Forum Post: My Personal View of Our Once Great Nation
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:33 p.m. EST by Hival100
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let me begin by stating that I grew up a liberal, matured into a conservative, and am now thoroughly disgusted by both parties. Though consvervative by nature, I don't support either party.
What many people are begining to realize is that it no longer matters who you vote for, Republican or Democrat. It's gotten to the point that you have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Either way, your still voting for evil. They've begun to realize that by the time these representatives, congressmen, senators, presidents, get into office, they're already bought and paid for, in somebody's back pocket. They make policies that benefit their benefactors (like big tax breaks for big corporations, bailouts, jobs to other countries that belong to the american public) in return for the political and monetary favors given to them by these entities, even though it hurts our nation and it's people. That's how they attain their money and power. After all, they're the "privileged". It's all about money, power, and control. And they don't want to lose it.
Many people don't understand the protesting going on around the world today. They're comfortable with what they have. But, when they have that taken away from them, and see others benefit by it, then and only then do they begin to take a stand. The president (whether republican or democrat) does not run this country. It's run by the entities behind the presidency. And this, in particular, is important to the anti-Occupy Wall Street public, "It's not about the redistribution of wealth. It's about the manipulation of policies and government to benefit those entities and those in office, not necessarily the country or it's people."
Some people are at the very least naive to believe their government would not lie to them. Take the vietnam war, just as an example. The incident that brought the US into war with vietnam was called the Gulf of Tonkon incident. Where it was reported that the vietnames had fired on some of our naval vessels. It was a lie. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara admitted it was a lie. We went to war over a lie. (Sound familiar? Weapons of mass destruction?) And why? Because a select few would stand to make a lot of money off the war. It's public knowledge. Look it up. So don't be naive to believe either the republican or democratic parties have YOUR best interests at heart.
My advice is to vote independent. Vote for someone who is not in somebody's back pocket. Vote for someone who truly wants to do good for our country and it's people. At this point, it doesn't matter which independent you vote for, I'm not here trying to steer anybody to any particular candidate, but the independents out there are far better than any of the two established political parties
I think you're right about both parties. There's corruption and greed everywhere. It's not a partisan thing. And check this out: The 1% speak in Chicago. Check out what they said. Wow.
When looking for a candidate ask "wheres the beef?" Do not settle for imitation mystery meat with promises of grandeur and a sweet taste. Either way you will die from the cholesterol.
(note: this is a metaphor and should not turn into a discussion about nutrition)
The only way to get our government back under control without revolution is by peaceful protest just like during the civil rights movement ! Our political system is set up to keep the rich, corupt, greedy in power, that is not what our founding fathers intended ! I would strongly sugest that everyone go out and watch or read "End Of America", I did a few weeks ago and it really tells it like it is. We the working class can not take our country back by force but if we all just stopped working for one week, the key word being all, it would shut this country down. That along with protest like this one showing our discontent with our so called political leaders, Dem. and Repub. , and alot of work can make a difference. I voted for Obama thinkinking he could not be bought and was out to look after the workking class but they will say anything to get elected. The Republicans lost my vote with trikle down economics, everyone knows that the rich are greedy and nothing trikles down!
The only way to get our government back under control without revolution is by peaceful protest just like during the civil rights movement ! Our political system is set up to keep the rich, corupt, greedy in power, that is not what our founding fathers intended ! I would strongly sugest that everyone go out and watch or read "End Of America", I did a few weeks ago and it really tells it like it is. We the working class can not take our country back by force but if we all just stopped working for one week, the key word being all, it would shut this country down. That along with protest like this one showing our discontent with our so called political leaders, Dem. and Repub. , and alot of work can make a difference. I voted for Obama thinkinking he could not be bought and was out to look after the workking class but they will say anything to get elected. The Republicans lost my vote with trikle down economics, everyone knows that the rich are greedy and nothing trikles down!
I wonder if Ralph Nader is running this time? Sure would be nice if he got some votes for a change.