Forum Post: NBC apologises to Bachmann for rude song
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 11:39 p.m. EST by Brandon37
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
American television network NBC has apologised to Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann after a popular band played a song called Lyin' Ass Bitch during her appearance on a late-night talk show.
The Roots played part of Fishbone's 1985 risque song as Ms Bachmann walked onto the set of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, prompting the Minnesota congresswoman to accuse the band of bias and sexism.
"The fact that someone did something so hateful and disrespectful is unfortunate," Ms Bachmann's spokeswoman Alice Stewart said.
A day after the appearance, however, Ms Bachmann received a personal letter from NBC vice president of late night programming Dough Vaughan, who called the incident "not only unfortunate but also unacceptable," Ms Stewart said.
In offering his apologies, Vaughan also promised that The Roots had been "severely reprimanded," Ms Stewart added.
Before the show aired, Roots drummer Ahmir 'Questlove' Thompson had tweeted a teaser, writing "aight late night walkon song devotees: you love it when we snark: this next one takes the cake. ask around cause i aint tweeting title."
Further complicating matters, Questlove's Twitter profile picture shows him posing with US president Barack Obama, a Democrat who Ms Bachmann is fighting to oust from the White House in next year's presidential elections.
Host Fallon later tweeted that the drummer was "grounded" and said he was "so sorry about the intro mess."
He also apologised directly to Ms Bachmann after the show.
"Jimmy was very nice and gracious," Ms Stewart said.
"He said he was sorry and showed a great deal of remorse, saying he was sorry it happened, enjoyed having her on the show and hopes to have her back on."
And Ms Bachmann did manage to have a "good time" on the show after all, her spokeswoman acknowledged.
During an appearance on Fox News, Ms Bachmann said she accepted Fallon's apology but was outraged over the incident.
"This is clearly a form of bias on the part of the Hollywood entertainment elite," she said.
"This wouldn't be tolerated if this was Michelle Obama. It shouldn't be tolerated if it's a conservative woman either."
Why are conservatives such whiners. It was a joke get over it.
Will somebody just cottle her a little bit
Yeah. just what I was thinking.
Yeah, get over it. God forbid Fox did something like that to a liberal, OMG you would have the ACLU, NAACP and every other tree hugging entity looking for heads to roll. Funny how you all precieve the double standard. God forbid they did that to Nancy P.
You are just another fucking whiner bitch. Go watch Fox some more you little tittie bably
Actually, can't stand Fox, but that doesn't change the fact that A. you completly ignored the fact that I was right and B. The left is just as bad as the right when it comes to being sorry. By the way, you unfortunatly are the reason this movement will never amount to more than .1% of the 99%. When you have no legit response to a post your resort to name calling and cussing. Way to go!
All you do is babble and whine, I just cut to the chase
This whole thing is not worth talking about. Just idiots making something out of nothing
there was no babble or whine in any of it, just a fact that you still have not disputed. My guess is, you don't feel it is worth talking about because there is no defense for it. You made the statment that conservatives were whiners, I didn't dispute it I only added that it is no different on the other side. You are upset because that is the side you agree with, yet now it is not worth your time to defend your own statement?
How about if I just hey "tinhorn" you are right, will that give what you are looking for. That's not a problem for me, actually that's my MO when comes to dealing jerks that just want to argue and be right.
Again, how am I being a jerk. I am only pointing out that both sides suck. You made a statement and I added one to which you resorted to calling me a bitch and a whiner and now a jerk. Telling me i'm right is neither here nor there, I could care less if you think I'm right or wrong. It's simple, you posted a statement on a blog site to get responses. You got one that was contrary to your beliefs and you responded in the same whining childish way that you accused me of doing.
I did respond. The fact that it wasn't what you expected is not my problem. It is the truth and I stand by it. Hey Tin, that's my “opinion” I don't have to defend it and you don't have to like or agree with it.
"You are just another fucking whiner bitch. Go watch Fox some more you little titty baby"
LOL, you make it way to easy. Good job at proving my point for me.
Glad I could help. Was it good for you? It was for me (-:
I just love to string people along that have your "personality type"
I know where the buttons are. I will commend you though. You did not call me names. That's when I consider it a win.
Seriously-- Good Job
lol, that makes no sense. The only one who got emotionally charged was you when you had no answer to my facts. Thanks again for proving the central downfall of this movement. hahaha!!!!
Trust me it does make sense, but not to you.
Yeah, about that.....
Ummm.... Freedom of Speech? Artistic Expression? The musician was just using satire like any other political cartoonist, editorial page, etc.
Even our media has a line that is not to be crossed. They will admit it. You need to understand that freedom of speech does not mean that anyone cay say whatever they want at any time(even a television show)without any consequences whatsoever. Freedom of speech keeps people out of jail, not public scrutiny. Learn what freedom of speech is and why we have it.
Just like clearing out an illegal encampment is not infringing on freedom of speech.
So, I assume you want every paper to release an apology for every political cartoon they print as well? The band played a cover of another band's song at a satirically significant point in a show. Bachmann needs to get over herself. In truth, all the politicians need to get over themselves. It divisive bull __ like this where people cry about how their pet politician had someone call them a bad name, that is distracting from the real issues.
I remember KGB, a San Diego radio station played good bye blue skies in 92 when the IS bombed Iraq
You do not play a satirical song with that title on a family network regarding a presidential candidate. It just isn't done. Period. Thirty years ago this would have been front page news for weeks.
You would need a diaper change had this been Michele Obama and Falon played "stupid girl" by Run DMC. You wouldn't be able to handle the rage seething through your veins. Boycotts would be organized and violence would erupt among the left.
Well first, MIchele Obama is not running for President. Second, I could not give two shits about if they satired her or not. Third, way to miss the point about how defending your pet politician is just a smoke screen for the real issues that this country faces. Let this shit go and start paying attention to what is really going on. There is a revolution starting, if you did not hear. It is against the 1% of American Wealth holders that dictate the lives of the other 99%. We are rising up to oust them from power and return our government back to the People! Come with us. We could use your energy. Don't waste it on propagating what they want you to be interested in.
I hate Bachmann, but honestly, this was insulting and in poor taste.
Everything these days is all about "brand consciousness" - presumably because of how television advertisers deliberately chose to adopt that model to sell their products in recent decades. You create a "positive association" with your product rather than selling it on any actual merit (this way, you can sell a product that isn't as good). Likewise you create a "negative association" with your competitor's brand. A classic example is the Mac vs PC ads of a few years ago, which didn't sell Mac so much on its qualities as a product as by making Mac seem like a young, hip, cool guy and PC as a tired old out-of-touch geezer. All about image and impression, rather than the actual merits of the products.
Well, it seems that's how people think now. About everything. We should stop. Don't worry about political brands. There isn't any need to defend this. We're not going to "lose" if we have the decency to say this was in poor taste.
I am not arguing that it was or was not in poor taste. It was a freak'n talk show, who gives a flying F? Was it wrong, sure. But so is half the vituperations that fly out of the talking heads on any one of the 'news' outlets. People are up in arms because it was so raw? I think we need to take the rose colored glasses off and realize the worlds is F'ing raw! But, all that does not matter. Because the more we talk about who insulted which candidate for supreme ruler of the Capitalist throne, the more we ignore the people that are really screwing up our lives.
We have norms. Our society has certain aspects of class that we adhere to. People are not interested in cheapening our culture by taking a "everything goes" attitude. In a culture where "everything goes," everything eventually does.
Huh? How is that relevant to ignoring the political diatribe of spoon fed, "you should be upset about __" that your chosen news feed has given you? ALL of the politician and media are just puppets for the 1%. The more you trumpet whatever vituperates that they want you to the more they have control over you. Throw off the yoke, turn off the TV. The revolution will not be televised!
You obviously cannot grasp this. Your mind has been brainwashed into following a hoard. I don't think there is any thing anyone can say to people like you.
Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, etc. Those are the men that have brainwashed me. Men of substance and forethought that exceeds even our times now. Not the talking heads on the television. Don't fall for the trap. I'll pray for you to see the light.
What? Now you are talking about Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin? You aren't making any sense. I am also pretty sure you do not understand who and what the 1 percent is. I would bet you are just repeating what you have heard from the collective.
You are the one that did not make sense. I told you to ignore the bull crap that the news media is spoon feeding you trying to get you upset about, and you bring up aspects of culture. Focus, brother, stop letting the talking heads think for you. Read something and realize that there are people trying to distract you from the truth that there is a revolution against the Feudalistic Capitalist government and we are trying to return it to the Representative Republic that our founding fathers envisioned. Stop trying to argue, start trying to listen.
The issues are not the problem. Stop trying to tell me what is right and wrong in the world. Focus on the topic at hand. Re read the title of the thread and try again.
It was after 1AM. And you can say 'bitch' anytime you want on a "family network."
Now you're just spouting delusional dreck again.
Nope. Entities like MTV and HBO have taught you that this is acceptable. It is not. NBC cannot be in the business of marginalizing who they appeal to - especially when it is the minority who approves. NBC doesn't care about morals. They care about ratings. They most follow a moral code set by society or lose their product appeal. They have signed contracts with ultra liberal producers who have been pushing the limits for the last decade or so. They are paying for it in the ratings. This is about mismanagement of the network.
freedom to peacefully assemble
Even that has restrictions. Otherwise, people would break laws all the time and claim some constitutional right. We do have the right to assemble. However, there are laws which we must follow when doing so.
unless those laws obstruct our ability to assemble
But they don't and they aren't. Not once has that happened during OWS.
confiscation of electronic and books hinders the freedom of assemble
Why do you need books and electronics to protest? How are those items necessary for you to exercise your right to assemble and to be heard?
Did people a hundred years ago protest with books and electronics?
assembly is not protest
it involves planning
? Did people a hundred years ago protest with books and electronics ?
books yes, news paper and pamphlets as well
Thomas Paine (arguably the author of our country's Revolution) distributed the 'illegal' pamphlet "Common Sense" and would become the spark that ignited the war.
violence is not necessary
In the modern era? Violence is not possible. The Revolution we are going through right now will not be fought against the military industrial complex. It has to be fought against the fabric of our economic system to bring down the feudal lords that have all the power. What should be happening is simple: Refuse their system of Credit. Stop paying your mortgage. Stop paying your credit cards. Stop paying your School Loans. Stop paying your Insurance. Stop paying your Medical Bills. Anything that they 'report' on your credit history, stop paying it. But we have to do it as a collective. We have to play chicken with the banks until they relinquish their control of our government. Then and only then will they allow the changes to be made in our governance that will prohibit them from doing what they have systematically done to us over the past 30+ years.
what the banks have done involves use of the military
Yes, they have. That is why we can't compete with them. It does not matter if we could arm every single Occupy supporter with an AK47 and a hand grenade. The banks have bought the support of the US Government and will use drone planes to quell a rebellion. So, we have to fight with the weapons we 'do' have. Our Money.
our voices our bodies
You cannot take over public areas indefinitely to plan and prepare. Come on dude. You lost this one. You have to know you are not making sense.
I don't see why not
Are you serious? It infringes on the rights of others. It disrupts society from so many angles. Can you really not see it?
i have no pity for anyone trying to run this country as a theocracy. iran is a theocracy. every time anyone speaks of religion while employed to represent the people of this country, they are violating the first.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"
yes, the founders were religious. but those religious people wrote and signed it. ALL of it.
What does this have to do with Falon playing "Lyin little bitch" when Bachmann walked out on to stage?
the list goes on and on. you want accountability or not? shaming a lying politician is incorrect? only if it's politically correct? only if it's nice? only if it's done with class?
NBC is not the left's pulpit to smear any candidate that is not Obama. Many talking heads on NBC do it. It's also why NBC is a failing network.
The link you provided has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.
the link is a news clip of her caught lying.
I don't care about some other interview. I am not a Bachmann supporter anyway. We are talking about the Jimmy Falon incident. What Bachmann said or didn't say to Anderson Cooper on some other day is irrelevant.
so it's not ok to shame lying politicians. noted.
Depends on the forum. Don't to do it on Jimmy Falon and expect to please the majority, or avoid a backlash. Ask David Letterman how it ends.
Why don't we get Obama on Falon and play that song? He deserves to be shamed. Since you are a fan of shaming people, why not put the liar and chief on the hot seat?
sounds good. i would like to call him out on not cutting defense spending sooner and harder.
keep in mind this is only an exchange of opinions. it's not like any of us winning over the other is going to change the habits of the corporate media.
Respect your enemies.....then defeat them.
Conservatives playing victim again and again.
They whine constantly. It's incessant. They never change their so brainwashed.
Lol, if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.
This time they are nailed. And look at Newt, he is an adulterer.
That song is so terrible I'm honestly surprised anyone around in 1985 even remembered it enough to notice; but the subtle humour, totally priceless.
I kinda feel bad for Bachmann, I'm sure that despite her lack of concern for the plight of ordinary people she does actually have feelings; but that was really clever nonetheless.
I'm glad there are still people like you out there in numbers among the left. It's the gift that keeps on giving for the right.
You know, I feel the same way about Bachmann. The gift that keeps on giving to every sane individual who would prefer not to see the USA turn into totalitarian theocracy.
Nonetheless, I do actually feel for her; I just wish she had paid attention to the part of Sunday School where they teach about how Jesus speaks of loving your neighbour or that old cliche about an eye for an eye... or maybe about giving up treasure for a place in heaven... then again most of the Religious Right appears to completely ignore the central figure of their faith.
If only the majority saw things your way.
Please have a little respect for this lady. She and her husband own a church that can actually heal the gay! That's no joke, yes they claim to be able to heal gay people.
Hopefully one day the will be able to cure liars.
Michele Bachmann, Michelle Obama, I don't care who the song was directed at -- the band had the "right" to play it, (whether or not it was sporting or good taste is another matter ...) as people have the right to express outrage. Obviously, for such a "sensitive" guest, they should have Screened the bumper song in advance.
I wish they could bring back the fine vaudeville tradition of throwing rotten produce at bad acts . . .that would include the bad politicians as well as the lame musical satirists.
You know this post is more your anger at the right than it is factual or correct. They may have "the right" but it's not without consequence - as it shouldn't be.
My "anger at the right"!? Excuse me, you know nothing of my thoughts, and if you knew how to read, you'd see I was neither angry nor siding with any "Left or Right" nonsense.
You're only re-phrasing what I already said.
Of course there are consequences, cause-and-effect, and so what? I think the band is led by a buffoon who should have been egged or had a tomato splat in his afro, how clear do I need to make my position for you?
You want to lump everyone on "the Left" and everyone on "the Right" together, like they're all on the same page, like some dumb sporting event. Rah rah go team.
Well I don't give a toss about all that. If this happened to a politician I liked (say, Ralph Nader) I believe they'd take it in stride, know how to laugh at their self. I didn't hear the song, and won't, but I doubt it was a malicious as some make it sound.
Throwing rotten products. You do that, and you are the scumbag. See where I am going with this. I assumed that was your anger talking and that you wouldn't actually do something like that. We live in a civilized society. We will not be throwing rotten tomatoes at presidential candidates.
Forget candidates. I would throw them at the President. Every single one of them since I was born.
Just remember one thing. The loss of ethics in our media is the very reason we cannot get a smart person in office. What intelligent person would allow themselves to get dragged through the mud. Look at what they are doing to Cain.
Well, everything's relative I guess.
The leader of the Free World can order drone attacks that destroy communities, but a little overripe tomato on his tie is verboten anarchy. Well, I guess we have different definitions of "scumbag."
It's not a tit for tat. Think about it. What kind of country would we be if it was acceptable to throw objects at our president. Would that make the World respect us more? Would we respect ourselves? You are not seeing the bigger outcome that kind of society would lead us to.
Surely one of her old boyfriends must have some nude photos of her.
Can you please post some nude photos of Michele Bachmann?
did your balls fall off?
OK well how about just some topless photos, or at least a wet T-shirt photo?
it's just crazy she did the show at all.
This was just wrong! Can't help but wonder how the audience reacted.
Oh yeah, Bump
You can't have a guest on and then piss on them. You can disagree with them. But to have them on to bully them is wrong. :(
Bat shit crazy is bat shit crazy. I see nothing wrong with a bit of honesty.
I respectfully disagree on all accounts.
Actually it is National Broadcasting Corporation. And I fail to see why the apology is a problem with you people.
Why don't you wait and see if anyone actually does have a problem with it before saying they do?
Actually, I don't think anyone was arguing what NBC stands for. Here in the United States, we call it NBC - exactly how the article reads.
The apology was very necessary. Would an apology be in order had it be Michelle Obama? Of course it would - along with a complete meltdown from the left with chants of arrests and jail time.
Yes. I agree the apology was just. But do the rest of the Marxist crap on this site see it that way?
That's a good question. I guess we are about to find out. I cannot believe they actually played that song. It's one of the lowest things I have seen in a while.