Forum Post: National Debt? National Wealth? Paradox Much?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 27, 2013, 2:03 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
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Yep - I mean - consider for a moment. Who is owed that money ( national debt )? The Public/People - Right? Ummm if we ( The People ) were to treat it like wallstreet treats their just issued instruments ( not matured ) as trillions of dollars of cash/profits - should not every single USA citizen be rich off the National Debt? Filthy rich just off of the interest that is piling up. Hey - Guy's(?) stop sending me bills - take it out of some of my interest in the national debt.
Umm and really(?) poor and homeless people? Really? National Debt = some odd 16 trillion dollars? That money is owed to the public? Right? 16 trillion divided by 300,000,000 ? Wow I am thinking that this country is really treating it's wealthy individuals ( the public ) pretty poorly when each has so much wealth/value/worth and yet are out on the street and starving and not getting proper medical care...........................................
I mean our money has been loaned out - this loaned money is collecting interest - collecting interest for who? The Public.
Ummm paradox much?
How can you charge the public interest - if the public is the one who is owed?
Doesn't the |F|E|D| print the money which the government borrows and pays interest on?
When the government borrows, it is not borrowing from the public but from the private corporation. Interest goes to the corporation, the |F|E|D|, which is owned by the 1%, and is not part of government.
Congress installs a chairman and then has no part in it. It doesn't even have the authority to investigate or audit. The President could ask the |F|E|D| "What happened to that $7 trillion?", and the chairman could legally say "We don't know, stay out of our business.", without fear of further action.
Anyway, I should have looked up a reference, and I could be wrong on some facts, but that's my understanding.
They have been raiding SS for funds to loan. SS has always been paid for - from the very 1st day - and was never meant to be accessed for loaning or anything else then what it was set-up for - taking care of USA citizens in need. They want full access to fucking around with that fully funded program. No they love the withholding they hate the fact that they can not freely play with the money.
A bit confusing? or just not interested.
Penetrate the smoke and mirrors folks.
Understanding the National Debt and Budget Deficit - YouTube
I thought you quit this forum btw
Search isn't turning up any threads by you before October. Maybe it was before that but I am sure you said you were going to stop posting here.
(deleted by request)
It was the verdict of ancient writers that men afflict themselves in evil and weary themselves in the good, and that the same effects result from both of these passions. For whenever men are not obliged to fight from necessity, they fight from ambition; which is so powerful in human breasts, that it never leaves them no matter to what rank they rise. The reason is that nature has so created men that they are able to desire everything but are not able to attain everything: so that the desire being always greater than the acquisition, there results discontent with the possession and little satisfaction to themselves from it. From this arises the changes in their fortunes; for as men desire, some to have more, some in fear of losing their acquisition, there ensues enmity and war, from which results the ruin of that province and the elevation of another.ò_Machiavelli
National Debt? National Wealth? Paradox Much? Honestly it is screwy but take a mo and CONSIDER the PARADOX.
Hmmmmm................I'm just going to think about this for a bit.
I would hope and ask for no less. It is deep and to say the least - a little complicated.
I'll say.
Thanks - I take it on faith - that you are not just being kind to my old and deteriorating gray matter.
Nope, it's complicated.
I know - hes an idiot - no - he is ill - no don't be condescending - he is old and ill - but I kinda like his point of view - Bahhhhh you are too sentimental.
Yep pretty complicated - sweet heart. {:-])
Thank you - I was hoping for that. {:-])
I have this thing where I think I can be funny.
Ever come across this before?