So you market the people with this idea. These technologies already exist, but when the people join the movement, they will have regained the power. This includes soldiers, police,etc. Decrease the 99% and increase the 1%
Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives. By: Tony Robbins
Obama is America's King!
OWS = America
CEOs and Bankers = Parasites
Aren't democracy's not suppose to have kings? The countries like Egypt and others "voted" people into power and they stayed for years, but now they are all endinging with protest and violence.
There is something to your post...
Our current system makes it impossible to clean up GW Bush's mess.. Not enough time for Obama.
That is true. But the people would see it as unfair to the rule for only two terms, and who's to say others won't be just as good or better than Obama, whowould give their opinions and try what they think would make America better again also.
We have leadership without needing to have leaders.
You need a leader for democracy. The idea that you can get the best results by pooling the ideas from everyone is false. One problem is that a lot of people are simply uneducated and don't know what the best system would be. Another problem is that some people don't have time to get involved in politics, they have other things to take care of. That's why everyone can't be gardeners, cops, or whatever. A good democracy has leaders which must account for what they do with the people's taxes and account for the decisions they make. The problem with the current system is that governments are too protected and it's too difficult to create opposition parties. The problem is not the idea of having a leader.
How would you make this change?
I would transform the OWS movement into a political party and create a clear platform for the main points most everybody can agree on which are essentially to clean up the government corruption and greed. I would consult with knowledgable lawyers and scholars in economics and politics who understand the flaws in the system and know which laws could be enacted to correct them. If OWS represents 99% of the people like they claim to, they should be able to get voted in quite easily. If they do not represent enough people and cannot be voted in, then democracy has won since most people chose another party. The way OWS is working now is anti-democratic. They have called themselves the voice of the 99% without having won any votes which would show this to be the case. They are the self proclaimed 99%, not the democratically elected 99%. As time passes and OWS starts elaborating clearer goals and demands, they will lose support. This is why they do not want to do it. The clearer your intentions are, the harder it is to satisfy a large number of people. It's easy to get a mass following if you simply complain about a problem, it's much harder when you start proposing one of many solutions since others will want different solutions.
US has a system in place which has a strong foundation. However, every system has flaws. Throughout the decades, this system has shown that it is flexible and can be modified to better serve the people. Slavery was abolished, workers gained better rights, women gained better rights, African-Americans gained better rights, etc... There is nothing in the system that prevents it from being modified again to minimize corruption at the government and banking levels. It would be a shame to throw away a good foundation for something new that hasn't even been tested yet.
That is a very good idea! Spread the idea to everywhere to make the change. If we are the 99% then we should be able to get into office. We should be able to fix out government ruled by the people. Get everyone you can that supports the 99% to have this idea and we will go far.
The idea that with no single body at the head is empowerment for all. word-Single- Verb: Meaning- Choose someone or something from a group for special treatment.
But wouldn't a face for the movement make it stronger. The face for the movement wouldnt have special treatment, but simply be the spokesperson, if you will, for the movement.