Forum Post: My take on OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:27 p.m. EST by e307465
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have been a conservative all my life and when OWS first started, I was totally against it. You see, the message that came across at first was simply about ending Capitalism. As I have watched and read through, my feelings have changed a bit for OWS. I am in total agreement about the corruption being commited by the big banks, Wall Street etc. That being said though, I do not understand why Washington is not being protested. You see, I work in a white collar world and I can promise you that it is just as corrupt on the politics side as it is on the economic side; the two are basically one.
Because OWS is only protesting corporate America and not Washington, it is giving Fox and all other Conservative media outlets an avenue to ridicule and point out how hypocritical OWS is (because they are not going after Washington) and to be honest, at this point it does look that way. While I realize media outlets will always find something to spin in the wrong direction why not try to minimize it? I would much rather see an O'reilly succeed at finding one bad apple in the bunch than be able to easily cast the entire OWS movement as all bad apples. As you know, corporations are feeding money to Washington in order to further their interests. Corruption comes from Washington when they accept that money. If current demands were met, do you really think someone else would not step in and start feeding Washington money to further their interests? I really would like to see OWS succeed (within reason) but I cannot see it happening when the entire 'system' is not being brought down; meaning Corporate America and Washington (term limits would be a start).
What I would propose is that a more unified message goes out that will unite even more people into the OWS cause. We must take away the labels people are using such as Leftists, Radicals, Potheads, Unions, Blacks etc. and provide only one voice... the Voice of America. That voice needs to be in the millions... not the thousands. We do this by uniting, going door to door, creating our own media and making sure the correct message is getting out to the public. While I understand OWS is decentralized, how can a voice come out other than, "they are protesters with no message" (which is exactly what is happening).
Could you imagine if the Police joined the protests (making protesting much easier)? How about the military (they are sick of fighting)? Firefighters? Drop the Republican/Democrat labels altogether because it is well proven the 2 party system does not work. The OWS message could become very clear then. That being said though, how can you expect them to join when no real message is coming out? You must show them there is another way and and it can be done easily with the right message.
Yes, I agree, right now it's just one amorphous mass of disgruntled people. This forum reflects this perfectly by just showing an endless parade of opinions moving down into oblivion. Maybe it's because the early stage this movement is in, but I feel that voting and taking polls is important, as a means of creating cohesion and as directive for future action. That way OWS could show the outside world that it's working on solutions and BE te democracy it's demanding.
So everyone urge them OWS site admins to do something about it: implement voting and polls on this site. I've been on it for quite a number of times now, buit I'm getting fed up with it due to lack of response. I'm not even an American, you guys should stand up your yourselves and get your act together...!
Paul - From the Netherlands
washington is immune to protests. they have secure ways to enter and leave and live that shelter them, and they are used to it. the source of the corruption, or at least the one we can plainly identify, is wallstreet. they do not have things set up so well as to not be affected. they are feeling the heat and you bet your a$$ those guys are on the phone daily begging for relief. they know the longer this goes on, the worse their pr gets, and thats as good as gold.
I totally agree with you that protesting Washington is no easy task. I just wish OWS could somehow address Washington as part of the problem. Easier said than done I suppose.
It's largely because the origins of this "movement" are more from, for lack of any other way to easily describe it, the same groups that you see behind the global World Bank protests versus the more political left in this country which, while allied in some ways, clearly are not the same. That's reflected in the anit-capitalism basis as you describe that you initially saw, location in NY vs DC, and in other ways that should be apparent to you if you step back and look. For example, how is it that a "spontaneous" demonstration of largely disafffected youth in this country, very quickly turns into very well organized global protests? Because it's an "organic" movement coming out of just a bunch of people Twittering away? No, sorry. lol. Most of what you've seen to date and will see has been very well planned and orchestrated.
If you don't understand this and what you're involved with here, then I'd suggest that you spend some time looking at the true origins of this "movement" which go far beyond some kids in the park. Not getting all "Glen Beck" on you lol. All of this is out there if you really want to look. It grew out of Adbusters and Kalle Lasn, a Spanish anarchist group, Anonymous, etc., fairly radical groups on the left, guys like Steve Lerner who have been promoting his "Days of Rage," less radical, more mainstream union groups, etc., etc., who have been planning this specific protest long before it happened. If you don't know who they are then you should go look. And it's not like it's some big secret conspiracy that they're hiding. You can go to their respective web sites, blogs, forums, etc., and see exactly what they're all about and that is in fact the case.
Again, not trying to break out the Beck chalk board, but if you think this is some "spontaneous" movement related to cleaning up Wall Street and money in Washington, then you really should know more about what you're involved with here. And for the record, no, I'm not a Fox-watching, Koch-smoking, Beck-loving, right-winger. I'm a hard-core independent without a hard ideological focus which permits an objective, realistic view of all this, and who was a sympathetic supporter if this "movement" until I started to peek behind the curtain a little more. Not that there aren't real issues along the lines that you mention that need to be addressed, but this ain't that. It's more of an attempt to leverage that. Which is why I'm out.
"very organised global protest" Are you kidding me?
Yeah, it's all just a coincidence. lol
All you need to do to see that is the case is to go look at the sites of various groups who have been planning, organizing, and promoting the demonstrations planned for today.
I certainly cannot argue with you here. I think part of that is those "various groups" seeing opportunity for both profit and power. 2 steps forward, 3 steps back I suppose.
A coincidence? If you dismiss Twitter and other social media tools, then yes it can only be a coincidence or a conspiracy.
But I just can't figure out how you can dismiss those. It just doesn't hold water. Twitter and other social media are an incredibly powerful tool for decentralized "organization".
Exactly. I'm not dismissing them. But they are tools and tools only. Who do you think is using those tools?
Organized, as I used it above, does not mean a single organization or centralized organization. If that's what you thought that I was saying, then, no, very clearly not.
Anonymous has nothing to do with the left you tool.
Where did I say that they did? In fact, I specifically said that they were distinct. They, or more specifically some individuals among them and not necessarily all, are allied with some aspects of various issues that would be considered "left." As reflected in their support here. Tool. lol