Forum Post: My name is VIadimirMayakovsky and I am a crazy troll
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 1:59 a.m. EST by VIadimirMayakovsky
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's true
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 1:59 a.m. EST by VIadimirMayakovsky
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's true
You are just bored. You should go out and play with Mikey and Bill. Get some friends.
it really is tragic seeing people loose their minds.
"LOSE", stupid.
yes, lose. not like "loose change". thx for the spell check, it was around 2am here when i made the comment.
Here you go 'Vlad' : ;-)
& ...
You're a sociopath. Get some help.
"Sociopathy", may be one of his ailments but as evidenced by his subsequent posts below, "Schizophrenia" may well be another !
Indeed, perhaps he ought to have more accurately said :
"My name is VIadimirMayakovsky and I am a Crazy Trolling Schizophrenic ... but WE're NOT Really Sure"
ab absurdum ...
You mean your not the the real Georgian Bolshevik/ Poet, resurrected from the dead after shooting yourself in the head. Damn, I thought I was talking to a real celeb.
Pwn Lulz
Your Name Is NOT 'Vladimir Mayakovsky' [ ], but if you are having a melt down, I express sorrow and regret (but not contrition!) if I've had anything to do with it ( ) !
Calm Yourself ; Still Your Troubled Mind ; Get Out In The Daylight and do something nice for someone, watch them smile in appreciation and start changing your life small step by small step.
Go to OWS or your nearest 'Occupation' at GA time and engage with Other Human Beings ...
pax vobiscum.
30 comments and counting!!!
So let's just apply some elementary textual analysis to your professed opinions on , shall we 'Vlad' ?!
a) You say, "I always worked for a corporation. I have a little bit of investment income but that's small as I only invest in super safe low return investments. Like treasuries.". THEREFORE, we can deduce you're NOT really a 1%er ... you're really just a desperate wannabe, aren't you ?!
b) You say, "Anyone who pays taxes should have the right to influence (read 'buy') politicians" & "I think anyone who is taxed should be able to buy politicians" & "I prefer a country where business and individuals alike can spend money promoting any cause they want. That's freedom." REALLY ? How does that sit with "... as someone who believes in fairness" ?!!
c) You say, "On the issue of money, again, it is a form of free speech. If Soros can spend millions so should the Koch brothers." & "As I am a Democrat I respect Soros a lot". REALLY ?! 'Money is a from of free speech' is it ? So much for 'belief in fairness' ! So WTF kind of 'Democrat' are you ?!!!
d) You say, "The Chinese will never let total chaos happen and it (Shanghai) is a fine city to live in. More costly than where I live right now in the USA, but everything has its costs. I strongly encourage you to invest in China and learn Mandarin. That's the future." REALLY ?!! Do you think that your 1st, 2nd & 3rd loyalty is to MERE MONEY ?!!!!
You is a wannabe Kleptocrat, Plutocrat & Eugenicist ( ) and you disgust me. 'Vlad', you 'name-stealing' ( ) Money-Whore.
You sell your labour to whoever it is that sees fit to employ you (and are thus just another wage slave) and you have the f*kin' temerity to look down on other people ! I'm self-employed and live on my wits ... so I perhaps I should choose to look way down on you, U C_NT !!
However glib points aside, I'll be watching you as closely as my time and energies will allow because I take you to be an Excellent Representative Psychopath of The Actual 1% (though the true problem percentage is really way, way less than that). Indeed, I may well soon be writing an extensive post about just you and the people you are symptomatic off.
You can consider me your O.P.T. (Own Personal Troll) & P!SSING All Over You, will be my own personal service to 'OWS' and I look forward to emptying my metaphorical bladder on you as often as possible.
exitus acta probat ...
I agree on both points.
For a crazy troll, you do broach some interesting ideas.
... especially TO other "crazy trolls" !!!
Well done
I know but what is the purpose?
To Troll ... ?!
;-) and more interestingly ... .. fiat lux .
That is VIadimir with a Capital Eye, and not Vladimir with a small El. I remain the one and only original Vladimir with a small EI, and I am no crazy troll. I am just a run of the mill 1% American.
Schizophrenia, 'Vlad' ?
You "Crazy Troll" !
Run out of your Lithium Meds ... Again ?
Imbecile !
You are getting angry again.
lol ... no .. and ?
@ 'Vlad' : Impale yourself on and feel your fuzzy little head go ...
POP !!!
momento mori ...
What is a troll? A protester? Whats the point of an OWS protest if they dont protest in the face of people that dont believe in them. If we turn our back and dont watch them protest, what did they gain from protesting in front of themselves? They protest, we protest. They are miserable and want us to be miserable with them. If OWS didnt want attention from US, why did they start?