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Forum Post: my thoughts on OWS demands

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 1:19 p.m. EST by svp (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I believe OWS's great strengths have been its inclusiveness & its choice of targets. And I agree that it is vital to begin articulating some demands. However,...

I think it's a mistake for OWS to try to offer economic policy/tax reform/financial reform solutions or to present those ideas as demands. Even if they are won, they won't change the system of mutual benefit between political & economic powers. I know most OWS’ers get that last point, too, but there’s more….

No matter how inclusive OWS tries to be, no matter if organizers contact every single person who’s attended an Occupy event anywhere ever, no matter how many submit ideas via FB or this site, etc., the fact of the matter is that OWS represents “the 99%” in a SYMBOLIC way, not as a result of actual democratic process. Democratic process within OWS is still not democratic process for policy with nationwide effects, and the former should not attempt to be a substitute for the latter.

I don’t believe OWS'ers should waste much time & energy even trying to find a lowest (or even very widely shared) common denominator among us in terms of specific policy demand. We are a disparate & irreconcilable bunch. What’s needed most is broadly acceptable political reform so that after the Occupations are over, there’s a system for democratic process not beholden to big money interests through which any of us can advocate for or fight against any specific reforms (or for or against parties and candidates representing those ideas and factions).

To that end, I believe OWS should demand three things on the political front: a constitutional amendment for clean election financing, instant run-off voting for all federal elections, and a verifiable paper trail for all federal elections. (And don’t get bogged down yet in the details of a campaign financing amendment, but -- given the existing state of representation now -- somehow we must ensure those details are NOT simply left to Congress & think-tanks before going for Congressional passage & ratification by the states.) There’s no very good reason any of these would be opposed, and together they’d create a far more democratic & fair system for all.

I believe those political reforms together are the most critical demands we could achieve, but I also believe OWS must in some way directly address the big banks and in so doing, speak to the confluence of miseries, outrages and injustices that brought folks out together in the streets. To those ends, I’d fully support a demand for signing onto a general statement of corporate responsibility. I’ll be honest – it would be largely symbolic & lacking in teeth. But that’s ok as long as we hang tough demanding the political reforms; we’ll get regulations, tax reform, policy changes & enforcements with teeth eventually through real democratic process, which is as it should be.

So, those are my recommendations for demands. And my new chanting slogan (as I present my demands to the Occupiers who will be making the formal demands for us all) shall be, “Those four, nothing more! Those four, nothing more!”

Occupiers everywhere: stay well, stay warm, stay true and have fun!



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[-] 1 points by ajm (2) from Nashville, TN 13 years ago

Those 4 are great but I want to see serious banking reform I want to see corporations paying their true share of taxes. I want the 99% demand that profitable corporations insisting on off-shoring production taxed on the re-importing of goods. I want a single payer health system so people are not living in fear of the unexpected health catastrophe. I want us to mimic India and provide a $35 computer to every school child and stop blaming teachers for the recession.

We have a choice...be a Banana Republic or a modern, equable state. The powers that be are choosing a third world future for us and we need to stop them.

[-] 1 points by america1st (4) 13 years ago

Here you go People. Big part of the problem. Mainstream Media. They say the wall street problem is solved. Here is an ABC interview with Tapper available here.


Here is a quote.

"Tapper: You have gotten a lot passed though, much of your agenda has been passed -- the stimulus, health care, Wall Street reform -- so we're sitting in a state right now where a majority of the voters disapprove of your handling of the economy and we're going to Virginia later, where a majority of the voters do not thing you deserve to be re-elected. We're sitting in a school, what grade would you give yourself?"

[-] 1 points by america1st (4) 13 years ago

No more voter fraud!! That gives the fraudulent party a arrogant disposition. YES!!!!!! Lets get this done.

[-] 1 points by america1st (4) 13 years ago

@jobs, The democrats fillerbusted obamas first jobs package in the senate. then the second one the dems didnt pass, dont forget that the dems own the senate. lets keep this about america and not party specific. Both sides are at fault for many things. Take it to the white house.

[-] 1 points by jobs (26) 13 years ago

Get republicans to vote yes on jobs bill - by any means necessary - POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

[-] 1 points by america1st (4) 13 years ago

We need to take this up to the White House. Obama's crony's George Soros and the likes, are part of the problem. After all, most of Obamas funding comes from the corrupt wall street folks. Do we have the guts to do this? I guess we will have to wait and see.

[-] 1 points by svp (4) 13 years ago

Without significant political reform, any realization of policy aims would soon be repealed or worked around with no means for redress beyond camping out in the parks all over again.

[-] 1 points by svp (4) 13 years ago

Investigation & prosecution of crimes might be the only policy demand that wouldn't be divisive. (But then I'd lose my rhyming slogan.)

[-] 1 points by svp (4) 13 years ago

@ Alex - I think that's a great start, and I agree with your framing. But I think instant run-off voting is also essential because it opens up the field & ensures the winner is the candidate with the broadest base of support (and isn’t just the less scary of two choices). And a verifiable paper trail for elections allows faith in the results & prevents endless arguments about the validity of outcomes.

@imrational - I'm sorry folks can't distinguish advocating their ideas for particular reforms (or parties or candidates) from demanding a democratic system though which we can all continue to argue with each other (and still get stuff done).

[-] 1 points by imrational (527) 13 years ago

I've been advocating those three demands since i first got involved here, so I naturally support your post.

Unfortunately, I don't think people are able to remove themselves from trying to push their ideologies on everyone else. It's been incredibly frustrating. I went to a couple of rallies over the weekend and no one was willing to restrain themselves. I thought it was the media pushing a liberal agenda trying to divide the OWS. Nope. We're doing it to ourselves.

[-] 1 points by alex5045 (40) 13 years ago

We have been noticed … and while we have the world’s attention let’s not squander the opportunity.

We now need to focus … focus on how government and fairness in this country can be returned and belong to everyone not just an elite governing few.

We need a position – a unifying theme – something that everyone will get behind … something that people can grasp and something that the 1% will understand.

If we wish to win.. and to win long term, we must settle on the most important change we wish to achieve. Preferably it is one that everyone who is not one of the 1% agrees with.

Very seldom are there situations where virtually everyone agrees the same change needs to happen. If we press a platform that is diverse then we will be opening ourselves to division within ourselves, and as result providing those who have every incentive for the current rules to stay unchanged - weak points for them to exploit.

Remember united we stand and divided we fall.

Does everyone believe Student Loans should be forgiven? No! Does everyone believe we should simply withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan? No! Does everyone oppose the NRA? No! Does everyone believe in a women’s right to choose? No! Should they? That is a different question. To have such debates and to be part of the debate we need first to get back the government of our country! We will not do this if we list many many demands. We will not move forward because we will be endlessly debating amongst ourselves. Save those debates for later – later until there can be a real debate - rather than simply rules and stances decreed by those who weigh everything with a single criterion – namely “what’s in it for me!”

Currently the 1% does not take us seriously – they have hunkered down and are waiting for this surge to fizzle and burn out. We too will likely tire if we do not have a understandable major goal - a shining beacon to carry forward.

Beware of those who were initially critical and deriding of us – and yet are now those who position themselves as our champions. I do not want to be lectured to as to how we need to act because we don’t understand the political process – especially by those who for years have been at the beck and call of the 1%. I don’t want headlines blaring forth our victory only to find whatever we thought we had achieved is whittled away in a legislative process.

The legislation that becomes law should be a law for the 100%.

I plead with everyone who is part of or considering to be part of this movement – put aside issues that divide us – adopt the incontrovertible single point and aim of what I believe we all demand. Let’s get our government back!

To start, let’s not wait until next year to hold a National Meeting, let’s challenge our elected representatives NOW! If Grover Norquist can require all Republicans to sign a pledge to never raise taxes – then we can ask and expect that every representative, every senator, every governor, every mayor, and in fact every elected official sign a pledge that they will not take money from any corporation, PAC, organization, and that they will only accept a maximum of $500.00 (the amount is not significant it could be $100 or $1,000) per individual. Let’s make sure that those who do not sign on to the pledge will not receive one vote the next time they run for office, and anyone who is elected and who has accepted monies from other than individuals will face a recall.

This will be the start – let’s have our elected officials declare – go on record – as to where they stand – let’s make them go public so we can create a bulletin of shame . Let’s also make it clear that any company, PAC, Union, organization and/or individual who in the past has donated (either transparently or otherwise) more than the threshold we agree on, that will now not sign our pledge to limit what they provide and to cease and desist lobbying – they too will be put onto the Wall of Shame and will suffer the isolation and of boycotts until they do sign on.

While we do all this we need to keep in mind that we live in a democracy – or at least wish to. In the society we live in we need to respect that we will have differences of opinion. We must make it clear that the expression of one’s views is still everyone’s right.

I will be the first to sign the pledge …. Will you join me .. and demand that every elected official declare themselves to be with us … or not .. and that they doo so publicly.

Yours truly,

Alex P