Forum Post: My real name is Thrasymaque, and I'm a troll
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 26, 2012, 2:07 a.m. EST by ErnieB0T
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Many of you have seen me here under my many names olivierLaGrange
agent Nick
and Cephalus
I'm actually a 14 year old, and Dad said I had to send my apologies for being such a douche bag to the good people of OWS... I'm sorry..
Next I have to make amends to what I did to the family dog (it wasn't pretty, there was peanut butter every where).... I don't think skippy will ever be the same....
I prayed over erniebot yesterday and sprinkled some holy exorcism of him musta worked
boy, chephalus was right about the 'slippery slope' of prayer the other day
I suppose at some point we'll have to call a truce ....
What makes you think your exorcism had any effect? Where's your evidence? Oh yeah, religious activities like exorcisms don't require evidence, only blind faith. Trust me, God boys don't go very far in the world of anarchy.
Because erniebot has changed his ways
that's right, I've foresworn trollishness & peanut butter....truce then?
and erniebot wasn't the only exorcism, but alas, time for work and time to go
I guess he has. No more worries. ;-)
More importantly, TIOUAISE is not posting as much as before. That's all that really matters.
So if you see me under one of my many aliases,be sure to wish me a douchey good day