Forum Post: A New Tax Structure - Share your Idea's & Thoughts. - The Mo Money Plan. :P
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 9, 2012, 9:08 p.m. EST by iRevolution
from Fayetteville, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Tax Code is designed around big government. It's concept is to fund big government deficit financing, government wasteful spending, hat in hand borrowing, "Stimulus", and unfortunately.. bailouts. The Tax System has drained businesses & most importantly the people of this country of the fruits of there labor, All so government can throw it away on unproductive, wasteful, silly spending.
So I composed a tax system, that would put more, hard earned, trillions of dollars, into the hands of the people than ever. They all compose of serious cuts. Not tinkering. The government is not entitled to & does not own our money!
Please give me your thoughts, I know I'm going to get tons of hate, especially with my fellow occupiers, but it's Ok, This is about solutions:
• Income Tax - Eliminated - Alternative Minimum Tax also Eliminated.
• Payroll Tax - Eliminated
• Excises Tax's - Only cutting The Excise tax's on natural resources (Such as Coal, Gasoline, Diesel, Fuels, Oil, Jet Fuel.) Eliminated.
• Capitol Gains - 0% • Saving Tax - Eliminated • Dividends Tax - 0% • Allows American companies to Repatriate Capital without additional taxation.
• Estate Tax - 0%
Death Tax - Eliminated Inheritance Tax - Eliminated Gift Tax - Eliminated
Tax Credits & Incentive's:
• For Those under 35 who Opt-Out of The Transfer System (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, ect.)
• Those below the poverty line (U.S. poverty level for a family of 4 - $21834.)
• All Medical Expenses of all persons.
• Business Income Tax (Tax on company's or Corporate Tax):
• Good's Producing Sector:
Manufactures - 0% Construction - 2% Mining - 2% Agriculture - 0%
• Service Sector:
Services - (Example: Including Stores, Entertainment, Travel, Ect, Ect, Ect.) - 5%
Basic Materials - (Example: Oil & Gas Pipelines, Oil & Gas Drilling, Ect, Ect. - 3%
Consumer Goods - (Example: Appliance, Drinks, Sporting Goods, ect.) - 5%
Financial (Banks, Ect, ect, ect.) - 7%
Healthcare - 3%
Industrial Goods - (Lumber & Wood, Aerospace & Defense, Waste Management, Ect...) - 3%
Technology - 4%
Utilities - 3%
The amount of Capitol that would flow into the economy under this tax plan would be unconceivable. But, how do you finance these trillion dollar tax cuts? There is only one way. We must:
- The United States does not issue it's own currency. We must Take back the Monetary powers from the Federal Reserve banking cartel, thus getting out of this debt money system. All our money is issued at debt, at interest, if the people of this country & our congress take back this power & begin issuing a true United State Note we can pay off the national debt in full & the Federal Reserve building's can then be used at vaults for the new currency.
Take Abe Lincoln for example, he needed a way to finance the Civil War, so an advisor suggested "We can simply issue our own paper currency", As at time Gold & Silver were the only thing in circulation, but it was to scarce. The Value of Lincoln's new "Greenback" was in the good faith in the credit of the United States. The private bankers in the 1860's knew that if the U.S has control over it's currency & issued it debt free, it could free the world of the debt money system & the U.S could see true prosperity. Many say this is why Lincoln was killed. The greenback payed for the entire Civil War & there was a great time of wealth among the people.
"The Congress shall have the power to To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof." - U.S Constitution
We gave that power to a private bank, for private profit. If we take it back, we can finance Trillions in Infrastructure & Education Investment & much more. The getting out of the Debt Money Bondage is the key.
Here is a United States Note, or Greenback that President Abe initiated:
For an understanding of the Debt Money System watch the Best Monetary Documentary EVER:
Please share your thought's & ideas... And your hate, as i know I'll get some. :D
Now go back to the tea party, repelican.
I'm a Republican because I want people to keep the fruits of there labor?
Kinda sad... Somebody who does not want to government to tax the people of this country to death is of some affiliation with the Tea Party or Republicans, When I don't belong to any party...
You are a Republican because you don't want to pay for the level of government that is appropriate for the 21st century.
Hahaaaa. And your a sheep because your happy to hand over all your money to the government so they can waste it.
Soooooo, let me get this strait, I'm wrong, because, the 21st century requires that we pay tax's sky high, so that the government can finance 1.3 trillion dollar budget deficits & build 15 trillion dollar national debts, while the people lose there cars & houses because there getting drained of there money & losing there jobs.
So the 21st century requires i pay out half of my income, poor get large percentages of there wage withheld from them, and I can't keep the money I make from my investments. YOU DON'T WANT TO PAY THE TAX'S REQUIRED FOR THE 21st century LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT.
Oh, well, from what I can see the 21st century government spends 1.3 trillion more then it takes in & increases it's national debt by 10 trillion dollars, OH, BUT WE HAVE TO KEEP IT GOING, DEBT ISN'T THE PROBLEM, WE NEED MORE SPENDING.
OH NO, The people need to hand there money to the government out of the ass so they can pay for all the borrowing there doing!
It's not about me, I would give every dime I made to the government if every person in American didn't have to pay in income & payroll tax. I would feel accomplished to know poor people can live better lives & save & develop there lives...
How about this? A flat tax for all. By definition, it is fair.
But a family of 4, Married Parents & 2 kids, and a $50,000 income would pay about... $2,100. That's ok.... But still a tax on income, although it's simple as hell....
The Flat Tax would still give more income than this plan, a person who made 100,000 would pay about 15 thousand dollars.
Still a big tax on income. I don't want a tax on income at all.
Depends on the type & the percentage of the flat tax & the details.
There is also the fair tax. Which Eliminates all the taxs & there is only one consumption tax, or a 22 percent sales tax.
Yikes, I would be okay with just closing the tax loop holes.
That wouldn't do it, we would still be getting drained to fund government waste. What's your grief with it? Lol, are you making to much of your money back under it... "Yikes, the government won't be big enough", Lol...
This looks good. But to be passed into law we would need to vote out as many incumbents as possible. Only a ground swell of public support would make that possible. If one lawmaker could be found to run it through GAO for real numbers it would help.
You could get a crap load of people to support this. But only if you restore the money powers back to the people, if not, you can't finance a tax cut of this proportion.
And if a Congressperson didn't support it, they would be voting against the biggest tax cut in history & that will probably ever happen, As a result they could be labeled a big spender & it would not make them look good, and imagine the political attack ad's:
"Senator Dummy voted against the biggest tax cut in U.S history."
So you want almost no taxes at all? I agree with most of it but not the income taxes and the excises taxes
The income Tax was enacted in 1913, the same year as the Fed. It was just a government revenue stream to finance all the borrowing they were going to be doing from that point on.
Bankers know it's much more profitable lend to nations & kings, not only because the loans are bigger, but because the loans are secured by the nations tax's. This is why the Income tax was created.
If I said the government actually had no money they just control the stream of it. Would I be incorrect?
Not exactly. The government does not control the money at all, The Federal Reserve Does, and there a private entity who has no obligations or rules to report to the government, they have full monetary authority, we gave it to them in 1913.
Simply by contracting the money supply they can cause a depression, that's what they did in 1929. The government does not really have any money though, there stream of revenues is tax dollars which is our money.
So they don't control the stream of it, and they have no money.
Ok so I was half right. My apology for the mistake. Maybe disband the federal reserve and put some part of the government in charge of the money?
Yes that's what you want to do. Disband the Fed, Restore the money powers back to the people & ban fractional reserve lending (Which allow's banks to lend 10 times more then they actually have) If you want a full understanding, watch this documentary, you will fully understand after you watch it:
Yes No Income Tax's. ALL Person's should be able to keep the fruit's of there own labor. I grow 100 Fruits & The government takes half... I own the fruit's of that blood, sweat & tears in full. I should retain 100% of it, If you look at it by that principal, that means the government owns ALL of our money & we are only entitled to a certain percentage of it.
Excise Tax's will still exist. Just not on Natural Resources such as Gas & Coal, lowering the cost of living for people.
I wouldn't say no income taxes just halved or quartered and the same for excise taxes. Also under this the government would have to shrink the same amount as the taxes. It doesn't seem like there would be enough money in the system for military pensions.
I don't care for the government to take half my income or a quarter of it, it does not own any of it, the income tax isn't just at all... No income & payroll tax would Raise Savings, Lower cost's of living, and cause the economy to boom.
In order for the government to expand they must take in slightly more than they actually need right? And I don't mean to expand control. But to grow.
But we don't want government to grow, when a government get's to big it always expands it's control by intruding in economic affairs & the liberty of the people. There job isn't to be like a company & grow, they have a strict set of obligation, as given to the Federal Government by the constitution.
Provide for the national defense, promote the welfare & prosperity of the people, build infrastructure, coin money, make new law's that promote liberty & prosperity, but not a whole lot else.
And to be honest I'm just wondering how to do all of that with so little income. - That's how, watch it over a few days if you can, it's a few hours long.
Alright I'll try to get back to you in a couple of days.
I hope you have a wonderful time watching it. I did...... You will be a brainiac afterwards :P
Yeah I thought about that. But if the U.S Government has the power to coin it's own money, by creating & having full power of the United States Note, We can pay for all our obligations.
Just watch the video I have up there at the bottom, When you finish it, you will see things like never before. You will understand why we are in so much debt & that we could pay it all off in a year.
seize all corporations and and banks. that is the only solution.