Forum Post: National Pizza Delivery Boycott Day
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:27 p.m. EST by marmite
from Arlington, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi, just wanted to get the word out, about these three unethical companies. Please join us in a National boycott on November 2, 2011. If everyone could please forward this link to all of their friends. Thanks Again!!! November 2, 2011 is National Pizza Delivery Boycott Day. This site is here to promote a one-day national boycott against Papa Johns, Domino's and Pizza Hut. This boycott is in response to these three companies unethical treatment of their employees. For instance, their delivery drivers are not even paid minimum wage, for one of the most dangerous jobs in America. In addition, their employers add a delivery charge, which the drivers receive none of. The driver must use his or her car, and is not fairly reimbursed for gas, and other expenses. Click on some of the links posted on this website, and see how these people are treated. With all the information given, a person would think twice about ordering from these guy's. Plenty of independent pizza companies out there treat their drivers with respect. Besides, these mom and pop stores usually make a better product!!!!
Please forward this link to all of your friends.....thanks!!!
please forward this to your non-hungry friends... thanks!
You need to forward this to your ass, bitch!!!!
i kinda like this sentence for some reason:
Nova was allegedly lured inside the building where he was stabbed 16 times and robbed of $143 in cash as well as the two pepperoni pizzas, chicken wings, and soda his alleged killers had ordered as they set in motion the planned robbery.
Make sure to call your local shop and tell them to treat their employees fairly. Also please remember to take care of those in tip professions your generosity is the only real money they see. They have families depending on them and it may be the only job they could get in this economy,
Yes, mom & pop stores do pizza better. Corporate pizza sucks bad. I never call them.
Yes being a NY'er franchise pizza sucks, but please remember the owner of the franchise shop is the same as the local non branded shop.
And frankly west of Jersey, franchise pizza is about as good as your gonna do
True, my brother used to own a fast food franchise store I won't name the brand, but yes, he worked really hard and had to answer to the corporate reps for how he ran the place.
Why does anyone order from these overpriced slop joints anyway? There is far better pizza to be had for much cheaper if you bother to open the phone book.
This idea is about a dumb as camping in a public park
These companies torture billions of defenseless animals a year. Cheese, pepperoni, ham, bacon, chicken wings, etc all come from confined animals that live miserable lives until the final horror of being packed onto trucks and shipped to the slaughterhouse. This (food) is also very bad for human health.
Stay home and make pizza from scratch!!! That's what Ghandi would do.
Uh, what does this have to do with the OWS movement??
Yes, you guys should boycott all food.
Most Americans need too..HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
For all you non-believers!!!!!
must remember to eat
Two young guys in San Francisco built a system that delivers lunch and dinner to the public from hundreds of small snack shops and restaurants. (The NYT occasionally publishes something important). The chefs are happy as clams with far more business and income than they had before; the public has many more choices of food they never had before.
Dominos and their clones can certainly be beaten by a system like this, and people would eat better, more healthy food too. All it takes is a little ingenuity and determination.
No pizza delivery people are paid minimum wage.
Not even delivery drivers for local "mom & pop" pizza shops.
Minimum wage law doesn't apply to occupations that receive tips.
They also use their own vehicle, and are not reimbursed farily for expenses!!!!!!!
Different places do it differently.
A very popular pizza place near my house buys their own trucks and the drivers use the company vehicles.
Other places that make less money, the drivers use their own cars. But many I know, the driver is given the delivery charge to cover gas and wear and tear.
Here in NYC and the suburbs, most people get pizza from local operations and not the national franchises. The local shops have better pizza.
Different strokes for different folks. Different businesses do things differently.
We are only talking about Papa Johns, Domino's, and Pizza Hut. In the Dallas/Fort Worth market, drivers are paid $4.25 per hour, plus a reimbursement of .95 per delivery, plus tips. You cannot operate your own vehicle, and make anything more than poverty level wages, under these conditions. The .95 per delivery does not cover driving expenses!!!! The average delivery is approximately 7 miles round trip. Lets say the average delivery vehicle car gets 20mpg in city driving. On that 7 mile round trip a the car has used approximately 1/3 of a gallon. Now how much gas can a person buy with .95, well about 1/4 of a gallon? Fuel is only one expense the delivery driver has. What about oil, tires, and brakes?
I order from whomever has a good special going since pizza isn't exactly cheap (unless the kids want Little Caesars). I've delivered pizzas from time to time (either part time or as a job until I found something else) and did ok at it. No, you won't get rich but I never thought I would working at a pizza joint.
It's amazing how many people don't give tips though, but some more then make up for it so it's all good. Never thought it was dangerous, but I'm a big ol redneck people don't usually mess with.
Thanks for all the support!!!
Please forward this link to all of your friends.....thanks!!!
Please forward this link to all of your friends.....thanks!!!
I have boycotted Domino's Pizza for a decade, the owner uses his profits to support a right-wing conservative "family values" agenda in the political arena . He certainly has the right to do whatever he likes with his money, but I also have a right to not support his company. I don't want to give a penny to a company whos profits go to a political agenda contrary to my beliefs.
I'll have to check into that. If true, I'll be ordering from Dominos more often.
And it'll make you even fatter.
You must order pizza, solely based on cost, not quality!!!!!!
I don't actually order pizza often, I'm cheap and it's one of the more expensive foods you can buy. I can get a couple decent steaks for what it costs, but don't do that often either.
Ok, as a non OWSer, I need to comment on this.
I have always wondered this myself. The job doesn't add up. Sure you can write mileage off on your taxes, but even then with the price of gas. The delivery fee is to pay the wage of the delivery driver.. But even then, he is seeing a small portion of the fee, so maybe the fee is just too high? It is the business owner's right.
I do realize that if you don't like the job then get a different one.
And yes it is dangerous. Delivery driver do get killed on the job and I am willing to bet that the murderer supports Obama.
Thanks for all the support!!!
Thanks for all the support!!!
If your going to do it go big. Have it for a week.
I was a delivery driver for Domino's in 1987. I made more then than drivers make now. We can also be in favor of raising the minimum wage. I think it should go up about a dollar a year for the next 4 years, it will be $11.25.
Like I have said before, I would rather pay $15 for a $12 Pizza than pay for more people to sit on their buts and collect food stamps. The incentive to work should always be greater than the incentive not to work.
I was a delivery driver for Domino's in 1980s also. Today's driver makes a lot less, based on the current cost of living!!!
Thanks for all the support!!!
Please forward this link to all of your friends.....thanks!!!
Holy crap what a fucking idiot! My son worked for Papa johns as a delivery boy and he was paid more than minimum wage! Plus he kept his tips!
Most dangerous job in America? Are you fucking serious? How fucking stupid can you be.
Oh and by the way, the ownership of these three so called offenders are franchisees. That means they are local business people that own the pizza places. So now your not after the just big biz you want to hurt the little guy.
I have tried to understand what your movement is about and how to help get it going in the right direction but this one put its over the top.
Your nothing but a bunch of left wing looney radical jack off fucking dickheads.
Get out of the park and go get a fucking job your morons!
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Put a fucking sock in it.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Put a fucking sock in it.
Fuck you, and your son, dumb-ass! You have no clue about the industry. You sound like a brainwashed corporate tool!........Now get back to your jerk off session, cocksucker!!!!!!
No fuck you dickhead! I run a successful business with 14 employees. Your a punk! Your stupid too!
Good for you, how does that make you an expert on this topic?
Redirect, full disclosure, I'm a conservative; Chicago pizza kicks the snot out of NY pizza.
You are both tools. Get over it.
Instead of being so hostile towards eachother, look on the bright side:
It was not their intention to hurt the "Small Biz" They were trying to help the delivery guys. (Btw, by boycotting them, you are making them sit in the store for 8 hours without being paid.) I used to be a delivery guy, I know how much it sucks. Your boss is usually a dick who doesn't know how to run a business and yes, it is fairly dangerous. I have met my fair share of thugs, rapists, and possible murderers. All at addresses with unusually long driveways, deep in the woods, or at creepy trailer parks. Many times you are invited into homes and there are some fucked up people out there.
So yes, this isn't the best idea: It hurts small business and the employee you are trying to help, but at least their heart was in the right place.
Bright side 2: At least you were here to tell them the problem with their idea. You could have done it without sounding so much like an asshole, but oh well..
Final thoughts:
Why do we need to boycott these places? Who orders pizza from those dumps anyway? The local pizza is always: Bigger, better, and cheaper (more bang for your buck)
They are corporations, who treat their employees badly. The sole purpose of the boycott, is to get this information out to the public!!!!
Thanks for all the support!!!
OH yeah you got lots of support here dont you. Moron!
Yes I do dumb-ass, every-time you reply to this thread, it goes to the top of the list!!!!!!
Thanks drawing attention to my post hotdoghenry!!! TTYL Douchebag!!!!!
Please forward this link to all of your friends.....thanks!!!
It would not surprise me if they blew Domino pizza away, they suck.
Thanks for all the support!!!
I see a lot of former pizza delivery folks unemployed in the future.
Thanks for the tip. I hadn't ordered Domino's in years. We enjoyed it last night.
Are you boycotting the pizza place that was offering free pizzas to OWS supporters.
I like pizza. Do I have to do this? My pizza guy is nice. I don't want to stiff him.
No, you don't have to do this. The boycott and Facebook are just ways to get the word out!!! We just want to draw attention, to these companies' treatment, of their employees!!!!
I boycott Dominos cause their pizza sucks.
I agree about the local shops having a better product
Pizza delivery is one of the most dangerous jobs in america? Did they do a TV show yet?
No, not yet jackass! Why don't you educate yourself by clicking on this link and reading some of the articles!!!!
"most Dangerous Delivery!!"
Next Tuesday night after SharkWeek!
For all you non-believers!!!!!
SHOCKER: If the employees don't like their jobs, they can quit and go elsewhere. That's an important new development!!
They do, the turnover rate at these places is ridiculous!!!!!
Pizza delivery boycott day? Man, that has got to be the most inane, bong hit inspired idea for a boycott ever. To paraphrase Monty Python, OWS has now become 'almost totally stupid'.
To paraphrase Monty Python, OWS has now become 'almost totally stupd'. Like you, since you can't even spell the word!!!!!
"Stupid" is spelled correctly in my post. Speaking of stupid, you actually think that pizza delivery man is "one of the most dangerous jobs in America". That really is an extraordinarily stupid statement, innit?
Yeah it's spelled correctly now, since you edited your post.Why don't you educate yourself by clicking on this link and reading some of the articles!!!!
Arlington Texas? No wonder you think pizza is dangerous! Don't eat Texas pizza son, that stuff'll kill ya quicker than a blow torch on a butterfly.
What? Edited my post? C'est absurd! Anyway, the only way delivering pizza is dangerous is if you eat slices between deliveries (a great way to harden the arteries). The stuff the big chains like Pizza Hut and Dominoes et al make is terrible anyway. You want to go to a non-chain place. If you live in the southeast US you shouldn't eat anything labeled "pizza"; they wouldn't know a pizza from a grilled cheese sandwich with ketchup (though there are some good pizzerias in Florida, what with all the transplanted north easterners).
But anyway, there are a lot more serious issues to consider then pizza. Snap out of it.
And remember Wednesday is the garbage boycott. Don't take out the garbage in support of those that hang off of the back of those corporate "death vehicles" that come around to pick up the garbage. Thursday is the pooper scooper boycott. Dogwalkers and pooper scoopers will stage a general strike against the rich who employ, I mean enslave them in a dangerous profession of feces and furballs.
It's also boycott idiot posters day!!!! So go back to the farm, and get back to your inbreeding, billyray!!!!!
Why are you associating OWS with this? Its a post on their website,not a fuckin "official stance" or anything gooddamn.
Agreed. No one cares, pizza boy.
So you admit it's stupid then. Good.
I think its a little stupid. but on the other side, I don't really there ya go.
I'm sure a lazy fat slob like you, can't go one day without ordering pizza!!!!!!
"one of the most dangerous jobs in America". You sir, are doomed.
guy p.d.b's get shot at the friggin gates of apartment complexes and robbed at gun point at their cars. Its not cop dangerous,but it can get pretty hairy.
Lots of these delivery drivers are killed during robberies!! Why don't you read some of the articles on the link MORON!!!!!!!!!
That's fair. I guess if you don't count: fishers, pilots, soldiers, roofers, cops, truckers, construction, Loggers, miners, oh and FARMERS. Yeah. It's somewhat dangerous. FYI, more engineers die each year than pizza boys.
Fuck you bitch!!!!!!!