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Forum Post: My reluctance to get involved in championing the "Occupy Wall Street" movement has to do with what I consider to be an essential first determination of which of these two principles is more-likely to be correct.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 3:56 a.m. EST by oclisa (74)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I know most of you won't get it, or even mind it, but here is why OWS will not have the permanency I initially hoped it would, at least, not as long as our country holds together. Once it all collapses... all bets are off. http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=195248 It's a long read with long clips, but if you are concerned about where this is all headed...it's worth the read.



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[-] 1 points by citizenX (6) from Longmont, CO 13 years ago

More propaganda from those who are set to loose their grip on the political system: CORPORATIONS, that's what the article you link to is. It is based on fear and distortions not facts, it is the same bulls---t that capitalists have been using for years to silence dissent and critique of capitalism. They want us to remain slaves tied to their production line machines producing wealth for them while we get the crumbs just to keep us alive and healthy enough to keep enriching their pockets. Once we are unable to produce we are thrown away like garbage. Do you want to live this kind of life, a slave to the corporations and being taken for granted by the politicians who are put in office not to serve our interests "we the people" but the interests of those who finance their election campaigns the corporations? Do you want to be the instrument of your own enslavement? If so then continue listening and swallowing the propaganda put out by those whose interests are served by maintaining the status-quo. Remember, you have a choice.

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by AlwaysWaitingforJustice (5) 13 years ago

Imagine having the luxury of debating this, rather than getting old and desperately fighting to just survive, as my wife and I now must.

[-] 1 points by pragmatist (10) from Fillmore, CA 13 years ago

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get involved. I was saddened and greatly disheartened by the derailing and cooption of the Tea Party movement from what seemed to be its original strongly anti-government anti-politics anti-business-as-usual groundings. This seems like a second chance for the people of America to change things for the better. This should engage the young people who thought Obama would fix things and are disappointed with his concessions to mainstream corporate-power-dominated politics, but it should also engage the Tea Partiers who may be dissapointed with their party's gridlocking Washington for the interests of the SuperRich

[-] 1 points by WhiteLotus (17) from Panama City, FL 13 years ago

It is obvious this guy thinks his s---t doesnt stink . It would do him some good to be sent back in time to undergo what many did during Katrina perhaps it would open his eyes more to the realities that many people are under going on a daily basis and will undergo for the rest of there lives

Let me tell you I have known meet 2 brokers from Wall Street you do not need to have a degree to work on wall street there are alot of dummies that got a license or some certificate to get a good job .

If that guy writting that article was to lose his job or to see the siffering of his loved ones due to a lack of income he probably would be tricking his little but on some corner to survive.

[-] 1 points by WhiteLotus (17) from Panama City, FL 13 years ago

Cute article $ 20 dollar an hour isn't a demand its a robbery for much of the small mom and pop businesses which employ a huge percentage of people .

We live in a military based society there is no way we can pay every American $20 dollars an hour . The elite would rather cling to their gold to the death .

I believe in a living wage .When I look at the window I see a golf course and lots of nice things but I would rather be poor living in Detriot with people that I can relate to ,that I can communicate with .

I was hit by a 18 wheeler in 2006 at 70 mph had no insurance had a mental break down was out for work for 4 years and was being offered by AIG $6,500 for my damage to my spine which I manage to deal with but have gotten better can walk and run.

I was so mad I watched years of my life past me by for nothing .The doctor didnt want to treat me he said I know your sick and need help but I do not feel sorry for you you have no insurance left .He had pin on with the symbol I see on that web site you posted . I live in the south I know the republicans very well .Dont by in to there dreams .The civil war is over .

[-] 1 points by MetroEco (12) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

League of Uninsured Voters (LUV) http://luvpower.org and Labor: the New Gold Standard http://paulglover.org/1107.html