Forum Post: my room is bathed in blue
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:18 p.m. EST by buik1
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i am not sure what percent i am. you can always have more money i guess but its pretty nice not worrying about it too much.
i remember when i was younger, an addict, there was never enough money. i never stole or anything i just worked two jobs a lot and it sucked. there was never enough to go around i remember a lot of cash changing hands in those days but it was not the good way
basically, as an addict, i learned how to lie without money because the money always went to the drugs. then after a while i got tired of being addicted so over the course of many years i eventually gave up the drugs, and now there is never any issue with the money.
so now, my room is bathed in blue. i could push some buttons and make some adjustments and it could be bathed in green, or red, or violet like some sort of dang fagmus. but tonight its blue, a breeze is blowing from the south, got some good middies and listening to "rocky mountain way"
its better than the way we had