Forum Post: Natural gas is the solution.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 1, 2012, 12:38 a.m. EST by JonFromSLC
from West Valley City, UT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The govt should hire the 20 million unemployed and put 1/3 of them to work helping the car companies retool their plants to make 100% of cars produced from 2014 on dual fuel. Petroleum and natural gas.
A 2nd 1/3 would work to help gas stations install the required tanks etc to be able to handle the demand and put in CNG pumps etc.
The 3rd 1/3 would help whoever else needs it, be it the gas companies, manufacturers who make the pumps/tanks/nozzles etc.
This would give every unemployed american a decent job for at least the next 2 years. The price of crude would plummet with the announcement of the USA using our own fuel instead of giving BILLIONS of dollars to the middle east every year. The environment would benefit from less petroleum being burned, and it would spur economic growth due to the boost in manufacturing and most importantly, the boost in the wallet of the unemployed and anyone who drives a car due to the $2.50/gal gas.
Once the 2 years is up, the people who got the jobs to help would be trained and familiar with the industry and working with the companies. This makes people more marketable. And makes it easier for them to find a job.
For the 2 years ramping up, the govt should buy conversion kits for cars 2007 and newer to be converted free of charge to begin using the new stock piles of CNG being manufactured.
The govt could work out a deal with the companies that get the "help" that they'll pay 1/2 of their wages. This way they don't get an unnecessary burden having to fully hire the people that they may or may not need for the full duration. They've already spent 6.2 TRILLION since Obama came into office... What's another couple hundred billion more?
Also, wouldn't it be nice if you could get a tank for your house that refills overnight that you could gas up your car with?
The technology is already there. The CNG lines are already going to your house! All they have to do is try to fix our Oil problem and it would be done. They don't want to fix it. They want to perpetuate the debate so that they can make money off of us.
The EPA restricts oil drilling in the US until Obama can use it as a pawn for re-election. The EPA also put the restriction on how close you could drill from the coast bordering the Gulf. If BP were allowed to drill in 300' water, man divers could have physically fixed the spill before it got out of hand. But te hippies don't want to see rigs near the beach, so you get an unworkable depth and major problems.
Where would the government get the money to buy conversion kits for every car newer than 2007? We are already in the red, would you like a darker shade?
Government dealing with private corporation, isn't that one of the things that got us into this position?
I was unaware that oil was a requirement for survival. Sounds like you're being greedy.
How am I being greedy? The money would have to be "borrowed" just like all the rest of the money that the govt spends is "borrowed". The long term benefits would far outweigh the problem of "borrowing" more money. Obama just asked congress for another 1.2 TRILLION that he's guaranteed to get.
If we doubled or tripled our production of CNG the savings alone from the money we've been spending on fossil fuels would help repay that anyway.
247 million registered vehicles in the US, let's say that 20% of them are 5 years old or newer. That's 49,400,000 vehicles to change over. A reputable dealer quoted a standard cng conversion at around $2,500. That's $123,500,000,000 for JUST the car conversion.
Alright, 2 or 3 years or newer... plus, the conversions wouldnt cost as much with the reduced labor helping to produce them.
We wouldn't necessarily even have to convert them all. Make them affordable enough for those who can spend the 1,000 to 1,500 and there ya go.
The idea is getting cars out there on the road that are CNG too.
i agree with you that natural gas is an extremely valuable option, i just lose you with the 'government handout' stuff
meh, i'm not saying govt handouts per se... I just don't see any other way to get the 20+ million people back to work and also fix our petroleum issue at the same time.
Also, with the EPA and the tree huggers being as much in control of the politicians as they are, do you think the govt would allow anything to get done if they didn't have their fingers in everyone's asses along the way?
I'm just thinking realistically... might as well have the govt help the process rather than bog it down with regulation and taxation.