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Forum Post: National Convention On New Constitution, Proposal

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 9:16 p.m. EST by blackblackcockblack (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Please organize and coordinate a national convention, in New York, with an open and solicited invitation to the top minds in foreign & domestic policy, consumer rights, corporate law, environmental sciences, philosophy, history and economics- to discuss what a new and contemporary constitution might look like, what might be written, what might be included or not included from the existing constitution. Then make a model constitution from it and share it with the nation via the web, print media and other sources and see if it's something people would want to get be hind and fight for as a national agenda and goal to obtain.



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[-] 1 points by Nanook (172) 13 years ago

A new effort has been started to Occupy The Constitution. This effort launches a new Direct Democracy tool called the National Opinion Collection System ( NOCS ). This tool creates a process to capture ALL the comments of EVERY citizen about major social issues, elections and bills before congress. This effort is described at http://occupywallst.org/forum/occupytheconstitution-introduction

[-] 1 points by EXPOSED (222) 13 years ago

How about, STOP VIOLATING THE EXISTING CONSTITUTION instead of writing a new one? Very very little has to be changed to the existing constitution to fit our times, if that is what you worry about. The problem is that the politicians have been violating the constitution and have convinced the simple minded that it is an obsolete document when in fact they've been eroding it little by little in past decades...

[-] 1 points by CobyART5 (59) 13 years ago

There's nothing wrong with the constitution, but you said it yourself, " The problem is that the politicians have been violating the constitution". An Article 5 Convention with "Greater Meaning of Free Speech" (GMFS) amendment would guarantee that the Constitution stays the way it is with the extra power that it could not ever be corrupted by politicians again, by keeping the people's involvement at the forefront.

[-] -1 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago


You say you'll change the constitution Well you know we'd all love to change your head You tell me it's the institution Well you know You better free your mind instead