Forum Post: Nadler and silver
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 10:03 a.m. EST by Fedup10
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Two liberal supporters of OWS have written the Mayor and asked for you all to be curtailed or removed. You guys are messing up...the drums and disruption to the neighbors is turning even Nadler against your behaviors
I googled and nothing came up...why no link from you?
How about some evidence to back your assertion? Or is it national, make a press release day? This Just In...80 foot Zombie Teddy Roosevelt hates Corporate Greed...Loves braaaaaainnnnnns!
If you cannot properly perform a google search i am not going to do it for you. Nadler etal tried to work with OWS to establish a good neighbor policy, which would end drums at 6pm and to help stop the defacating and urinating in the neighborhood. Now they are asking the mayor to enforce current laws to creat a more neighborly environment. If OWS makes these simple curteous change in behaviors, perhaps you will become more effective.
The letters by these two politicians were made public via their joint press release. Look it up or continue to listen to your own rhetoric