Forum Post: My Understanding of The Tea Party.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 8:31 p.m. EST by WatTyler
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Tea Baggers are both silly and sinister. Their danger isn’t that they’re about to blow-away every American man, woman and child with automatic weapons. It is in fact the opposite. They have been working systematically to accrue power through the political process. They are generally a well-organized and heavily funded, methodical group (Sound like the opposite of anything?) with the objective of returning America to mid-50’s middle class economic prosperity and order.
But he real agenda of the powers behind this movement is to remove any governmental restraint on corporatism doing unrestricted harm to Americans whenever they deem it to their advantage. (And there’s damn little governmental restraint left!) They wish to return America to the era of the 19th Century robber-barons. The Tea Party originated at the instigation of the health insurance companies and they are bank-rolled by the corporatists, notably the Koch brothers.
I sincerely believe that many in this movement are well-intentioned, but to be blunt, they’re stooges of the corporatists. They’ve been lied to. Disinformation sources such as Fox New have preyed upon their prejudices to convince them that if only they can get government out of the way, America will miraculously be returned to what it was 50 years ago.
It’s not an accident that many are older, and frankly, have a rather limited understanding of cause and effect regarding the issues they’re espousing. The reality is that if the world they’re advocating ever becomes a reality, they’ll find themselves bereft of the social programs upon which they depend, while their children and grandchildren are left to the meager leavings of the corporatist elite.
Tea party less popular than Muslims, atheists
"According to a recent New York Times/CBS survey, tea party members are less popular than atheists, Muslims, Republicans, Democrats, and 21 other groups. The movement has lost 20 percent of its supporters and gained 40 percent more opponents, according to the poll. Another NYT/CBS poll published earlier this month revealed that the tea party’s unfavorable rating had increased 29 percent since April."
And that was 4 months ago ...
I agree on their general silliness and have often wrung my hands in frustration at the likes of Michelle Bachmann. Even so, I also think now is not the time to engage in mutually-destructive battles with a(nother) fringe movement. The teaparty has already seen it's day in the sun pass into nightfall.
Besides, they are not all cut from the same cloth, just as OWS'ers are not. Many share OWS' feeling of disenfranchisement by an unresponsive government. Some have voiced their support for measures that would put an and to the domination of moneyed interests in politics. Compared to most mainstream Republicans, they offer a much better chance for an alliance in passing the O.C.C.U.P.I.E.D.amendment and similar finance-reform measures.
Harping on fundamental differences of opinion never gets anyone any where. It's like when I try to convince my Christian conservative parents that gay rights are a good thing. I don't do it by challenging their fundamental convictions about the immorality of same-sex relations; I do it by pointing out how ridiculous it is politicians are trying to run people lives and criminalize victimless acts when there are issues of real importance to the rest of us that they are not attending to. I've found that if you can't at least make the argument relevant, it's probably not going to do much in the way of convincing people.
Tea Party railed against the bailouts of banks, Many banks did not want to take the bailouts but the federal government forced the banks to take the bailouts anyways. This was to hide which banks are in bed with the government. It's the government that did this, not all banks.
Tea Party has also been railing against the federal government forcing banks to give sub-prime loans to poorer families. In other words, the federal government has loosened regulations on banks (1995 -Clinton move) and then forcing "loan sharking" practices on the poorer people in our society. Again, government has allowed the banks to do things that many did not want to do.
Rick Santelli of CNBC has been accredited for sparking the Tea Party, while delivery a live rant on the floor of the Stock Exchange (Feb 2009):
Please don't be a "useful idiot" for the corrupt corporations (not all) and the government that protects them. They want you to collapse the system, so that these corporations and government can destroy our protection of the Constitution once and for all. Remember, there's no middle class in communist countries and fascist countries. As a Tea Party member, I personally not as scared of socialism (social spending), but I do want us to pay-as-we-go, so we don't go into too much debt and destroy our economy (like 15 effing trillion dollars!!).
"I,however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared." -T. Jefferson
And then the teabaggers, raised my taxes.
They wear nice Americanish costumes sometimes though.
More on Rick Santelli -
Great post and pretty much dead on correct... Just bumping this up.
My understanding of the OWS goons!!!!! I think they are all Obama's little sheeple's The movement does not have no approval if there is continuing drug use, arrest, rapes, murders, etc happening within the clan
We are capable of wiping our own butts and dont need mommy government to do it for us. Pretty good reason. Why cant you,,, wipe your own butt that is?
Just one question for you buddy. How can the "corporatists" do anything to anyone without the help of government?