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Forum Post: National "Thank a Protester" Day? Week?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 23, 2011, 12:44 p.m. EST by BlueRose (1437)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Protestors need to be shown appreciation, the Nation needs to reflect upon the sacrifices activists have made. All must realize Protesters are on the front lines in the battle of Free Speech, I thank you all!

So when should this day take place, in which the Nation honors its Protesters and Free Speech Activists?



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[-] 1 points by hidden (430) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

How about International Protester's Day? :)

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Me likey!

[-] 0 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Ok so its like the little participation ribbons right? You don't want to hurt any one's feelings by leaving them out. If your ideas and work is so important then you don't need a pat on the back.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Can you THINK instead of parroting conservative think tank ideology? The "participation trophy argument" does not even apply to what I am saying here. You need to become AWARE of how protesters stand up for YOUR free speech rights that you take for granted. Do you thank soldiers for your freedom? Then you should also thank protesters for preserving your freedom of speech. Use it or lose it.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Actually I don't take my free speech right for granted. In fact I use it wholly by not holding anything back in my head no matter who it may or may not offend. Get off my back you don't know me. Please respond to this.

If your ideas and work is so important then you don't need a pat on the back.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

I did not write this post for pats for me, I wrote it for people like you to appreciate protestors, instead of thinking ALL of them are a disservice to you and this country.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Now try it in PUBLIC. Demonstrate in PUBLIC, I dare you. And choose a controversial topic, one the cops may not like.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Now see that wouldn't accomplish much now would it. And if you are trying to say I am a coward I don't really give a damn what most people I don't know think.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

I am not calling you a coward. I believe many think they have free speech but in practicality, they would be surprised how little they have if they tried exercising it.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Oh yeah like in school. I mean why would they care if I said I was going to kill a teacher. I'm just exercising my free speech.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

You are 8 levels lower in understanding than I though you were. Time, place, and manner restrictions are enforced by those in power, and nowadays the powerful are effectively shutting down lawful free speech.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Sarcasm babe. Don't get your knickers in a knot. I understand what you mean and have spoken out against unfair treatment and won. The way to do it is to draw sympathetic public attention and present facts. Presenting conspiracy theories is not viable information.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Are you sure you are responding to the right post?

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Yes ma'am. I just thought I would throw that last part out there because its sort of a soap box subject of mine. Sorry if it was confusing.


[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Protesters are the ones who challenge repressive restrictions on free speech. Were it not for them, YOU would have less free speech, the cops and govts would enforce their twisted version of free speech, which is "sit down, shut up, and take it." We obviously need awareness.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Hear, hear!

OWS are the GREAT PATRIOTS of the hour.

The likes of "Frizolloo" would have put George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and all the Founding Fathers in jail and thrown away the key.


[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

What exactly do you mean, had I been there I would have told them to their faces, I disagree with everything you stand for, but you have a right to be here and say your message.


[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

This is what Koch Brothers WANT you to think Tea Party is for. I am sad you have fallen for it all, hook, line and sinker. I am actually sad.


[-] -1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I think we should wait until after the nation is returned to a state of peace and tranquility before we go congratulating ourselves.

If others want to congratulate us, that's fine. Let them.

We have much to do.

[-] 0 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

It is not really a self-congratulatory celebration. It is for non-protesters particularly to become educated about free speech and addressing grievances.