Forum Post: My Thank You To OWS and Occupy The World
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 12:54 p.m. EST by TM031
from Fort Lauderdale, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I do apologize in advance for not being able to go and join the movement at this time. Its not that I dont want too, I'm out on bail right now and theres no one gonna help bail me out like the major bankers. Anything I do can put me in prison, so the best I can do is let you all know how much I appreciate EVERYTHING that EVERYONE is doing. Whether you would be on Wall Street or all the way across the Earth, occupying your cities. The most I feel that I can do is write on how I appreciate all that is being done. Its not the best but it is my thank you to all.
To Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the World,
I want to start off by saying thanks,
For taking action against our government and banks,
Not only is the streets being occupied, so is our mind,
Filled with courage and hope which at one point was hard to find,
Truth may be hidden in the dark,
But can be found with just a spark,
All started with 9-11,
To get us to hand over rights by using lies to deceive and make us believe terrorist terrorized our land, sacrificing our own people, now they are Peacefully in Heaven,
Just to enact the "Patriot Act"
But is that really how a Patriot Act?
Used their own people as a strategy,
For their personal gains even if it causes tragedy,
Everyday adding sum new law,
Knowing all of it is flaw,
If they cannot put you in jail, they will try and put your mind in prison,
But it can be broken free if you channel your thoughts with precision,
It all starts with a simple decision,
Which looks like the world did and came to the same conclusion,
Everyone is fed up with the propaganda and the illusion,
Got together and created a big fusion,
Educating eachother on whats really going on so there is no confusion,
We are even being helped Anonymously,
All corners of the world is occupying together spontaneously,
But even amongst us is wolves in sheep clothing,
Provoking us to create violence to promote fear and loathing,
Real recognize Real,
When you see something out the ordinary, its most likely fake, learn the deal,
I love to see that everyone is protesting peacefully and is all unarmed,
I hate to see that brutal force is being used and innocent people is being harmed,
Yet yall remain non-violent,
But never stay silent,
Arming yourselves with nothing but words used as ammo,
Taking shots like were the ones in camo,
Hoping in the end not to gain just freedom but Peace,
Having all the violence cease,
And pick up piece by piece the World that has been fallen apart,
Everyone start to take a part,
In making this Earth a better place,
In which we ALL can embrace,
The way I see it, fuk a constitution and a bill,
God gave us ALL free will.
Thank you again for everything, keep strong and level headed.